Effect of Post - Harvest Application of Calcium Salts And Ga3 on Storage Behaviour of Mango (Mangifera Indica L. ) Cv Langra

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Mango (manigifere indical) is the national fruit of India and also acknowledged as “King of Fruits”. The mango fruits are highly perishable and can not be stored for long as it becomes over ripe and are spoiled within 7-8 days under ambient condition .Hence,an experiment entitled “Effect of post-harvest application of calcium salts and GA3 on storage behavior of mango cv. Langra was conducted during June 2003 in the laboratory of Dept. of Hort.BAU Ranchi .The Langra fruits after harvesting were dipped for 5 minutes in 1% and 2% solution of Cacl2,Caso4,Ca(No3), & Cao, and 100 &200 ppm solution of GA3 along with dipping in plain water as control. Thus, the experiment was consisted eleven treatments replicated three times in completely Randomized Design. Dipping fruits in 1% Ca(No3)2 solution, significantly reduced post –harvest loss and spoilage percentage of fruits which was followed by dipping in GA3 200ppm .Marketing of fruits was greatly influenced by post –harvest application of different chemicals. Langra fruits dipped in GA3 200ppm exhibited highest percentage of marketing followed by fruits dipped in 1% Ca(No3)2.Similarly rate of ripening was decreased in different treatments in comparison to control. The slowest rate of ripening was visualized in Langra fruits dipped in GA3 200ppm followed by Ca(No3)2 at 1%. TSS of mango fruits increased continuously during storage. After reaching highest level it declined afterward on prolongation of storage. Fruits treated with Ca(No3)2 retained significantly highest level of TSS followed by TSS followed by GA3 200 ppm on 13th day of storage. Acidity of fruits decreased gradually under all the treatments with advancement of storage. Ca(No3)2 at 1% was significantly effective in retaining the acidity of Langra fruits followed by GA3 200 ppm. The ascorbic acid contant of Langra fruits decreased gradually. Post harvest application of GA3 2ppm significantly retained higher ascorbic acid followed by Ca(No3)2 at1%. The reducing, non-reducing & total sugar of Langra fruits showed interesting trend upto certain period during storage and after that it started declining. Langra fruits dipped in GA3 200ppm and Ca(No3)2 at 1% showed increasing reducing, non –reducing and total sugar upto 13th day of storage while control fruits attained highest level on 9th day and then declined during storage.TSS/Acid ratio of langra fruits increased gradually during storage under all the treatment.Ca(No3)2 at 1% and GA3 200ppm was effective in slowing rate of increase of TSS/Acid ratio. Thus,post harvest application reflected that dipping of Langra mango fruits in Ca(No3)2 at 1% of Ga3 200ppm was effective in maintaining quality attributes like TSS, acidity ascordic acid reducing non reducing and total sugar etc of fruits during storage and reduced physiological loss in weight and spoilage to a greater extent and delayed the ripening for 4days and improved the marketability .