Genetic Architecture of Growth, Production And Reproduction In Black Bangal And Its Half- Bred Goats

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
1.Beetal halfbrede vere superior to Jamunapari halfbreds and purebred Black Bengal in body weights during early stages of growth. The superiority declined with age. (2)The results suggested need of special care to both the balfbrede during initial post-weaning period for maintaining proper growth. (3) Phenotypic correlation of 3-month body weight with other growth trait in later ages was high in magnitude and might be the appropriate weight for selection for maximizing the weights during later part of life in all the three genetic groups. (4) Due to high genetic correlation of 3-mouth body weight with other growth traits, selection for higher body weight could be made on 3-month body weight. (5) The estimates of genetic trends revealed consider able genetic improvement in most of the traits. But all these seemed to be aullified by environmental trend which were in opposite direction. As a result of this, the desirable increase in body weights of Black Bengal due to genetic trend could not be exploited phenotypically.