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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Relationship of family environment and school environment with educational anxiety of adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Gurpreet Kaur; Chawla, Asha
    The present study entitled “Relationship of family environment and school environment with educational anxiety of adolescents”. The study was carried out in Government rural and urban schools of Ludhiana district. The total sample comprised 200 adolescents (100 rural and 100 urban) in the age group of 17-18 years. Personal information sheet, Educational Anxiety Inventory (Sood and Anand 2012), Family Environment Scale (Bhatia and Chadha 1993) and School Environment Scale (Misra 2012) were used to collect the data. The findings of the study revealed that more number of females experienced educational anxiety at average level than males. Rural adolescents had more educational anxiety as compared to urban adolescents. Majority of the adolescents (male and female) experienced their family environment at average level. Majority of urban adolescents experienced their family environment at average level than rural adolescents. Males perceived high level in all the dimensions of school environment. Significant locale differences were found in case of permissiveness and rejection only. In case of females correlation analysis between family environment and educational anxiety was found to be significant and inversely associated with educational anxiety except in one dimension i.e conflict, whereas in males correlation was significant and inverse in active- recreational dimension only. Rural adolescents presented significant but inverse relationship of family environment with educational anxiety except in two dimension i.e organization and conflict. Among males correlation analysis between school environment and educational anxiety were found to be non significant apart from one dimension i.e cognitive encouragement and in case of females correlation analysis were found to be significant and inversely associated with educational anxiety and dimensions like creative stimulation and acceptance. Non significant correlation was found in the dimensions of school environment apart from two dimensions i.e creative stimulation and acceptance in case of rural adolescents. Correlation analysis among urban adolescents presented significant and inverse association between educational anxiety and dimensions like creative stimulation, cognitive encouragement and acceptance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Raising summer season vegetable crops through intercropping in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) using different doses of nitrogen
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Gurpreet Kaur; Sharma, Madhu
    The present research work entitled, “Raising summer season vegetable crops through intercropping in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) using different doses of nitrogen” was accomplished in 2017 at Vegetable Seed Production Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The experiment was replicated thrice in randomized complete block design (RCBD Factorial) comprising of 3 doses of nitrogen (N1 @125 kg/ha, N2 @ 150 kg/ha and N3 @ 175 kg/ha) and 9 different intercropping systems (T1-Sole Broccoli, T2-Broccoli + Tomato, T3-Broccoli + Capsicum, T4-Broccoli + Chilli, T5- Broccoli + Cucumber, T6-Sole Tomato, T7-Sole Capsicum, T8-Sole Chilli and T9-Sole Cucumber). All the growth, yield and quality parameters of broccoli and intercrops were significantly influenced by nitrogen doses. In case of broccoli, plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf size, plant spread, height up to head, head diameter and weight, total yield, dry matter content, glucosinolates and nitrogen in leaves were highest in N3 and were statistically at par with N2. In different intercropping systems, N3 recorded the maximum value of growth and yield parameters followed by N2. N1 recorded the highest vitamin C. Among the intercrops, tomato plants showed the highest survival percentage and also recorded the highest gross returns, net returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR) followed by chilli. Land equivalent ratio (LER) was also significantly higher in broccoli + tomato. Based upon the present findings, it is concluded that growing broccoli + tomato/chilli using N2 (150 kg/ha) is a highly remunerative option for Punjab farmers in Rabi season.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Formulation and nutritional evaluation of cereal-pulse based extruded snacks supplemented with dehydrated herbs
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Gurpreet Kaur; Singla, Neerja
