Performance Evaluation for High-Tech Cultivation under Naturally Ventilated Greenhouse

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MPUAT, Udaipur
The microclimatic conditions inside the naturally ventilated greenhouse corresponding to outside greenhouse conditions and performance of vegetable crops inside the naturally ventilated greenhouse such as cucumber, tomato and capsicum have been studied. The comparative study of inside greenhouse conditions based on temperature and humidity variations and soil temperature profile at different depths are made with the outside greenhouse conditions. The data pertaining to solar radiation outside the greenhouse have been analysed in order to determine the temperature variation inside the greenhouse conditions corresponding to outside greenhouse conditions. It was found that the maximum air temperature in greenhouse was 44 oC for a solar radiation of 925 W/m2 in the month of May and 30.5 oC for a solar radiation 606 W/m2 in the month of December. Three microclimatic parameters namely, maximum-minimum temperature, maximum-minimum relative humidity and soil temperature at different depths were observed during the experimental period and found suitable for growing of vegetable crops during off-season. Experimental results indicates that per plant production inside the naturally ventilated greenhouse for cucumber (Hilton), tomato (NUN-7711 and NUN-7712) and capsicum (Orobelle, Bomby and Thai Wonder) were 2.66 kg, 1.54 kg, 2.55 kg, 0.06 kg, 0.05 kg and 0.19 kg respectively. The results of the economic analysis reveals that NPW of investment made on naturally ventilated greenhouse when cucumber (Hilton), tomato (NUN-7711 and NUN-7712) and capsicum (Orobelle, Bomby and Thai Wonder) were grown inside the naturally ventilated greenhouse is Rs 1501251.9/-, Rs -114175.4/-, Rs 159423.7/-, Rs -476772.1/-, Rs -485785.2/- and Rs -366088.3/- respectively, as well as benefit cost ratio was 3.42, 0.78, 1.31, 0.09, 0.07 and 0.29 respectively, where as internal rate of return for cucumber and tomato (NUN-7712) inside the naturally ventilated greenhouse were 54.54 per cent and 1.84 per cent and payback period comes out to be 3.5 years and 12 years respectively.
Performance Evaluation for High-Tech Cultivation under Naturally Ventilated Greenhouse
Dhakate and Kuechania, 2008