The present situation in feeding of poultry is more economical than feeding to other livestock. Using unconventional (low cost) feed ingredients available locally, to formulate the least-cost feed formulation were found to be reduction in the cost of poultry feeds. Using these feed ingredients in feed formulation requires more supplementation of nutrients viz, amino acids, toxin binders, micro nutrients, etc. A significant share of broiler and layer firms were found using amino acids in quantities above the recommended levels with negligible production and negative profitability effects, demonstrating a clear dearth of managerial skill to obtain and utilize information on poultry nutrition. Although several experiments found to be reduces the feed cost and increasing the production performance in the field condition. However the usage of unconventional feed ingredients level is minimum it may be due to presence of anti nutritional factors and digestibility of feed ingredients lower than the conventional one. The shortage of high cost /conventional feed ingredients especially energy and protein feeding stuffs, so utilization of agricultural by products may make a substantial contribution towards better and more economic feeding poultry. This paper deals with reducing the feed cost by using low cost feed ingredients ultimately improve the feed quality and increasing the production performance.
Veterinary Science