Genetic Studies on Some Economic Traits With Special Reference To Effect Of Inbreeding In Pigs

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
1 Genetic group had significant influence on all the growth and reproductive traits. 2. Exotic pigs are superior with respect to growth and reproductive traits followed by crossbreds and Desi. 3 Among exotics, Landrace performed better than Tamworth. 4. There was progressive improvement in the performance of growth and reproductive traits with the increase of exotic inheritance but just opposite trend was observed with respect to age at first farrowing. 5 Growth rate of suckling piglets during pre-weaning period decreased with the increase of litter size at birth of dam 6 There was a significant increase in pre-weaning growth rate with increase of their birth weight. Similarly post-weaning growth rate increased progressively with the increase of their weight at the time of weaning 7 Lower rate of growth just after weaning in almost all the genetic groups suggested need of special care and management at that stage. 8 Inbreeding adversely affected all the traits under study viz. decrease growth rate and reproductive performance and increase mortality rate svoided as far as possible