Economic Analysis of Calving Interval of Hungarian Dairy Cattle

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The iinpact of various leiLgths of calving iiLterva1 (CI) was airalysed by budgetiiig aibalysis usiirg Quatro spreadsheet program. The lifetime inilk yield and profit per day was used as a basis on various inilk yields, inilk prices aird culliiig strategy either OIL age of cow or lactation. -4nother locally developed biornetrical program pa.ckage was also used to aualyse the distribution of herds using frequency table. Milk production level over different lengths of CZ and average lactatioiial CI in comparisori with each lactation were aiialysed. Greater portioii of herds were distributed within the CZ of 360 days. Annual inilk yield got reduced froin 4500 to 3372 kg as the CI imcreased froin 360 to 450d. Average CZ was fouud to be higher for high yielding cows i i L expectation to have inore lactatioiml yields by keeping thein for loiiger days open. The CI increased as the lactation progressed upto the fourth aird then started decreasing. Increasing CI froin 360 to 420 or 450d resulted in a loss of 0.70 to 2.33 or 0.94 to 3.15 USD. From these findings, it could be concluded that optirnum CZ should be adjusted between 360d and 390d.
Veterinary Science