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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV Palampur, 2019-07-23) SUNIDHI; Rani, Daisy
    The study was conducted with the aim to find out the effect of using ensiled apple pomace (AP) based complete feed on growth response of calves. Ten male calves were divided into 2 groups of 5 calves each, with each group having similar average body weight. Two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, the effect of ensiled mixture of apple pomace and wheat straw (EMAPWS) and ensiled apple pomace and fresh wheat straw (EAPFWS) based complete feed on growth response of calves was studied and in the second experiment, the effect of EMAPWS and EAPFWS based complete feed on nutrient utilization of calves was studied. For the experiments, AP and Wheat straw (WS) was ensiled in 85:15 in plastic drums of 300L capacity for 4 weeks. Also only AP was ensiled and to this fresh WS was mixed in 85:15. The mixtures were analyzed for proximate and fibre composition. Accordingly, formulation and preparation of concentrate feed was done. Growth studies were carried out for 8 weeks period. During growth trial, the overall DMI was 2.79 and 2.51 per cent, with a daily gain of 288 and 260 g/calf. The feed efficiency ratio was 0.147 and 0.188, respectively, in EMAPWS TMR and EAPFWS TMR treatment. During digestibility trial average gain in weight/head/day was 762g and 701g respectively. Average daily dry matter intake was 3.198 and 2.816 g per 100 kg body weight respectively in EMAPWS and EAPFWS. There was no significant difference in GIW and DMI between both the groups. The digestibilities of EE, CF, Cellulose and ADF was significantly higher in EMAPWS, whereas the digestibilities of DM, CP, Hemicellulose, NFE, NDF and OM did not differ. The TDN content of the complete feed was 70.88 and 59.74 per cent whereas, DCP content was 7.28 and 6.12 per cent in EMAPWS and EAPFWS respectively and it differed significantly. The TDN intake was 63.51 and 47.96 g and DCP intake was 6.53 and 4.92 g per Kg metabolic body weight in EMAPWS and EAPFWS respectively and both TDN and DCP intake differed significantly. The nitrogen intake was 56.56 and 37.87 g/head/day which was significantly different between both the groups. The Nitrogen retention (NR) as per cent of nitrogen intake (NI) was 46.35 and 37.82 respectively in EMAPWS and EAPFWS and it differed significantly between both the groups. All the calves were in positive nitrogen and energy balance. Feeding EMAPWS reduced the expenditure incurred on feeding to gain one kg body weight, by 2.22 percent than feeding ensiled AP mixed with fresh WS. So, it was concluded that ensiling AP with WS in the ratio of 85:15 was relatively better method to preserve and feed AP to calves and feeding complete feed based on EMAPWS could support optimum growth rate in cross-bred calves.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSHHPKV Palampur, 2019-07-23) SUNIDHI; Daisy, Rani
    The study was conducted with the aim to find out the effect of using ensiled apple pomace (AP) based complete feed on growth response of calves. Ten male calves were divided into 2 groups of 5 calves each, with each group having similar average body weight. Two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, the effect of ensiled mixture of apple pomace and wheat straw (EMAPWS) and ensiled apple pomace and fresh wheat straw (EAPFWS) based complete feed on growth response of calves was studied and in the second experiment, the effect of EMAPWS and EAPFWS based complete feed on nutrient utilization of calves was studied. For the experiments, AP and Wheat straw (WS) was ensiled in 85:15 in plastic drums of 300L capacity for 4 weeks. Also only AP was ensiled and to this fresh WS was mixed in 85:15. The mixtures were analyzed for proximate and fibre composition. Accordingly, formulation and preparation of concentrate feed was done. Growth studies were carried out for 8 weeks period. During growth trial, the overall DMI was 2.79 and 2.51 per cent, with a daily gain of 288 and 260 g/calf. The feed efficiency ratio was 0.147 and 0.188, respectively, in EMAPWS TMR and EAPFWS TMR treatment. During digestibility trial average gain in weight/head/day was 762g and 701g respectively. Average daily dry matter intake was 3.198 and 2.816 g per 100 kg body weight respectively in EMAPWS and EAPFWS. There was