    In the present investigation, a combination of wheat and chickpea (80:20) was used for formulation of extruded snacks which were supplemented with varying levels of 1-5 percent dried herbs namely Basil (BL), Mint (ML), Drumstick leaves (DL) and a mixture of all these herbs (MXL) having one percent of each herb. While comparing fresh and dried leaves of herbs, It was found that dried leaves had significantly higher (p<0.01) levels of crude protein, fibre, fat, ash, β-carotene, minerals (Ca, Fe and Zn) and bioactive components. Organoleptically extrudates were found to be most acceptable at three percent level of supplementation for all the herbs. Overall acceptability of various extrudates was in order of MXL>DL>ML>BL. A significant change (p<0.05) in physical parameters namely mass flow rate, bulk density, moisture retention, expansion ratio, water absorption index, water solubility index and water holding capacity (WHC) of supplemented extrudates was observed as compared to their control counterparts. The moisture, ash, crude protein, fibre and fat content of supplemented extruded snacks ranged from 3.40 to 3.88, 2.32 to 2.90, 11.35 to 12.20, 3.0 to 3.36 and 1.67 to1.75 g/100g, respectively. Ascorbic acid and β-carotene content of supplemented extruded snacks ranged from 9.72 to 12.98 mg/100g and 54.71-98.10 µg/100g, respectively. Total iron, calcium and zinc content in supplemented extruded snacks were found to increase in the range of 19-29, 38-77 and 52-63%, respectively in comparison to control. The total phenol and flavonoid content of supplemented extruded snacks varied from 153.45 to 184.76 mg GAE/100g and 222.38 to 384.40 mg RE/100g, respectively. The percent increase in total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in supplemented snacks ranged from 97-124, 93-125, 96-154 and 25-46%, respectively by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP and RPA, respectively as compared to control. The percent decrease in moisture, ash, protein, fat and fibre ranged from 58-60, 14-18, 0.73-0.87, 19-23, 5-8 %, respectively among the supplemented extrudates in comparison to their raw mixtures. The reduction in vitamin C and β-carotene content was 18-21 and 2-3%, respectively after extrusion. The reduction in phytate, oxalate and trypsin inhibitor content after extrusion was 8-9, 14-15 and 21-24%, respectively after extrusion. Percent increase in total phenols and flavonoid content after extrusion was in the range of 24-28 and 2-3%, respectively. A significant increase (p<0.05) in TAC as measured by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP and RPA was observed among supplemented extrudates as compared to their raw mixtures. An increase of 20, 26 and 35 % for in vitro carbohydrate, protein digestibility and iron bioavailability was observed in supplemented extrudates after extrusion. While determining the effect of storage period and type of packaging on organoleptic parameters like appearance, colour etc. were not much affected while changes were observed in texture, taste and flavour. Statistically significant increase in moisture content and decrease in TAC was observed on storage of extrudates in both the packaging materials aluminium laminates (AL) and Ziploc pouches (ZL). However, the rate of loss in TAC was comparatively lower in aluminium laminate stored extrudates as compared to Ziploc pouches. However, moisture and the microbial count were found to be within the permissible limits even after four months of storage period. It can be concluded that supplementation of some of the commonly used dehydrated herbs leaves in the powder form to the cereal-pulse based extruded snacks can help to introduce a new type of value added snacks which will not only satisfy consumers short time hunger but also provide numerous health benefits especially in terms of bioactive components.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Optimization of solar-cum-microwave dehydration of white button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Gurpreet Kaur; Satish Kumar
    Studies were carried out on “Optimization of solar-cum-microwave dehydration of button mushrooms”. Drying kinetics of solar, microwave and solar-cum-microwave dried mushroom were analyzed. For optimization of solar-cum-microwave drying process variables viz; moisture content, exposure time and microwave power level, ‘RSM’ 3 - Factor Box–Behnken Design was used for responses, namely; bulk density, rehydration ratio, shrinkage ratio, colour, texture, ascorbic acid, protein content, overall acceptability and specific energy consumption. Logarithmic model showed the highest adequacy of fit for mushroom drying. The highest effective moisture diffusivity (Deff) for solar and microwave was 1.46×10-07 and 6.33×10-06 m2/ s (PL: 1350 and ET: 25 s) respectively. In solar-cum-microwave drying, the highest Deff value of 1.16×10-07 and 2.292×10-05 was recorded for during initial and later stage of drying (PL: 1350 W, ET: 25 s and PL: 25 %). The optimum value of process variables was found to be exposure time: 13.94 s, power level: 270 W and moisture content: 37.92 %. At these optimum value of process variables, the responses were rehydration ratio: 2.03, shrinkage ratio: 0.86, bulk density: 274.63 g/cm3, L: 48.96, a: 4.24, b: 9.36, overall colour change: 16.23, chroma: 10.08, hue angle: 67.96, hardness: 880.40 g-f, chewiness: 575.10 g-f, ascorbic acid: 11.47 mg/100g, protein contet: 23.54 %, overall acceptability: 7.59 and specific energy consumption: 0.19 kWh/kg with an overall desirability of 70.50 %. Model validation showed that there was non-significant difference (5 % level) between the predicted and experimental values of all quality parameters except shrinkage ratio, chroma, hardness, ascorbic acid and specific energy consumption. Mushrooms packed in laminate and stored under refrigerated conditions retained the quality of dried product for three months.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (PAU Ludhiana, 2012) Gurpreet Kaur; Bavita, Asthir
