Management of Bovine Reproduction with Dinoprost in Dairy Farms around Ranchi

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Studies on incidence of infertility and various types of infertility in cattle were conducted in 34 farms, categorised according to the strength of animals. Out of 731 animals, 327 cases (44.73 %) of infertility were recorded. No effect of herd size was observed on the incidence of infertility in heifers and cows. Likewise, incidence of infertility separately in heifers and cows was 51.22 per cent and 43.42 per cent respectively with no significant difference. With respect to types of infertility in cattle, the incidence of true anestrus was the highest (26.41 %) followed by apparent anestrus (24.63 %) but they also did not differ significantly. Similarly, the incidence of true anestrus in heifers was highest (53.97 %) followed by apparent anestrus (25.40%) and they differed significantly. In cows, the incidence of true anestrus (20.83%) and apparent anestrus (21.60 %) was almost equal and the difference was non-significant. Postpartum reproduction management in 20 cows was conducted by ad ministering 25 mg Dinoprost intramuscularly within 6 hours of parturition. Lower incidence of retention of fetal membranes(15.00 %) was noted in 'Dinoprost' treated group, than the control group (50.00%). Both the groups differed significantly ( p<0.05) . No significant effect of 'Dinoprost' was observed with respect to reduction in diameter of cervix and uterine cornua of treated cows. Postpartum estrus interval was significantly shorter(p <0.01) in treated group than that of untreated groups. Similarly, the postpartum fertile estrus inter val was also significantly shorter (P < 0.01) in treated cows than than of untreated cows. The conception rate was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in treated cows (70.00%) as compared to untreated cows (33.33%). Two injections of 'Dinoprost' (25 mg each) at 11 days interval was administered intramuscularly to 50 apparent anestrus cows. Forty six cows (92.00 %) came into heat within 96 hours of treatment which was significantly higher (p <0.01) than that of control group (38.88 %). The overall conception rate in the treated group (80.43%) was significantly higher (p <0.01) than that of control group (42.86%). With the same treatment schedule 73.68 per cent of apparent anestrus buf faloes came into heat as compared to 38.46 per cent of untreated controls and the difference was significant (p < 0.05) The overall conception rate was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the treated buffaloes (71.43 %) than that of control group (20.00 %). Early detection of non-pregnancy was performed by Prostaglandin Induced Milk Flow Test (PG-IMFT) using 2.5 mg 'Dinoprost' intravenously and let down of milk was observed. The drug was administered on days 20-22, 30 and 40-45 post insemination. Estrus animals were included as control. The pregnancy was confirmed by per rectal palpation 45-50 days post insemi nation. The test was accurate in 88.23, 84.21 and 68.75 per cent on days 40-45, 30 and 20-22 post insemination respectively in positive cases whereas accuracy was 100.00 per cent in negative cases (non-pregnancy). Overall economic gain in postpartum reproduction management in cattle was Rs. 3017.38 per cow. In the management of apparent anestrus, the gain was Rs. 2156.58 per cow and Rs. 2043.02 per buffalo.