no significant difference in GIW and DMI between both the groups. The digestibilities of EE, CF, Cellulose and ADF was significantly higher in EMAPWS, whereas the digestibilities of DM, CP, Hemicellulose, NFE, NDF and OM did not differ. The TDN content of the complete feed was 70.88 and 59.74 per cent whereas, DCP content was 7.28 and 6.12 per cent in EMAPWS and EAPFWS respectively and it differed significantly. The TDN intake was 63.51 and 47.96 g and DCP intake was 6.53 and 4.92 g per Kg metabolic body weight in EMAPWS and EAPFWS respectively and both TDN and DCP intake differed significantly. The nitrogen intake was 56.56 and 37.87 g/head/day which was significantly different between both the groups. The Nitrogen retention (NR) as per cent of nitrogen intake (NI) was 46.35 and 37.82 respectively in EMAPWS and EAPFWS and it differed significantly between both the groups. All the calves were in positive nitrogen and energy balance. Feeding EMAPWS reduced the expenditure incurred on feeding to gain one kg body weight, by 2.22 percent than feeding ensiled AP mixed with fresh WS. So, it was concluded that ensiling AP with WS in the ratio of 85:15 was relatively better method to preserve and feed AP to calves and feeding complete feed based on EMAPWS could support optimum growth rate in cross-bred calves.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSHHPKV Palampur, 2019-09-30) ANGARIA, SHIVANI; Chahota, Rajesh
    Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) in animals and humans have gained worldwide importance in the climate change scenario. Ehrlichiosis is one of such rickettsial disease. Ehrlichia is an obligate, intra-cytoplasmic, gram-negative bacteria that cause ehrlichiosis in dogs and other vertebrates, transmitted by tick-vectors and occur mainly in the humid and warm regions. These bacteria multiply within the cytoplasm of White Blood Cells (WBCs) of vertebrate hosts and affect various organs. Canine ehrlichiosis is an important tick-borne disease of dogs worldwide and may lead to zoonosis. Till date, not much work has been done on ehrlichiosis, molecular identification and genetic characterization of native strains/species of Ehrlichia prevalent in Himachal Pradesh, therefore, this study was planned to detect the prevalence of Ehrlichia in dogs, tick vectors and humans in different locations of the state. A total of 215 samples were collected including blood samples from dogs (n = 177), blood samples from in-contact humans (n = 24) and ticks collected from the body of the dogs (n = 24). Samples were collected from 105 locations covering 38 tehsils of 9 districts of Himachal Pradesh. All the samples were tested using Ehrlichia genus and three Ehrlichia species (E. canis, E. ewingii and E. chaffeensis) specific PCR tests. 11 (6.2%) of blood samples from dogs were found positive for ehrlichiosis by examination of buffy-coat smears. By PCR tests, out of 177 blood samples of dogs, 107 (60.4%) were found positive for one or more Ehrlichia species. 61 (34.4%) samples were found harboring multiple Ehrlichia species. All the ticks were identified as Rhiphicephalus sanguineus. From ticks, 4.2 per cent samples were found positive, while no human blood sample was found positive. Phylogenetic positions of all the detected Ehrlichia species/strains were determined which were genetically characterized after nucleotide sequencing of partial 16S rRNA gene. It was found that all E. canis, E. platys species/strains were making clusters with earlier reported species/strains from different parts of India and abroad.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV. Palampur, 2019-07-20) THAKUR, DEEPIKA; Dhar, Prasenjit
    Diarrhea is among the most common clinical conditions seen in dogs leading to high morbidity and mortality. It can have various causes, including infectious agents, like viruses, bacteria and parasites. The aim of the study was to isolate enteric DNA viruses from diarrheic dogs of Himachal Pradesh and characterize them at molecular level. A total of 238 fecal/other samples were collected from diarrheic / apparently healthy dogs along with brief clinical history of the animal. The faecal samples were subjected to DNA extraction and PCR for the detection of enteric DNA viruses viz. CPV, CAV-1 and Dog CV with primers targeting the VP2, pⅦ and replicase gene of CPV, CAV-1 and Dog CV respectively of each virus were used in the study. 