    Increased use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer has raised concerns because N surplus causes environmental contamination and also high cost associated with its production. Thus, improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) through identification of efficient genotypes is becoming a necessity. In this two years study (2009-10 and 2010-11), 18 wheat genotypes (PBW 621, PBW 636, PBW 590, DBW 17, HD 2967, PBW 509, BW 9178, BW 9183, BW 8989, BW 9022, PBW 343, PBW 550, GLU 1101, GLU 1356, GLU 2001, GLU 700, PH132-4836, PH132-4840) selected on the basis of their commercial relevance or distinct genetic background were used for studying N metabolism at four N doses including the presently recommended N dose (RDN) (120 Kg N/ha), suboptimal N doses [RDN-50% (60 Kg N/ha) and RDN-25% (90 Kg N/ha)] and supraoptimal N dose [RDN+25% (150 Kg N/ha)]. Enzymes involved in N assimilation [nitrate reductase (NR), nitrite reductase (NIR), glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamate synthase (GOGAT) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)] in relation to deposition of amino acids and proteins were studied at tillering (30 days after sowing; DAS), anthesis (about 90-100 DAS) and post-anthesis (15 days post anthesis) stages. PBW 621 showed higher activities of NR, NIR and GS at RDN-25%. At RDN-50%, PBW 636 and GLU 1356 showed highest GS activity. HD 2967 and PBW 590 revealed maximum activities of these enzymes at RDN and RDN+25%. Widely grown cultivar PBW 343 and advanced breeding lines BW 9178, BW 9183, BW 8989 and BW 9022 showed low efficiency for N assimilating enzymes. GLU 1356 showed high grain protein content indicating higher translocation of assimilates from flag leaf to sink. Sugar and starch content was higher in the PBW 343, BW 9178, BW 8989 and BW 9022 genotypes in which amino acid and protein content was less. PBW 621 showed higher NUE and yield compared to other genotypes. NR and GS enzymes were positively correlated with NUE and yield indicating that these might be the rate limiting steps in N metabolism. Biochemical similarity between PBW 621, PBW 636 and GLU 1356 was authenticated from cluster analysis. Tiller culture technique did not reveal much difference with respect to PBW 621 and PBW 343 in N metabolism. However, hydroponically raised seedlings showed complementary results with field studies in identifying genotypes with maximum NUE. Due to stable performance of PBW 621, PBW 636 and GLU 356 at suboptimal doses over two years, these genotypes hold future potential for developing new cultivars with improved NUE.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of an Expert System to Estimate the Specifications of Submersible Pump System Based on Geographical Information
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Gurpreet Kaur; Derminder Singh
    Escalated need of water resources has created an issue of declination of water table depth in most of the parts of the state of Punjab (India) during past two decades. Thus there is an acute need to identify the spatial status of water table depth for the effective management of water resources. In this research, groundwater depth maps were prepared with the help of Geographical Information System and an expert system was developed using Java Standard Edition 7 which provide appropriate selection of submersible pump set and required associated components such as power cable wire diameter, length, generator capacity, ammeter rating, voltmeter rating, capacitor rating and Polyvinyl Chloride pipe diameter based on the spatial information of last 18 years (1998-2015) of ground water table for the state of Punjab. The developed system will be beneficial for the farmer’s in estimation of the required submersible pumping system and allied electrical components.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    (2013) Gurpreet Kaur
    The present investigation was carried out in kabuli chickpea cultivars differing in seed size consisting of two small (BG-1053 and L-550), two medium (GLK-25104 and GLK-28125) and two bold (GLK-27346 and GLK-26155) seeded cultivars. The variations in physiological parameters (biomass accumation, plant height and number of branches) and in activities of enzymes of sucrose metabolism such as invertases (acid and alkaline) and sucrose synthase were estimated in the vegetative (apical leaves, 1st to 3rd intermodal portion of the stem) and reproductive tissues (podwall and seeds) of these cultivars at different stages of crop development. The profound vegetative growth in bold seeded cultivars was the result of their increased height and broader leaves that might be assimilating more photosynthates in them as compared to small seeded cultivars. The higher activities of sucrose metabolizing enzymes in leaves and stem along with higher content of total sugars in these tissues of bold seeded cultivars were might be responsible better availability and utilization of these photoassimilates for increased vegetative growth in them as compared to small seeded cultivars. The lower as well as earlier decrease in activities of invertases and sucrose synthase in podwall of GLK-27346 and GLK-26155 as compared to medium and small seeded cultivars might be helping to channel more sucrose towards the seeds. The rapid decrease in invertase activities in seeds of GLK-27346 and GLK-26155 at 21 days after flowering and higher and sustained activity of sucrose synthase in their seeds upto 35 days after flowering as compared to other culivars indicates longer seed filling duration and higher sink strength in them that might be responsible for their increased seed size. Chickpea, Leaves, Stem, Pod wall, Seed, Seed size
