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Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan

Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, was established on 1st December, 1985 with the objective to promote education, research and extension education in the fields of Horticulture, Forestry and allied disciplines. Late Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar, the first Chief Minister and the architect of Himachal Pradesh perceived the importance of Horticulture and Forestry to develop and improve the State economy which led to the establishment of this University. Its history lies in erstwhile Himachal Agricultural College, Solan, established in 1962 and affiliated to the Panjab University. It became one of the campuses of Agriculture Complex of Himachal Pradesh University on its formation in 1970. Consequent upon the establishment of Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in 1978, this campus became its Horticulture Complex and finally in 1985, assumed the status of a State University, being the only University in the country engaged exclusively in teaching, research and extension in Horticulture and Forestry. The University is located at Nauni in Solan District of Himachal Pradesh, 13 km from Solan on Solan-Rajgarh Road, at an elevation of 1300 metres above mean sea level. Solan town is situated on national highway (NH-22) and is well connected by train and bus services. The University has four constituent colleges, out of which, two are located at the main campus Nauni, one for horticulture and the other for forestry, having 9 and 7 departments, respectively. The third College i.e., College of Horticulture & Forestry is located at Neri in Hamirpur District on Nadaun-Hamirpur state highway, about 6 Km from Hamirpur town and is well connected with bus service. The college offers three Undergraduate Degree Programmes i.e. BSc (Hons.) Horticulture, BSc (Hons.) Forestry and B. Tech. Biotechnology and MSc degree programme in a few subjects. The fourth college i.e. College of Horticulture and Forestry, Thunag (Mandi) is located at Thunag District Mandi. This college offer BSc (Hons.) Horticulture and BSc (Hons.) Forestry degree programme. In addition, there are five Regional Research Stations, 12 Satellite Stations and five Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) situated in different zones of the State.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    GENETIC DIVERSITY OF INDIAN WILLOW (Salix tetrasperma Roxb.)
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Genetic Diversity of Indian Willow (Salix tetrasperma Roxb.)” was carried out in the Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, Dr Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (H.P.) during 2015-2019 to assess the genetic diversity among various genotypes through morphological and molecular markers. Genotypes of the species from northern India were evaluated in common garden experiment. These were grouped into five latitudinal and four altitudinal ranges for morphological study and five populations for studying population diversity and structure. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among genotypes, sites, latitudes and altitude ranges for all the traits. The plant height, basal diameter and biomass characters were recorded maximum for Suhanpur site.Number of nodes, internodal length and root length was recorded maximum for Devamanal, Rupnagar and Chamba sites, respectively. Udaipur and Bhunter sites recorded maximum foliage durations and sprouting days, respectively. Whereas, Devamanal site showed longest lamina and leaf length and Udaipur recorded maximum breadth of lamina. Dasua recorded maximum petiole length and Udaipur highest leaf area. Numbers of leaf teeth were observed maximum for Jammu site. The variability estimates exhibited high variability, high heritability along with genetic advance as percentage of mean. Linear regression analysis depicted that only characters foliage duration, leaf area and root length were under the influence of latitude. Whereas basal diameter, internodal length, number of nodes, maximum breadth of lamina, leaf area and all the biomass characters were affected by altitude. Principal component analysis extracted 82.85 percent of the total variance in five components. In genetic divergence studies 21 sites could be grouped into three clusters based on Ward’s method, separating sites of Punjab and Rajasthan from others. UPGMA dendrogram categorized all the genotypes used into five, four and three clusters with RAPD, ISSR and SSR markers, respectively. RAPD primers viz., OPC-02, OPL-08, OPL-09, OPA-01, DECA7, OPS-07, OPA-02; ISSR primers viz., UBC835, 814, ISSR1, ISSR7, 840, ISSR94, ISSR98, ISSR91 and SSR primers viz., SB100, ORPM28, ORPM21, WPMS18, WPMS03, ORPM488, ORPM496, PTR1 were found to be desirable due to higher polymorphic information content, marker index, resolving power, expected heterozygosity and are further suggested for genetic differentiation studies in willows. Higher observed heterozygosity than expected heterozygosity and negative fixation index through SSR markers confirmed outcrossing nature of the species. Phi-statistics of ISSR and F- Statistics of SSR revealed more variation among individuals within populations than among populations. The genetic differentiation (Fst) was significant and moderate with ISSR (0.138) and SSR (0.081) markers. Pairwise population of gene flow (Nm) values based on Fst values among populations showed the effect of geographic distance on migration of alleles. Pairwise population matrix of Nei genetic distance was obtained maximum between JK and HP1 populations. Bayesian clustering pattern through STRUCTURE software was supported by scatter plot diagram of principal coordinate analysis and dendrogram of molecular and morphological data.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    DEVELOPMENT OF HYBRIDS IN Bauhinia variegata
