Utility of Nutraceuticals in the Managenment of Cardiac and Renal Diseases

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Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University , Bidar
The present study on nutraceuticals was carried out with the objectives to evaluate the utility of nutraceuticals L- carnitine and fish oil in the cardiac diseases of dogs and fish oil in renal diseases of dogs. Cardiac insufficiency animals divided into 3 groups (regular treatment, regular treatment with L- carnitine and regular treatment with fish oil) and renal insufficiency divided into 2 groups (regular treatment and regular treatment with fish oil). The study indicated that occurrence of cardiac disease was high in male dogs than female dogs. Age-wise occurrence was more in dogs between 8-13 years of age. Breed wise occurrence indicated it was high in Labrador Retriever followed by Golden Retriever, Dachshund, German Shepherd, Neopolian Mastiff, Spitz, Non Descript and Cocker Spaniel. The characteristic clinical signs observed were coughing, exercise intolerance, ascites, anorexia, dyspnoea, edema of limbs, pale mucus membrane and cyanosis. The ECG findings were Sagging of ST segment, Tall QRS complex, Q dip, Ppulmonale, Tall-T wave, Deep S wave and Ventricular Premature Complexes. There was no statistical significance in serum creatinine level and hematological findings (TLC, Hb and PCV) except significance difference in TEC between fish oil group and control group. The resolution of clinical signs was faster in the groups which received nutraceutical than the group which did not receive nutraceutical. Group which received L- carnitine showed better improvement than the group which received fish oil. The clinical signs observed in renal disease were anorexia, vomition, melena. Stomatitis, recumbancy and hematemisis. The leukogram indicated leucocytosis and TEC, Hb and PCV were below normal range. There was progressive increase in serum creatinine level in control group. Mean ± SE of serum creatinine in fish oil group was 4.0 ±0.19. All the animals of Group I and II did not survive so we could not evaluate the nutraceuticals in renal diseases of dogs.
P.G. Thesiis
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