Therapeutic efficacy of Coriandrum sativum in Bovine Sub-clinical mastitis

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
The present study was conducted to assess the prevalence, epidemiological risk factors, diagnosis and therapeutic efficacy of Coriandrum sativum in sub-clinical mastitis of lactating cows in and around Ranchi district of Jharkhand. A total of 112 lactating cows and 444 quarter samples were screened on the basis of Mastrip, MWST, CMT, SFMT and were confirmed by SCC and cultural examination. Data regarding infected quarter, herd size, parity, stage of lactation, age, milk yield, housing system and managemental practices were recorded during sampling. The overall prevalence of sub-clinical mastitis on cow basis was 53.57% and that on quarter basis was recorded as 16.89%. The prevalence of SCM in left fore, left hind, right fore and right hind quarters was 15.17%, 20.00%, 14.41% and 18.02% respectively. Herd wise prevalence of SCM in organized and unorganized herds on cow basis was 49.32% and 61.54%% which on quarter basis was 14.04% and 22.37% respectively. Parity wise prevalence of SCM in Ist, IInd, IIIrd and >IIIrd lactation was 40.00, 48.15, 62.07 and 61.29 percent respectively on cow basis, while the same was recorded as 12.00, 17.59, 18.10 and 19.17 percent respectively on quarter basis. Prevalence of SCM with regards to early, mid and late stage of lactation (animal wise) was penned as 75.60, 48.64 and 32.35 percent, whereas 20.24, 15.75 and 14.07 pecent respectively on quarter basis. It was found 58.97%, 76.31% and 22.85% prevalent in cows of 8 years of age respectively whereas that in quarters were noted as 19.09%, 21.15% and 9.56% respectively. The prevalence of SCM was found increased with increase in milk yield. It was recorded 34.21% in cows with low yield (15lts) cows. Similarly the prevalence was 13.81, 16.88 and 20.29 percent respectively on quarter basis.
Therapeutic efficacy of Coriandrum sativum in Bovine Sub-clinical mastitis