109 (45.79 %) samples were found positive for CPV-2b and 4 (1.68%) samples were found positive for CAV-1. No samples were found positive for Dog CV. HA along with HI and DotELISA were standardized for virus detection from clinical samples and infected cell culture fluids using hyper immune sera raised in rabbits against CPV and CAV-1. Dot-ELISA was found to be almost similar to in sensitivity HA-HI for detection of viruses. Growth studies of CPV and CAV- 1 were done on MDCK, A-72 and Vero cells. CPV could be adapted to MDCK and A-72 cells but not to Vero cells while adaptation of CAV-1 was not possible on any cell culture. Physicochemical characterization of CPV was done by checking the effect of temperature, pH, chloroform and formalin on the virus. The VP2 (CPV-2) and pⅦ (CAV-1) gene fragment was sequenced directly which revealed close genetic similarity to Indian and Italian isolates of CPV and CAV, respectively. Microbiological studies on fecal samples revealed 37 bacterial isolates that were resistanct to penicillin and streptomycin in antibiogram and were found concurrently associated with clinical cases of viral diarrhea. In conclusion, diarrhea in dogs in H.P are mostly caused by CPV type 2b strain and occasionally by CAV-1 and is frequently associated with other bacterial species.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV. Palampur, 2019-07-19) ABROL, ANKUR; Singh, (Madhumeet
    The present study was planned with the objectives of recording of incidence of uterine torsion in cattle and buffaloes of Himachal Pradesh and to determine the success rate of different procedures adopted to treat uterine torsion. The study was conducted in two parts. First part comprised of field survey of cases presented under field conditions of Himachal Pradesh and conducted through questionnaires. Second part comprised of recording of clinical observations, obstetrical interventions, haemato-biochemical and Doppler sonographic studies of middle uterine artery of torsion affected bovines presented in Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (TVCC) of college of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. In the field conditions of Himachal Pradesh buffaloes were more commonly presented with uterine torsion as compared to cows and right side and post cervical torsion was encountered more frequently as compared to left side and pre cervical uterine torsion. Modified Schaffer’s method was used more often than Caesarean section under field conditions to correct the condition and has a better dam and calf survival rate as compared to Caesarean section method. Among the uterine torsion affected bovines presented in TVCC, haematological analysis of uterine torsion affected cows and buffaloes showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in haemoglobin and lymphocyte concentration while there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in granulocyte and cortisol concentration as compared to eutocial cows and buffaloes, respectively. Resistance index was significantly higher (p<0.05) in middle uterine artery ipsi-lateral to uterine torsion affected cows as compared to eutocial cows. Blood flow volume and blood vessel diameter of ipsi-lateral middle uterine artery was significantly reduced (p<0.01) in uterine torsion affected cows and buffaloes as compared to the eutocial cows and buffaloes, respectively. Significantly higher blood flow volume on TAMAX basis (p<0.01; p<0.05) was discernible in middle uterine artery ipsi-lateral to the gravid horn as compared to the contralateral artery in normal eutocial cows and buffaloes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur, 2019) Abrol, Ankur; Singh, Madhumeet
    The present study was planned with the objectives of recording of incidence of uterine torsion in cattle and buffaloes of Himachal Pradesh and to determine the success rate of different procedures adopted to treat uterine torsion. The study was conducted in two parts. First part comprised of field survey of cases presented under field conditions of Himachal Pradesh and conducted through questionnaires. Second part comprised of recording of clinical observations, obstetrical interventions, haemato-biochemical and Doppler sonographic studies of middle uterine artery of torsion affected bovines presented in Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (TVCC) of college