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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative evaluation of ethanolic extracts of Litsea monopetala and Schleichera oleosa bark for wound healing activity in rabbits
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2023) Vishwaranjan Kumar; A.K. Sharma
    The present study was conducted in the Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi. For that 15 adult rabbits of either sex weighing 1.5-2.5 kg were randomly procured from rabbit Farm College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry after assessing good health condition and divided in three groups based on completely Randomized Design. Health status of rabbits was managed for 15 days in a uniform environment to ensure minimum clinical variation during the study. Before experiment, barks of Litsea monopetala and Schleichera oleosa were collected from forest around Ranchi district. Barks were separately shade dried, powdered and hot extraction process was done by using ethanol solution in soxhlet apparatus. Extracts were stored separately at cool place for clinical evaluation further. All the animal were divided into three groups having 5 animals in each group, group 1 animals were treated with normal saline, group 2 animals treated with ethanolic extract of litsea monopetala (Meda) bark &group3 animals treated with ethanolic extract of Schleicheraoleosa (Kusum) bark on day 0th, 3rd, 7th, 12th & 20th day interval. In each animal’s aseptically wound was created on dorsum position of the rabbits, for that two full thickness skin wounds of size measuring 1cm x 1cm were created surgically at the proposed site on either side of the dorso-median plane. A total of 4 wounds were created with 4 cm distance between two wound of same side and between the contra lateral wounds. The wounds were treated daily with the respective treatment groups solution and dressed with micropore adhesive tap till complete healing. Blood was Collected from ear vein on 0, 3, 7, 12 and 20th days for assessment of systemic infection by evaluation of Total Leucocyte count (TLC) & Differential Leucocytic count (DLC). To study the histomorphological and histochemical changes in healing tissue, biopsy sample was collected from the junction of wound and intact skin from all the experimental wounds in each of the three groups on 3rd, 7th, 12th and 20th days. Finally, all the biopsy tissues were preserved in 10% neutral buffer formalin solution for further study. Clinical parameters like pain sensitivity, wound colour, granulation and exudates were taken into account at different time interval. To measure the contraction percentage of wound, initial area of the wound and final area of the wound were measured at different time intervals. To study the histomorphology of created wound of different treatment groups, the biopsy sample section was stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin solution under resolution of 400x to assess the leukocyte infiltration, fibroplasia, epithelization and neo-vascularization on 3rd, 7th, 12th and 20th days of experimentation. To account the histochemical changes for collagen, elastin and reticulin formation on different treatment groups were stained with Van Gieson’s stain (collagen), Weigert’sresorcin-fuchsin stain (elastin) and Robb smith’s modification of foot’s silver impregnation stains (reticulin) solution at 400x resolution on 3rd, 7th, 12th, and 20th days of experimentation. All the data obtained were subjected to statistically analyzed as per method described by Snedecor and Cochran (2004) by using SPSS software 16.0. One Way ANOVA was used to analyze uniform parametric data whereas, Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test were used to analyze nonparametric data. Results of the experiment for clinical observation found that pain was observed in all the animals during first two days of surgical wound creation which slowly diminished by 3rd day in all the animals. Significant (P<0.05) reduction of pain is observed in group 2 on 3rd day as compared to control group animals. Non-significant pain reduction was observed from the 7thday in animals of all the groups. No significant difference in pinkish wound colour & granulation tissue growth observed among the groups during the entire time interval. Similarly, non-significant amount of serous type exudates was observed in control group, however no exudates were observed in group 2 & group 3. Morphometric study showed significantly higher (P<0.05) wound contraction in group 2 as compared to control group from 3rd day of onwards at different time intervals. Almost complete healing was observed in group 2 by day 20th. Histomrphological studies of biopsy sample of wound healing process showed significantly higher (P<0.05) fibroplasia on 3rd day in group 2 as compared to control animals. Marked (P<0.05) epithelialization observed in 3rd and 7th days on group 2 as compared to control group animals. However, epithelialization was non significantly variable between group 2 & group 3 animals during the entire period of observation. Non-significant difference (P>0.05) was observed in leucocyte infiltration among the groups at different intervals during entire period of experimentation. Histochemical studies related to collagen formation was observed in third day in all animals. Formation of thick collagen was significantly higher in group 2 on 7th day as compared to other group. Wavy collagen formation was better in group 2 followed by group 3 and then control group. Elastin formation was evident since 3rdday in all the treatment group. Elastinfiber formation was significantly lower in control group as compared to group 2 and 3. However, mean ± SE score of elastin fiber at different intervals did not show significant variationsbetween group 2 and 3. Reticulin formation was observed on 3rd day of experiment in all the groups. The dense and diffuse reticulinfiber formation was significantly higher in group 2 & group 3 as compared to control on day 7th.while values were non significantly differed (P>0.05) between group 2 & group 3. The non-significant reticulinfiber formation was