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Articles (1.Journal)


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  • ArticleItemOpen Access
    (Global Impact Factor, 2018-06) Yasothai, R.; TANUVAS
    India, the spice bowl of the world with more than 50 varieties of spices being produced. The total production of spices in India is estimated at 5.8 million tonnes and it accounts for over 45 percent of the world spice trade by volume and value. Fenugreek, an important spice was produced to the tune of 1.279 lakh tonnes in the year 2010-11. Rajasthan accounts for 74% of the fenugreek seed produced in India (Anonymous, 2010a).
  • ArticleItemOpen Access
    A Note on Antibiogram of Organisms Causing Clinical Mastitis
    (Indian Vet. J., 1991-09) Roy, Parimal; Doraisamy, K.A.; Ramaswamy, V.; TANUVAS
    Mastitis is among the major diseases, which causes heavy economic loss to the dairy industry. As early as 1962, the loss to dairy industry in India due to mastitis was estimated to be Rs. 52.9 crores. (Dhanda and Sethi, 1962). Besides causing drastic loss in milk yield, mastitis renders the milk unsuitable for preparation of milk products in dairy technology.
  • ArticleItemOpen Access
    Enterobacteria Associated with Enteritis in Goats and their Antibiotic Spectra
    (Indian J. Anim. Hlth., 1992-06) Ramaswamy, V.; Ganesan, P.I.; Roy, Parimal; Andrew, M. Joseph; Saravanabava, K.; Venugopalan, A.T.; TANUVAS
    A study was undertaken to find out the common enterobacteria associated with enteritis in goats of this part of the country. One hundred and seventeen rectal swabs from clinical cases were examined. Enterobacteria were isolated from 48.71% of animals examined, and of which Escherichia coli was the commonest [82.46%]. The organisms in general were resistant to sulphadiazine, oxytetracycline, ampicillin and sensitive to tobramycin, kanamycin besides other drugs.