of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. In the field conditions of Himachal Pradesh buffaloes were more commonly presented with uterine torsion as compared to cows and right side and post cervical torsion was encountered more frequently as compared to left side and pre cervical uterine torsion. Modified Schaffer’s method was used more often than Caesarean section under field conditions to correct the condition and has a better dam and calf survival rate as compared to Caesarean section method. Among the uterine torsion affected bovines presented in TVCC, haematological analysis of uterine torsion affected cows and buffaloes showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in haemoglobin and lymphocyte concentration while there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in granulocyte and cortisol concentration as compared to eutocial cows and buffaloes, respectively. Resistance index was significantly higher (p<0.05) in middle uterine artery ipsi-lateral to uterine torsion affected cows as compared to eutocial cows. Blood flow volume and blood vessel diameter of ipsi-lateral middle uterine artery was significantly reduced (p<0.01) in uterine torsion affected cows and buffaloes as compared to the eutocial cows and buffaloes, respectively. Significantly higher blood flow volume on TAMAX basis (p<0.01; p<0.05) was discernible in middle uterine artery ipsi-lateral to the gravid horn as compared to the contra-lateral artery in normal eutocial cows and buffaloes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur, 2019) Mahajan, Mohit; Singh, Madhumeet
    The study was conducted at Instructional Livestock Farm Complex of CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. Trans-rectal ultrasonography of the genital tract and the middle uterine arteries was performed in twenty-nine Jersey and Jersey crossbred cows (N=29) using portable ultrasound machine with a linear rectal probe at frequency 7.5 MHz, in brightness (B-mode), color Doppler and spectral modes from day 21 to day 42 post insemination at weekly intervals. Diagnosis of the pregnancy was based on sonographic visualization of a viable embryo within uterine horns. Cows with embryonic mortality were diagnosed on the basis of embryonic debris and remnants. Whereas, cows diagnosed as non-pregnant during ultrasonographic examination were only scanned up to day 28 post-insemination. Spectral Doppler analysis of the middle uterine artery (MUA) for determination of pregnancy and embryonic mortality as performed on Day 21. Parameters such as Pulsatality index (PI), Resistivity index (RI), Vascular Perfusion Index (VPI), Mean blood flow volume (Mean BFV), Maximum blood flow volume (Maximum BFV), Time Average Mean Velocity (TAMEAN), Time Average Maximum Velocity (TAMAX), Cross sectional area of MUA and Systole-Diastole ratio were calculated. In pregnant cows, sexing of the foetus was done on Day 60 of gestation, based on migration of the genital tubercle. Out of 29 cows taken for the study, 20 were found pregnant and 9 were non-pregnant. Among 20 pregnant cows, 5 were recorded to undergo embryonic mortality subsequently. Ultrasonography was found to be an efficient tool for diagnosis of pregnancy as early as 21 days with Corpus luteum parameters and with visualization of embryo as early as 28 days of gestation. Pregnant cows were diagnosed with sonographic visualization of embryo proper within an anechoic uterine horn. Whereas, cows with embryonic mortality revealed, reduced intra-uterine allantoic fluid, with hyperechoic free-floating structures, representing embryonic debris and remnants and distorted allanto-chorionic membrane within the uterine horn. Spectral Doppler ultrasonography of middle uterine artery was also found to be a suited tool for non-invasive accurate diagnosis of pregnancy, non-pregnancy and embryonic mortality. The overall incidence of embryonic mortality evident on ultrasonographic examination was 25 per cent, with 15 per cent embryonic mortality between Day 21-28 and 10 per cent between Days 28-35 of gestation. The percentage of male and female foeti were recorded to be 57.14 and 42.86 per cent, respectively at Day 60 of gestation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Detection of Yersinia spp. in ready-to-eat foods of animal origin.
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2019) Koundal, Shubham; Panda, A.K.