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Development of hybrids in Bauhinia variegata L.” was carried out in the Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, Dr Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (H.P.) during 2015-2017. Plant material of 5 genotypes involving parents NA-7, PI-28, SU-11, JA-1 and DH-27 were taken from the already raised progeny trial of the species and control crosses (hybrids) were developed using 5×5 full diallel (including reciprocals) mating design. Seedlings of control crosses and parents were raised in the polybags in RBD with three replications. Various pod, seed and seedling characters were evaluated through heterosis, combining ability and gene action. The analysis of variance revealed considerable variability for different characters. Per cent successful crosses were highest (24.00%) in NA-7×PI-28, NA-7×SU-11, SU-11×NA-7 and SU-11×PI-28 and lowest (16.00%) were in NA-7× DH-27, SU11× JA-1, SU-11×DH-27 and DH-27×JA-1. Among parents maximum survival per cent was recorded in parents NA-7 and DH-27 i.e. 100.00 per cent whereas minimum in SU-11 (76.67%). Among crosses PI-28×NA-7, PI28×SU-11, DH-27×NA-7, NA-7×SU-11, DH-27×PI-28, SU-11×DH-27 and JA-1×DH-27 recorded maximum (86.67%) survival whereas minimum (43.44%) survival was noted in DH-27×JA-1. Full diallel analysis for combining ability revealed that NA-7 and PI-28 were found good general combiners for most of the characters. On the basis of mean performance, heterosis over better parent and significant desirable SCA effects for morphological characters the cross combinations NA-7×PI-28 (direct cross) and PI-28×NA-7 (reciprocal cross) were found to be the most promising. The pod length, pod width and number of seeds per pod showed the predominance of additive gene action in controlling the expression of these characters. Both the GCA and SCA variances were highly significant for seed weight per pod, seed width and seed length indicating the existence of variability due to both additive and non-additive (dominant or epistatic) gene(s) effects. The GCA: SCA (ơ2g/ ơ2s) ratio indicated the importance of additive gene action over non-additive gene action governing these characters. Seedling height and collar diameter revealed the predominant role of additive gene action in governing these characters. Both GCA and SCA variances were significant for number of leaves per plant, petiole length, leaf area, number of branches per plant and internodal length indicating the existence of variability due to both additive and non-additive (dominance and/or epistasis) gene(s) effects. The estimates of GCA: SCA (ơ2g/ ơ2s) ratio indicated the importance of non-additive gene action over additive genetic gene action governing these characters. Significantly high reciprocal variance was found in number of leaves per plant. Out of 19 RAPD primers three were successful in confirming hybridity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled Structure and Composition of woody elements in Tirthan and Sainj valley of Great Himalayan National Park at Kullu, Himachal Pradesh” was carried out in three different elevation i.e. Lower zone (1500-2000 m.), Mid zone (2000-2500 m.) and Upper zone (2500-3000 m.) of Tirthan and Sainj valley separately in Great Himalayan National Park. In every elevational zone, 12 quadrats of 10 m X 10 m (100 sq m) size determined by species area curve method were randomly laid to study tree species. In each quadrat, a sub-quadrat of 5m X 5m (25 sq m) size for study of shrubs and sub-quadrat of 2 x 2 m (4 sq m) to record natural regeneration was selected. The generic spectrum of vegetation in Tirthan and Sainj valley of Great Himalayan National Park comprised of 156 woody elements which included 58 tree species and 98 shrub species. Tirthan valley was comprised of 113 woody elements where as in Sainj valley total of 95 woody elements were reported, hence in terms of floral composition Tirthan valley was rich. In both Tirthan and Sainj valley, number of forest species decreased periodically from lower elevation to upper elevation. Tree density (Individual/ha.) in Tirthan valley was 683.33, 758.34 and 816.67 for lower zone, mid zone and upper zone respectively. Likewise in Sainj valley it was 716.67 for lower zone, 791.67 for mid zone and 836.67 for upper zone. In Tirthan mean density of tree vegetation increased along elevation, Similar results in the forest of Sainj valley also. The shrub density (Individual/ha.) in Tirthan was 2866.67, 1900, 2866.67 for lower, mid and upper zone respectively while in Sainj it was 2400 for lower, 1766.67 for mid and 1133,33 for upper zone of the valley. In both the valleys of