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    CHARACTERIZATION OF Ustilago segetum (Pers.) Roussel tritici Jensen CAUSING LOOSE SMUT OF WHEAT
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2010) Gurpreet Kaur
    Thirty five isolates of the Ustilago segetum (Pers.) Roussel tritici Jensen were characterized on the basis of pathogenicity using Nielsen’s Canadian differential set and other cultivated wheat varieties. The isolates could fall in 6 and 23 categories on the individual basis of their reaction on Canadian differentials and cultivated wheat varieties, respectively. However, 35 isolates could fall into 29 groups on the basis of their reaction collectively on Canadian differential set and cultivated wheat varieties. Grouping of races in most of the cases could not be attributed to the area from where they were collected and also the type of wheat from which initially collected. Only some of the isolates, LS11, LS13, LS16, LS18, LS32 and LS35 collected from Triticum aestivum from Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Dhaulakuan, Rajasthan, Jalandhar and Ludhiana (from Triticosecale) fell in different individual groups indicating geographical diversity in the pathogen. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) profiling were evaluated for assessing the extent of genetic variation among the isolates of Ustilago segetum (Pers.) Roussel tritici Jensen which causes loose smut disease of wheat. Eight random decamer primers and eight ISSR primers were used to characterize twenty four isolates of the pathogen. These isolates were collected from wheat cultivars grown at various locations of North-Western India (Punjab, Haryana, U.P. and Rajasthan). The RAPD and ISSR primers generated a total of 206 scorable bands collectively. All the isolates could be precisely differentiated from each other employing these primers and initially grouped into two distinct clusters. The molecular classification did not correspond with the geographical distribution, host origin of the isolates and groups categorized based on pathogenicity test. ISSR profiling was found superior to RAPD and can be effectively utilized for further characterization of the loose smut pathogen.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Ultrasonic studies of honey at different moisture content and temperatures
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2016) Gurpreet Kaur; Paramjit Singh
    The composition of natural honey present in the world is different and India too produces honey from various floral sources with wide variations in physicochemical and rheological characteristics. From, last decades honey has been a prime target of adulteration for economic gain. These artificial honey which can be made poorer in quality by adding amounts of sucrose, commercial glucose, water and other substances, often have similar taste and physical appearance as natural honey, but they lack the medicinal and nutritional properties of natural honeys. Detection of adulteration in honey is difficult, but some physicochemical properties of honey that can be easily determined which is helpful for comparison of different honey. Ultrasound is a versatile non-destructive technique and used in the food industry in both for the analysis and modification of foods. In the present study, the physicochemical properties including ultrasonic velocity, density, electrical conductivity and total soluble solids (TDS) in honey was investigated at different temperatures (20,30,40,50,60 and 70°C) and concentrations (100, 90, 80, 70 and 60%) to have the idea of effect of water adulteration and effect of heat on these properties. The ultrasonic velocity was found with ultrasonic interferometer at frequency of 1 MHz and density is measured with specific gravity bottle method. The electrical conductivity and TDS in honey was recorded from digital conductivity and TDS meter. Some thermodynamics properties of honey like surface tension, adiabatic compressibility, acoustic impedance, bulk modulus and intermolecular free length was also calculated from the observed parameters which will provide a fundamental insight on its structural organization. All the observed parameters except density were significantly vary with the temperature and dilution. The ultrasonic velocity, density, surface tension, acoustic impedance and bulk modulus was found to be decreases with temperature and dilution of honey while electrical conductivity, TDS, adiabatic compressibility and intermolecular free length was increases with the applied conditions. A significant correlation was observed between electrical conductivity and TDS at all temperatures and concentrations.