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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Department of Veterinary Anatomy Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut 250110 U.P. Name :Rupam Sinha I.D. No. :PG/V-5420/20 Advisor :Prabhakar Kumar Degree :PhD Semester :1st Year of Admission : 2020 Major : Veterinary Anatomy Minor :Veterinary Physiology Thesis Title :Gross Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical Studies on Gastrointestinal Tract of Japanese Quail, Kadaknath Fowl and Domestic Turkey. ABSTRACT The gross anatomical, histological and histochemical studies were conducted on the gastrointestinal tract of each seven birds of Japanese Quail, Kadaknath Fowl and Domestic Turkey. The precrop esophagus was longer and broader than the postcrop esophagus in Kadaknath Fowl whereas in Japanese Quail and in Domestic Turkey it was shorter. The proventriculus was small, elongated, spindle shaped, thick walled tube located just after tracheal bifurcation slightly towards the left of the median plane. Gizzard was thick walled muscular, biconvex disk shaped organ found at caudal part of stomach connected anterolaterally with proventriculus in blind sac and with duodenum on ventral to proventricular opening. The duodenum began from the pyloric end of stomach passed backward towards leftside and upward formed U shaped loop and comes anteriorly as asending limb to be open at initial end of jejunum. Two bile duct and one pancreatic ducts opened into the duodenum of Japanese Quail, three bile ducts with two pancreatic duct in Kadaknath Fowl and one bile duct with two pancreatic duct were found in Domestic Turkey. Jejunum was the longest part of small intestine forming loops attached by mesentery. Meckel’s diverticulum was not observed in Japanese Quail, while observed in Kadaknath Fowl and Domestic Turkey associated with jejunum. Ileum was the caudal most part of small intestine connected with ileocaeco-colorectic junction. Paired caeca arised from ventro-lateral aspect of digestive tract at ileo-caeco-colorectic junction. The colorectum a straight and caudal most part of gastrointestinal tract that 205 opened into cloaca. Histologically all the segments of gastrointestinal tracts consisted of four tunics with structural variation in segments. The precrop esophagus was lined by non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium Japanese quail and simple branched tunulo-alveolar to simple branched tubular glands in Domestic turkey. Histological features of crop was similar to precrop esophagus with reduced number of glands. Proventriclus mucosa was lined by simple columnar epitheilum below which lamina propria with presence of collagen and reticular fibers and other components connective tissue was observed. The submucosal glands were branched tubular in nature with difference in shape of lobule among in the birds. Tunica muscularis was consisted of inner longitudinal and outer circular muscle layers. The luminal side of gizzard was covered with koilin membrane which had difference in orientation among studied birds. All segments of small intestine were lined by simple columnar epithelium and there was presence of villi which decreased in heght from duodenum to ileum. Tunica muscularis consisted of inner circular and outer longitudinal layer. Histological variations were observed in the proximal, middle and apical parts of caecum of all three birds. Longest villi were in proximal part followed by middle and apical parts. Lamina propria had intestinal glands were lined by simple columnar epithelium surrounded by lamina propria composed of connective tissue cells and fibers while the lamina muscularis was thin and passed upto the core of the villi as previous segments while the tunica muscularis and serosa was as previous segments composed of inner circular and outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle fibers. The relative occurrence of numbers of goblet cells gradually increased caudally and minimum in duodenum and maximum in colo-rectum. Intense reaction for PAS positive substance was observed in the lining epithelium of oesophagus, proventriculus, gizzard and intestine. The glandular epithelial cells of mucosa of oesophagus showed intense reaction for PAS. The koilin of gizzard showed moderate to intense reaction for PAS positive substance of which all the vertical rodlets and the prominent horizontal matrix showed intense reaction whereas the other part of koilin showed moderate reaction. At these places the reaction for PAS positive substance was moderate to intense in Kadaknath Fowl and Domestic Turkey. At the junction of mucosal epithelium and koilin the intensity of reaction was relatively more pronounced. Koilin layer showed negative to faint reaction for acid mucopolysaccharides in Japanese 206 Quail and Kadaknath Fowl while in Domestic Turkey reaction was mild to moderate. Intense reaction for the presence of acid mucopolysccharides was observed in the glands present in lamina propria of esophagus in all three bird species. Feulgen’s reaction for nucleic acid was mild to moderate in the nucleus of lining epithelial cells and glandular epithelial cells in different segments of gastrointestinal tracts. There were some variations in structure of different segments of gastrointestinal tract recorded by gross anatomical, histological and histochemical observations. These structural variations between the bird species might be responsible for their adaptability and functional peculiarity. (Prabhakar Kumar) (Rupam Sinha) Advisor Author