GHNP shrub vegetation decreased along the elevation. In both the case of tree and shrub vegetation, density was correlated with avg. basal area. In Tirthan valley, Pinus wallichiana at lower zone (IVI 58.7), Picea smithiana at mid zone (IVI 50.43), Quercus semecarpifolia at upper zone (IVI 70.79) were the dominant tree species. Likewise in Sainj valley dominant tree species at lower zone was Cedrus deodara (IVI 64.62), at mid zone was Abies Pindrow (IVI 65.39) while at upper zone was Quercus semecarpifolia with IVI 81.41. In shrub layer of Tirthan forest, dominant species at lower zone was Desmodium triflorum, at mid zone was Indigofera heterantha while at upper zone it was Rosa sericea. In Sainj valley Rubus ellipticus, Sorbaria tomentosa and Rosa sericea were the dominant shrub species at lower, mid and upper elevations respectively. In case of both trees and shrubs vegetation, Sorenson’s and Jaccard’s indices of similarity showed maximum per cent of similarity in same altitudinal ranges. Most of the tree and shrub species were characterized by contagious type of distribution while random and regular patterns were recorded for few species only present at different altitudinal ranges of Tirthan and Sainj valley. Natural regeneration at different elevation of Tirthan and Sainj valley revealed, Maximum regeneration success at mid altitudinal range among all the three elevations. The primary data for DBH of trees present at different elevational zone of Tirthan and Sainj valley was subjected to find out the expected number of trees in each diameter class and its significance was tested by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic. Gamma distribution was observed best fitted for lower elevation of both the valleys, weibull was best fitted for mid and upper elevation of Tirthan valley while, normal and lognormal were best fitted for mid and upper zone of Sainj valley respectively to estimate the number of trees in various diameter classe
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Studies on combining ability, gene action and heterosis in Bauhinia variegata L” was carried out in the Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, Dr Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni, Solan (H.P.) during 2016-2018. Plant material of 10 genotypes involving 6 female (P3,P8,P16,P24,P27and P32) and 4 male (P12,P13,P14 and P17) were taken from the already raised progeny trial of the species and control crossed using Line x Tester (6 x 4 factorial) mating design. Seedlings of control crosses were raised in the nursery in RBD and were evaluated for morphological and growth characters. Per cent successful cross was highest in P32 × P17 (62.50 %) and minimum in P8 × P13 (13.33 %). Maximum number of seeds per pod (9.97) was recorded in cross P 16 × P 12. Maximum germination percentage (94.12) in cross P3 x P12 and survival percentage (96.30) in P16 × P13 was recorded. Line x tester analysis for combining ability revealed that lineP16followed byP32,P27and P3and testerP17 followed byP14were found to be good general combiners. On the basis of heterosis over better parent, mean performance and significant desirable SCA effects for morphological and growth characters, the combinations P16 × P14,P32×P17 and P3 × P17were found to be the most promising families. The estimates of SCA variance (δ2SCA) were more than the GCA variance (δ2GCA) for most of the characters except forcollar diameter and number of branches. The gene action study revealed the importance of both additive as well as non-additive gene effects in the inheritance with preponderance of non-additive gene action. The proportional contribution of lines was higher than individual contribution of testers or line × tester interaction except for plant height, leaf area, internodal length, root fresh weight and root dryweight. Out of 25 RAPD primers fiveprimers weresuccessful in verifying hybridity. Signature of the Student Signature of Major Advisor (Tesfaye Ashine) (Dr. IK Thakur) Date:
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The present investigations entitled “Seed Source Studies in Wild Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) in Himachal Pradesh” was carried out in the Department of Tree improvement and Genetic Resources, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni, Solan (HP) during 2017-2018 with the aim to evaluate the seed sources on the basis of phenotypic characters, morphometric characters, seed traits, fruit characteristics and nursery stage growth performance of the half sibs. Present study was conducted by selecting five trees each of the ten seed sources namely Narag (S1) and Neripul (S2) district Sirmour, Waknaghat (S3) and Sadhupul (S4) district Solan, Basantpur (S5) district Shimla, Sundernagar (S6), Rewalsor (S7) and Aut (S8) district Mandi, Mohal (S9) and Banjar (S10) district Kullu. Phenotypic studies revealed that Neripul (Sirmour) seed source had higher phenotypic values as compared to other seed sources. Leaf morpholological and morphometric characteristics were maximum in Sadhupul (Solan) with higher leaf area value of 12.66 cm2 and Mohal (Kullu) with maximum leaf petiole 0.5 cm which was significantly higher than other seed sources. Sundernagar (Mandi) seed source have shown highest (70.46 %) germination percentage followed