observed on 12th & 20th days of experiment in all the groups. Haematological observation related to TLC and DLC to assess systemic infection of different groups on different time interval were non-significant. However, alternation in TLC and DLC was observed in all groups after treatment but values were within normal physiological range. On the basis of present findings following conclusions may be drawn: CONCLUSION • Pain sensitivity score was lower (P<0.05) on 3rd day of observation in group 2 (Meda) as compared to control (group 1) and group 2 (Kusum). However, pain sensitivity was similar between the control and Kusum groups. Meda has shown good analgesic property from the day 7th onwards till the end of observation. • Changes in wound colour score was found (P<0.05) on 12th days onwards in Medagroup however color was similar between control and Kusum groups. • Meda group showed non-significant increase (P>0.05) in granulation as compared to other group. • Percentage of contraction was significantly higher (P<0.05) in Meda as compared to control and Kusum group. However, contraction was non significantly higher in Kusum group compared to control. • Meda groups showed non-significantly higher score of Leucocyte infiltration &neovascularization process as compared to control and kusum. • Fibroplasia was significantly higher (P<0.05) in meda group on day 3rd as compared to control & Kusum. • Epithelialization was higher (P<0.05) in Meda groups on different time intervals as compared to control and Kusum groups. • Collagen &reticulin formation was significantly higher (P<0.05) only on 3rd day in Meda and Kusum group as compared to control, whereas, elastin formation was significantly higher (P<0.05) in Meda and Kusum group as compared to control during entire period of study. • There were transient &non significant changes in the TLC and DLC parameters in all the groups but remain in normal physiological limits. • Based on the results it is concluded that treatment with Litsea monopatela (Meda) showed better anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties in terms of wound healing in rabbits as compared to control and Schleichera oleosa (Kusum) treated rabbits.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2022) Brajesh Verma; A.K. Sharma
    ➢ RT, RR and HR exhibited progressive and non-significant decrease in all its intervals in all the groups except group IV where respiration rate and heart rate exhibited significant decrease as compared to base value but remained within normal physiological limits. ➢ HB, PCV, TLC and TEC showed the non significant variation after epidural administration. ➢ A significant increase in netrophils and relative decrease in lymphocytes was the typical feature in group I & III whereas animal of group II & IV exhibited non significant variation. Summary and Conclusion… ➢ A marked and significant increase in glucose was estimated in group II although the values remained within normal physiological limits ➢ Other biochemical paramters viz. ALT, AST, total protein, BUN, Serum creatinine, Alkaline phosphatase and creatine phosphokinase exhibited transient and non-significant variations. ➢ A moderate to excellent level of analgesia has been achieved in tail, anus and perineal area in all the groups. ➢ Analgesia was not sufficient in upper and lower thigh, scrotum, cranial and caudal flank as it was varied from mild to moderate level. ➢ Motor in coordination was found to be more for longer period of time in group IV followed by group III, group I and group II. ➢ None of the animal exhibited sedation. ➢ Onset of analgesia was faster in group IV followed by group III, I and II, whereas duration of analgesia was higher in group II followed by group I, III & IV. ➢ On the basis of above findings, it is concluded that levobupivacaine alone and in combination dexamethasone and tramadol exhibited moderate to excellent analgesia in the tail, anus and perineal region sufficient to perform surgery in these area. Levobupivacaine in combination with dexamethasone was found to be better combination in bovine calf in terms of least motor in-coordination, better analgesia and long duration analgesia.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2022) Minz, Shraddha A.B; Sharma, A.K.
    Rectal temperature and respiration showed transient and nonsignificant changes within normal physiological limits • Heart rate, systolic pressure, dystolic pressure and mean arterial pressure exhibited significant fall in group 1 compared to other Summary and Conclusion… groups. The value in other groups showed significant rise at different intervals as compared to base value. • Analgesia in perineum, flank inguinal, upper part of hind limb, pedal, tail was marked and complete even upto 60 minutes of observation in group 1 whereas in other groups complete analgesia was achieved upto 30 minutes. • Motor incoordination was noticed for longer period of time in group 1 followed by group 2, group 4 and group 3 • Time of standing was longer in group 2 followed by group 4, group 1 and group 3. Recumbency was quickest in group 4 followed by group 1, group2 and group 3. • Heamtological (Hb, PCV, TEC, TLC, DLC) values did not show any significant variation within and among the groups • A significant increase in neutrophil and relative significant decrease in lymphocytes value at different intervals as compared to base value was the consistent features in all the groups. • ALT, AST, ALP and CPK recorded at different intervals did not show any significant variation, whereas blood glucose, BUN and creatinine value exhibited significant elevation within normal physiological limits. • On the basis of above findings, Ropivacaine and its combination with ketamine and midazolam were suitable to achieve analgesia for tube cystostomy procedure with transient changes in clinical, hematological and hematobiochemical parameters. • Combining ketamine and midazolam did not enhance the effectiveness of ropivacaine. Hence, ropivacaine alone may be recommended as epidural agent to achieve excellent and longer duration of analgesia over the other groups. Large studies in this aspect have been warranted.