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Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan

Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, was established on 1st December, 1985 with the objective to promote education, research and extension education in the fields of Horticulture, Forestry and allied disciplines. Late Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar, the first Chief Minister and the architect of Himachal Pradesh perceived the importance of Horticulture and Forestry to develop and improve the State economy which led to the establishment of this University. Its history lies in erstwhile Himachal Agricultural College, Solan, established in 1962 and affiliated to the Panjab University. It became one of the campuses of Agriculture Complex of Himachal Pradesh University on its formation in 1970. Consequent upon the establishment of Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in 1978, this campus became its Horticulture Complex and finally in 1985, assumed the status of a State University, being the only University in the country engaged exclusively in teaching, research and extension in Horticulture and Forestry. The University is located at Nauni in Solan District of Himachal Pradesh, 13 km from Solan on Solan-Rajgarh Road, at an elevation of 1300 metres above mean sea level. Solan town is situated on national highway (NH-22) and is well connected by train and bus services. The University has four constituent colleges, out of which, two are located at the main campus Nauni, one for horticulture and the other for forestry, having 9 and 7 departments, respectively. The third College i.e., College of Horticulture & Forestry is located at Neri in Hamirpur District on Nadaun-Hamirpur state highway, about 6 Km from Hamirpur town and is well connected with bus service. The college offers three Undergraduate Degree Programmes i.e. BSc (Hons.) Horticulture, BSc (Hons.) Forestry and B. Tech. Biotechnology and MSc degree programme in a few subjects. The fourth college i.e. College of Horticulture and Forestry, Thunag (Mandi) is located at Thunag District Mandi. This college offer BSc (Hons.) Horticulture and BSc (Hons.) Forestry degree programme. In addition, there are five Regional Research Stations, 12 Satellite Stations and five Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) situated in different zones of the State.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 292
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on genetic variability in Colocasia (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) in the low hills of Himachal Pradesh
    The present investigation entitled “Study on genetic variability in colocasia (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) in the low hills of Himachal Pradesh” was carried out at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur (HP) during summer-rainy season, 2019. Twenty-three genotypes were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications to ascertain extent of variability, heratibility, genetic advance and gain, correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and other horticulture traits among the genotypes. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among all the genotypes for all the characters under study. Three genotypes namely LC-A-5-18, LC-A-16-18 and LC-A-13-18 were found to be high yielding as well as better from consumer’s point of view. They could be the promising parents for utilization in further breeding programmes. High PCV and GCV existed for number of cormels per plant, disease severity, tuber yield per plot, number of corms per plant, weight of cormels per plant, plant height and width of cormels. High heritability estimates were observed for width of corms, tuber yield per plot, plant height, weight of cormels per plant, disease severity, length of leaf lamina, dry matter percentage in tubers, width of cormels and weight of corms per plant while, high estimates of genetic gain were observed for number of cormels per plant, tuber yield per plot, disease severity, plant height and weight of cormels per plant. The correlation studies at phenotypic and genotypic level revealed that tuber yield per plot had positive and significant association with width of corms, number of cormels per plant, weight of corms per plant, weight of cormels per plant, length of leaf lamina, number of corms per plant, width of cormels and plant height. Path analysis revealed that width of corms, number of cormels per plant, length of leaf lamina, dry matter percentage in tubers, width of cormels, number of corms per plant and breadth of leaf lamina had positive and direct effects on tuber yield per plot.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on genetic variability for pod yield and its contributing traits in pea (Pisum sativum L.) in low hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh
    (COLLEGE OF HORTICULTURE AND FORESTRY, DR Y S P UHF, NERI, HAMIRPUR, 2020-10-16) Shubham; Kumar, Dharminder