by Basantpur (Shimla) with the value of 67.71 %. Fruit characteristics were found better from Banjar (Kullu) seed source because of larger fruit size having the average fruit length and breadth of 38.83 mm and 39.53 mm respectively. The biochemical analysis for fruit pulp revealed that Sundernagar seed source was best for TSS and sugars followed by Rewalsor, Banjar and Basantpur seed sources. For nursery stage growth performance seedlings height was found maximum (56.63 cm) in Waknaghat (Solan) seed source followed by Sundernagar which is significantly lower values (56.00 cm) for height. Among all the half sibs Banjar (Kullu) seed source had minimum seedling height. Important traits like 100 dry seed weight was found maximum in Neripul (Sirmour) with the value of 3.53 g which was highest among other seed sources. High heritability and genetic gain was found in seedling height (0.9, 64.82 %), tree height (0.98, 42.08 %), seed germination (41.64 % genetic gain), fresh fruit weight (0.35, 26.65 %). The findings of the study on fruit quality, seed traits and seedling performance indicate that significant gains can be achieved through selections at seed source level but individual tree selections can be exercised for fruit characters as a basis of the tree improvement and breeding program of wild pomegranate.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Assessment of variability in different clones of Morus alba L.” was carried out in the Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan during the year 2016-2018 to assess the variability among different clones for various morphometric characters and seasonal variation in fodder quality characters. The study revealed that different clones varied significantly with respect to morphometric traits, mineral nutrients and proximate composition. Mineral nutrients and proximate composition showed significant seasonal variation for two selected seasons. Best performance was shown by Tr10 followed by S146 and Mandaley for morphometric traits and Tr10 followed by S799 for fodder traits. It also became apparent from the study that mineral nutrient content viz. nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus decreased with the progress of season however, proximate composition values like dry matter, crude fibre, ether extract and total ash content showed significant increase with the progress of season whereas, crude protein and nitrogen free extract content decreased. High estimates of heritability were recorded for leaf area (0.99), lamina length (0.93) and green leaf yield (0.92). Significant and positive correlations were found among lamina width, lamina length, petiole length and leaf area. Petiole length and crown area also exhibited significant and positive correlation with green leaf yield. On the basis of crude protein content and green leaf yield clones Tr10, S36, S146, S1531 and Berhampore were found better as compared to others.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Nursery evaluation of Populus deltoides Bartr. hybrid clones” was carried out in the Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry Nauni, Solan (HP) during 2016-2018. The twenty hybrid clones developed by UHF, Nauni, and two controls were planted at a spacing of 60 X 60 cm in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications and were evaluated for morphometric characters at nursery stage. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among clones for all the traits. On the basis of mean values of growth characteristics, some best performing clones were identified viz. Kranti X 39N (17-5), S1 X S7C11 (11-4), S1 X 17/92 (9-4), S1 X S7C4 (5-3) etc. and field testing is suggested for these clones. Quantitative leaf characteristics were also evaluated as determinants of productivity. Qualitative descriptors were prepared for poplar clones based on leaf, stem and branch characters. Estimation of genetic components was carried out which revealed high heritability and high genetic gain in plant height, collar diameter, bud length and leaf area. All growth traits were positively correlated with each other as well as with most of the leaf traits. On the basis of clustering, twenty-two clones were distributed in three clusters suggesting inter-cluster crossing would be effective in future breeding programs.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The study entitled “Progeny analysis in Wild Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)” was conducted in the Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources during the year 2015-17 with the aim to evaluate the selected parent trees, fruits and nursery performance of the half sibs and full progeny. Selection of the trees based on fruit characteristics and pedigree analysis of hybrids using RAPD from the promising progenies. Three locations were randomly selected viz. Tatool (L1) district Solan, Narag (L2) and Daron (L3) district Sirmour (H.P). The fruit samples from Tatool location proclaimed assuring fruit length (56.36 mm) and width (53.30 mm) in tree number 2 with ovate shape which also has a promising average fruit weight of 47.43 g greater than the mean of all the locations with a desirable TSS value of 17.13. Maximum value in fruit traits were obtained from open pollination as compared to controlled cross