    The present study was designed with the aim to determine the incidence of Yersinia spp. in ready-to-eat foods of animal origin. A total of 220 samples; RTE milk products (n=161), RTE meat products (n=21), beverages (n=18) and raw meat samples (n=20) were collected from 13 different places of Himachal Pradesh. In addition, 25 stool samples from hospitalized patients were also screened. Yersinia spp. was not detected in any of the samples tested by culture method using CIN agar. However, 48 other bacterial isolates i.e. Serratia spp. (6.5%, 16/48), Pseudomonas spp. (6.5%, 16/48), Enterobacter spp. (5.7%, 14/48) and Klebsiella spp. (0.8%, 2/48) were recovered from the tested samples. Highest number of isolates were detected in beverages (33%) followed by dahi based products (30%), milk based sweets (21.5%) and paneer based products (13.6%). None of the RTE meat products showed bacterial contamination. All isolates were susceptible to amikacin, tobramycin and doripenem. High level of susceptibility was observed for levofloxacin (95.8%), gentamicin (95.8%), imipenem (93.7%), ciprofloxacin (93.7%), cefepime (89.5%) and ampicillin/sulbactum (81.2%). 5 (10.4%) isolates were found to be multidrug resistant. Three isolates were resistant to imipenem while two isolates were in intermediate susceptibility range for doripenem. 47.9% isolates tested were positive for ESBL and 52.0% isolates as ESBL negative. Only one isolate from raw pork was positive for blaCTX-M-1 gene by molecular testing. In the present study no Yersinia spp. could be detected. However, other bacterial spp. belonging to Enterobacteriaceae were detected and some of them were multidrug resistant strains. Isolates resistant to carbapenem class of antibiotics were also detected which possess serious public health concern.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2019-07-23) Sameeksha; Gupta, V.K.
    The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence and the factors responsible for respiratory diseases in bovine calves during April, 2018 to May, 2019. A total 210 nasal swabs were collected from the necropsy (18), clinically sick (130) and apparently healthy calves (62). Besides, 24 tracheal and 12 lung swabs from necropsy cases were also collected. 33 calves were examined at necropsy. Pneumonia was recorded in all 33(100%) calves and was considered an important contributor to death. Out of 33 cases, gross lesions suggestive of bronchopneumonia seen in 7/33 (21.2%), interstitial pneumonia in 4/33 (12.1%) and bronchointerstitial pneumonia in 22 (66.7%). Bronchointerstitial pneumonia revealed mixed characteristic features of suppurative bronchopneumonia and interstitial pneumonia. Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 30.3 % of the clinical samples. E. coli comprised 23.6% of the isolates in necropsy. Bacterial isolates seen in nasal tract were different from the bacterial isolates obtained from lungs / trachea. Single bacterial infection was detected in 51.5% (17/33) cases and polymicrobial infection in 45.5% (15/33) cases. Total 41 lung tissues from necropsy and 104 nasal samples from clinical cases were screened for BRSV using RT-PCR with glycoprotein gene (246bp) primers and showed overall prevalence of 50.4%. BRSV infected lung showed consolidation at the cranioventral and fibrinous pleuritis with range of changes in airways histopathologically multinucleated syncytial cells was seen. Total of 145 cases were screened for BPIV-3 using RT-PCR, no sample was found positive for primer having HN gene. In necropsy, most frequent E.coli pathotype categories were found to be enterotoxigenic (80%) & enteroaggregative (80%). In clinically sick cases frequent pathotype categories found were enterotoxigenic (63.6%). Four (33.3%) of Citrobacter freundii isolates were pathogenic with shiga toxin on PCR analysis. 17.9% Staphylococcus aureus and 15.4% Staphylococcus epidermidis were recorded as pathogenic. Male and female calves showed 20/33 (60.7%) and 13/33 (39.4%) mortalities respectively. Maximum mortality was recorded in <1 M (42.2%) old calves. Most number of deaths were recorded during the summer (36.4%) season. Combination of molecular detection (PCR) along with clinical, gross & histopathology helped in better confirmatory diagnosis of BRSV infection in calves. The present study concluded co-infection of bacterial and BRSV in respiratory infection of young calves.