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on genetic variability for pod yield and its contributing traits in pea (Pisum sativum L.) in low hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh” was conducted at the experimental farm of RHR&TS, Jachh, Kangra, Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh during the year 2019. One hundred fifteen diverse genotypes of pea comprising of one hundred nine exotic lines along with six check DMK- 11, Arkel, IC-279125, Rachna, DMR-7 and HFP-4 were evaluated in Augmented Block Design with five blocks to ascertain the extent of genetic advance and gain, variability, heritability, correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and other horticultural traits along with the estimation of genetic divergence among the genotypes. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among all the genotypes for all the characters under study. Based on overall performance, EC-838201, EC-838141, EC-838208 and EC-838166 were found superior for marketable pod yield and other important horticultural traits. They could be promising parents for utilization in further breeding programmes. The estimates of PCV and GCV were high for pod yield (kg/plot), number of pods per plant, pod yield (q/ha), 100-seed weight, plant height and number of seeds/grains/pod. High heritability estimates were recorded for all the traits among all genotypes while high estimates of genetic gain were recorded for pod yield (kg/plot), pod yield (q/ha), plant height, number of pods per plant, 100-seed weight and number of seeds/grains/pod. The correlation studies revealed that pod yield (q/ha) had positive and significant correlation with number of pods per plant, pod length, shelling percentage, plant height, total soluble solids, 100-seed weight, days to 50 % flowering, node at which first flower appear, shelling percentage, total soluble solids, days to marketable maturity and the number of seeds per pod. The path coefficient analysis revealed the maximum positive direct effect towards marketable pod length, days to marketable maturity number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plant, 100-seed weight, number of pods per plant, days to 50 % flowering and total soluble solids. Under genetic divergence studies 115 genotypes were grouped into eight clusters and highest inter-cluster distance was recorded between cluster I and cluster IV and lowest was observed between cluster III and cluster V. Therefore hybridization among the genotypes of cluster V and cluster III can be utilized to obtain superior hybrids or recombinants in later segregating generations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    “Genetic evaluation of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) germplasm for yield and quality traits
    The present investigation entitled “Genetic evaluation of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasifome) germplasm for yield and quality traits” was conducted at the experimental farm” was carried out at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur (H.P) during season, 2020. Twenty three diverse genotypes of cherry tomato comprising of local collections along with two standard checks Punjab Kesar Cherry and Punjab Red Cherry were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications to ascertain extent of variability, heritability, genetic advance and gain, correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and other horticultural traits among the genotypes. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among all the genotypes for all the characters under study. On the basis of overall performance, LC-CT-12-18, LC-CT-02-18 and LC-CT 15-18 were found superior for marketable fruit yield and other important horticultural traits. They could be the promising parents for utilization in further breeding programmes. The estimates of PCV and GCV were high for average fruit weight, number of flowers per cluster, number of fruits per cluster, pericarp thickness, number of locules per fruit, ascorbic acid and yield per plot. High heritability estimates were observed for all the traits among all genotypes while high estimates of genetic gain were observed for average fruit weight, number of flowers per cluster, number of fruits per cluster, pericarp thickness, fruit length, ascorbic acid, number of locules per fruit, fruit yield per plot and shelf life. The correlation studies revealed that fruit yield per plot had positive and significant correlation with days to 50% flowering, first fruiting node, stem girth, number of flowers per cluster, number of fruits per cluster, percentage of fruit set, average fruit weight, fruit length, number of locules per fruit, pericarp thickness, shelf life, total soluble solids and number of seeds per fruits. The path coefficient analysis revealed that maximum positive direct effect towards fruit yield per plot was contributed by number of fruits per cluster followed by average fruit weight, pericarp thickness, number of seeds per fruit, number of locules per fruit, fruit length and percentage of fruit set.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The present investigations entitled “Effect of Integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of onion (Allium cepa L.) under subtropical conditions in Himachal Pradesh” were carried out at the Experimental farm of College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur (HP) during the Rabi season of 2019-2020 with the objective to study the effect of different integrated nutrient management treatments on growth, yield and quality of onion cv. Agrifound Dark Red. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications comprising of nine treatments with a plot size 2 × 2 m2 and plant spacing 15 × 10 cm. The results revealed that treatment T8 (50% Recommended FYM (125 q/ ha) + Sheep manure (95 q/ ha) as basal dose at the time of field preparation + 50% RDF of NPK + Panchagavya @ 3% at 20 days interval from transplanting) was rated as the best treatment for most of the characters like plant height (26.63, 39.18 and 59.21 cm at 30, 60 and 90 DAT), average bulb weight (87.43 g), bulb size index (24.53 cm2), total bulb yield (349.50 q/ha), total soluble solids (13.67 %), dry matter content (14.23 %), marketable bulb yield (13.60 kg/plot) followed by treatment T6 (Recommended Sheep manure (190 q/ ha) as basal dose at the time of field preparation + 50% RDF of NPK + Panchagavya @ 3% at 20 days interval from transplanting). The highest gross income (6,99,000 Rs/ha), net income (5,46,880.71 Rs/ha) and cost: benefit ratio (1: 3.59) was also recorded with the treatment T8. No insect and disease incidence was noticed during the course of investigation. Hence, it can be concluded that application of 50% Recommended FYM (125 q/ ha) + Sheep manure (95 q/ ha) as basal dose at the time of field preparation + 50% RDF of NPK + Panchagavya @ 3% at 20 days interval from transplanting can be suggested as best integrate combination as it enhances the growth, yield and quality of onion, gives maximum net returns and also improves soil health. Signature of the Student Signature