combination for all the characters except fruit weight and fresh seed weight with aril. The maximum fresh seed weight with aril was recorded from genotype L3T2 having ovate fruits. The nursery stage growth of the half sib seedlings from L3T3 and L3T5 have shown promising mean height of 62.05 cm and highest mean collar diameter of 5.32 mm respectively. So, the half sibs from Daron location performed best for seedling height as compared to the half sibs from other location. The fruit borer incidence of 9.67 % was recorded from Daron location tree number 1, bearing oval fruits followed by two other genotype with oval shape also resulted in lesser incidence of the borer. The highest titrable acidity was recorded from genotype L3T3 with elliptical shape which is beneficial for Anardana/condiments processing. The tree genotypes bearing ovate and elliptical shaped fruits can be preferred for better fruit size selection. High heritability was observed for percent germination and seedling height at six month age. Reputed fresh weight of seed without aril and germination percent was observed in L2T2 X L3T3 crosses indicating favourable growth of the seedlings. The cross combination L1T1 X L2T1 has proved to be better with respect to fruit quality biochemical estimates. The fruit from the crosses viz. L2T4 X L2T1 and L2T2 X L2T1 have shown lesser incidences of the borer attack. High genotypic coefficient of variability, heritability, genetic advance and genetic gain were observed for fresh weight of fruit, fresh rind weight, rind thickness and number of leaves per seedlings. The hybrids so obtained were tested for their pedigree using 21 RAPD markers of which 3 primers revealed the clue for hybridity. RAPD banding pattern obtained after the amplification of genomic DNA of parent trees and their seven hybrids expressed the similar patterns.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The study entitled “Morphogenetic Variation of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in Spiti Valley of Himachal Pradesh” was conducted during the year 2014-17 with the aim to evaluate morphological variation, variation in fodder quality traits, variation in physical and chemical characteristics of berries, seed oil and deoiled cake and and molecular characterization of morphovariants using RAPD of different gene pools of Hippophae rhamnoides under different gene pool areas and growing conditions. Nine gene pool areas and three growing conditions within gene pool areas selected for the study showed wide variation among different morphological, fodder quality traits, physical and chemical characteristics of berries, seed oil and deoiled cake. Morphological traits (plant height, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaf density, no. of thorn, 100 fruits fresh weight, fruit diameter and 100 seed weight) differed positively significant among the gene pool areas and growing conditions, except branch length. All proximate leaf composition (100 leaf fresh weight, 100 leaf dry weight, crude fiber, crude protein and total ash) and mineral nutrient (nitrogen, potassium, calcium and magnesium) compositions showed significant difference between the gene pool areas and growing conditions for all the parameters except for leaf dry matter content and phosphorus. All physical and chemical characteristics of berries (pulp%, ascorbic acid and total sugar content), per cent seed oil, physico-chemical traits of oil (specific gravity, acid value, iodine value and saponification value) and deoiled seed cake (protein content, starch content and total sugar content) showed significant under different gene pool areas and growing conditions for all the traits, except for physical characteristics (refractive index and specific gravity) of seed oil. The RAPD fragments obtained after the amplification of genomic DNA for 27 genotypes. Total 89 RAPD markers were amplified and 71 out of 89 were found to be polymorphic in nature. The size range of polymorphic bands was 100 bp to 2,500 bp. The Jaccard's similarity correlation coefficient values ranged from 0.520 to 0.879. The highest value (0.879) was found between 87.9 per cent was found between GPA3GC1 and GPA3GC2 followed by 0.853 between GPA4GC1 and GPA8GC1 genotypes. In overall, GPA4 (Schilling) gene pool area proved to be the best among different gene pool areas on the basis of fodder quality traits. GPA3 (Sheigo) was found to be best in all gene pool areas for physical and chemical characteristics of berries, seed oil and deoiled seed cake. Among different growing conditions, GC3 (Crop Land) growing condition was found to be top ranking for most of morphological traits, fodder quality traits, and physical and chemical characteristics of berries, seed oil and deoiled seed cake. So Seabuckthorn can be used as agroforestry crop in different systems and designs. Based on the morphological variation, variation in fodder quality traits, variation in physical and chemical characteristics of berries, seed oil and deoiled cake observations it was evident that large diversity exists in naturally growing populations of Hippophae rhamnoides in the Spiti Valley of Himachal Pradesh, and this morphological variation can be exploited for the further selection of suitable genotypes to accelerate the domestication process of this important species.