Denovo transcriptomic profiling of roots of Carica papaya under drought stress condition.

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Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding Institute of Agricultural Sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
“Papaya”(Carica papaya L) is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit, first domesticated in Central America but now grows worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions.A soft, fleshy cerise-orange coloured juicy fruit, loaded with lots of vitamins and minerals,&well known for its nutritional benefits and medicinal properties.Papaya plant have been regarded as relatively resistant to drought, responding through a desiccation delay mechanism. However, the transcriptomic evaluation for the elucidation of papaya plant molecular responses to drought stress still remains scarce.Despite the complexity of its genome, Carica papaya's genomic data sources are still deficient, but advancements in Next Generation Sequencing have made it possible to assemble transcriptomes of organisms without the availability of their entire genome sequences using De novo transcriptome profiling.In the present study, we employed de novo transcriptomic profiling on the RNA-seq raw reads data of the “roots ofCaricapapayaunder well-watered (control) condition and after 10 days of drought stress condition”, for the assembly, validation, and reporting of the transcriptome with their biological identities. The raw data were obtained from the NCBI’s sequenced library of SRA (Sequence Read Archive) experiment. The sample sequences were projected to De novo transcriptome analysis and further filtration had be done.Andfinallywe obtained a total of 13 unique true transcript ids and their corresponding sequences from this. These sequences were searched against the Arabidopsis thalianaas well as Brassica oleraceacDNA sequences using BLASTn, to determine the sequence similarity of these significant transcripts based on their homology and to provide the biological identities. The complete names of homologous sequences were found out using DAVID annotation tool.
Denovotranscriptome profiling