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The present investigation entitled “Assessment of Genetic Variability and Correlation Studies in Garlic (Allium sativum L.)” were carried out at the Experimental farm of College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur (HP) during the Rabi season of 2019 -2020. The experimental material for the studies was comprised of eighteen genotypes collected from different sources (NHRDF Karnal, KVK Kandaghat(UHF, Nauni), CSKHPKV, Palampur and Local places). These genotypes were sown in Randomized Block Design in three replications to estimate the genetic variability and association analysis (correlation and path coefficient). Analysis of variance indicated the presence of considerable amount of variability among all the genotypes for all the traits under study.on the basis of mean performance Khandaghat Selection was found to be best performing genotype with highest bulb yield per plot (3.97 kg), bulb yield per hectare (176.44 q/ha), clove weight (3.51 g), dry matter content (44.43%) and minimum disease severity of purple blotch (7.33%) followed by GHC-1. Moderate PCV and GCV existed for leaf length, bulb yield (q/ha) , clove weight , number of cloves per bulb , neck thickness , bulb size index , TSS , plant height , number of leaves per plant and disease severity . High estimates of heritability along with high value of genetic advance were observed for bulb yield (kg/plot), dry matter content , days to harvest and bulb diameter which suggested that these traits can aid in selection programme and can also be improved by direct selection. Further character association revealed that bulb yield (kg/ha) showed positive and significant association with plant height, leaf length, number of leaves per plant, bulb size index, number of cloves per bulb , clove weight, dry matter content and bulb yield per plot which indicated that these traits have their significant contribution towards total yield. Path coefficient analysis revealed that clove weight, number of cloves per bulb, number of leaves per plant, bulb size index, plant height and bulb yield per plot had direct positive effect on bulb yield per hectare indicating that selection based on these traits can help in improving the yield of garlic. On the basis of above mentioned studies genotype Kandaghat Selection was found higher yielder followed by GHC-1 and Garlic LC-4 surpassing the check Agrifound Parvati (G-313). So, these genotypes may be utilized for further breeding programme in garlic.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The present investigation titled “Morphological Characterization and Disease Reaction in Chilli” was carried out at the Experimental Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, (HP) during kharif season of 2019. Twenty genotypes replicated thrice were evaluated for morphological (DUS), yield traits and disease reaction against Phytophthora blight and Colletotrichum fruit rot. The experiment was laid out in RCBD in plots of size 2.25 m × 1.80 m. Morphological characterization for nearly 48 phenotypic attributes based on IPGRI descriptors was carried out along with disease reaction studies in chilli. The studies resulted in the development of a comprehensive data set in respect of 20 genotypes of chilli available in the Department. In addition, significant differences were observed for several yield contributing traits in chilli genotypes evaluated in the present study. Disease reaction studies revealed that no genotype was resistant or tolerant to Phytophthora blight and Colletotrichum fruit rot. However, wide variation in disease incidence/severity and incubation period does indicate some degree of underlying tolerance towards these diseases in some genotypes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The present investigations entitled “Genetic Evaluation of Garden Pea Genotypes” was conducted at the Regional Horticultural Research and Training Station, Bajaura, Kullu (H.P.) during Rabi season of 2018-19 and 2019-20 to evaluate the germplasm, assess the nature of variability in the germplasm, to study correlation among various traits and to evaluate the direct and indirect effect of these traits on yield for effective selection and to study the genetic diversity present in the germplasm. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Thirty genotypes along with one check variety i.e. Pb-89 were evaluated for testing the performance of each genotype for yield and other important horticultural traits. Significant differences among the genotypes were observed based on the analysis of variance. A wide range of variability was recorded for all the characters. Genotypes, Palam Priya, BAJ-PEA-11, Pb-89, BAJ-PEA-9, Green Pearl, Azad P-1, BAJ-PEA-8 and Lincoln were found superior over the other genotypes for yield and other horticultural traits. Wide genetic variability and high heritability coupled with high genetic gain was observed for green pod yield per plant, seed yield per plant, plant height and number of pods per plant. Correlation analysis unveiled that green pod yield per plant was positively and significantly correlated with pod weight, number of pods per plant, number of pods per axil, shelling percentage, seed yield per plant, 100- seed weight, number of seeds per pod, plant height, pod length, node number bearing first flower and pod width at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Based on the path analysis, maximum positive direct effect of number of seeds per pod was observed on green pod yield per plant followed by pod weight, plant height, number of pods per plant, days to marketable maturity, days to fifty per cent flowering, seed yield per plant, shelling percentage and pod width. This indicated that selection must be done for these characters for obtaining superior genotypes. The genetic divergence analysis revealed considerable genetic diversity in thirty- one genotypes. Mahalanobis D2 analysis divided the thirty-one genotypes into seven clusters with maximum genotypes in cluster II. Cluster IV and VII were found to be more divergent with superior mean for almost all the traits, thus hybridization between the genotypes of these clusters will produce superior transgressive segregants with improved horticultural traits.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (COLLEGE OF HORTICULTURE AND FORESTRY, DR Y S P UHF, NERI, HAMIRPUR, 2020-10-19) Thakur, Anshul; Singh, Shiv Pratap
    The present investigation entitled “Genetic studies in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under low hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh” was carried out during autumn 2019 at Experimental Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur (HP). 18 genotypes including check variety Contender were evaluated for 16 quantitative (including prevalence of Anthracnose disease) and 5 qualitative traits in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications to estimate the extent of variability, heritability and genetic advance, correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and other horticultural traits. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among all the genotypes with respect to the characters studied. The Genotype FBCOHF-NERI-3 (6.49 kg) was found to be the best in terms of the character yield per plot followed by genotypes viz. FB-COHF-NERI-14, Contender, Pusa Parvati and FB-COHF-NERI-4 which were also statistically at par with the best genotype. The least disease incidence for Anthracnose was reported in the genotype FB-COHF-NERI-4 (32.67%) of French bean. High GCV and PCV values were exhibited by the characters viz. 100-seed weight, number of pods per plant, pod yield per plot and marketable pod yield per plant. High heritability estimates were recorded for the traits 100-seed weight, number of days to final picking, plant spread, weight of pod, number of days to first picking, marketable pod yield per plant, pod yield per plot, number of pods per plant, days taken to 50% flowering, days to marketable maturity, plant height and number of seeds per pod. However, high estimates of genetic advance were observed for the trait plant spread. The correlation studies at genotypic and phenotypic level revealed that pod yield per plot had positive and significant association with the horticultural traits viz. number of days to final picking, number of pods per plant, pod length, pod width, weight of pod, plant height, 100-seed weight and marketable pod yield per plant. Path analysis studies revealed that positive and direct effect on the dependent character pod yield per plot was registered by the dependent traits like marketable pod yield per plant, weight of pod, plant height, 100-seed weight, number of days to first picking, number of primary branches, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, days to 50% flowering, pod width, pod length and plant spread.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (COLLEGE OF HORTICULTURE AND FORESTRY, DR Y S P UHF, NERI, HAMIRPUR, 2020-10-20) Singh, Ajay; Singh, Shiv Pratap
    The present investigation entitled, “Assessment of genetic variability, correlation and path analysis studies in radish” was carried out at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur (HP) during winter season (SeptNov), 2020. Eighteen genotypes of radish including check variety Japanese White were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications to ascertain extent of variability, heritability, genetic advance and gain, correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and other horticultural traits. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among all the genotypes for all the characters under study. The best genotypes in terms of root yield per plot was R-COHFNERI-12 which was followed by R-COHF-NERI-6, R-COHF-NERI-3 and R-COHF-NERI-10. High PCV and GCV existed for marketable root yield per plot, root diameter, average root weight with leaves, average root weight without leaves, ascorbic acid and number of leaves per plant. High heritability estimates were observed for the characters ascorbic acid, days to 50% germination, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, root diameter, days taken to marketable maturity, TSS, average root weight without leaves, root length and average root weight with leaves; While high estimates of genetic advance (as percentage of mean) were observed for all the horticultural traits except crown diameter, days taken to marketable maturity, plant height and leaf width. The correlation studies at phenotypic and genotypic level revealed that the marketable rootyield per plot had positive and significant association with the traits average root weight with leaves, average root weight without leaves, root length, leaf weight, plant height and root diameter. However, path analysis revealed that the average root weight with leaves, root diameter, days taken to marketable maturity, root length, leaf length and number of leaves per plant had positive and direct effects on marketable root yield per plot.