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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management of sub-estrus in cows of Himachal Pradesh.
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2019-08-19) Basir, Sadiya; Singh, Madhumeet
    The present study was conducted in Livestock Instructional Farm Complex and Teaching veterinary clinical complexof College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. Under this study, 50 apparently healthy silent estrus cows were screened for the presence of functionally active mature corpus luteum by Trans-rectal ultrasounonographic scanning. Equal and random distribution of these cows was done into 5 groups, viz. three hormonal treatments, one nutritional supplementation and one control groups. Ten cows in Group 1 (G1) received 500 mcg single mid-cycle injection of PGF2α (Cloprostenol) only. In Group 2 (G2), 10 cows which were initially treated with single mid-cycle injection of PGF2α for the lysis of CL were administered 10μg Buserelin acetate 72 hours later along with FTAI and repeat AI 24 hours thereafter. Group 3 (G3) cows were given single mid-cycle injection of PGF2α with subsequent administration of 1500 IU hCG 72 hours post induction along with FTAI, followed by repeat AI 24 hrs later. In Group 4 (G4), 10 cows were supplemented with 50 grams of mineral mixture, along with 10 ml To alternate days thrice and inseminated at observed estrus and in Group 5 (G5), 10 cows were maintained as untreated control group and did not undergo any treatment. These cows were inseminated at the observed estrus. The Incidence of silent estrus was recorded during clinico-gynaecological camps (n=89) conducted in different districts of Himachal Pradesh. Estrus induction rate of 100 per cent was recorded in G1, G2 and G3 cows, whereas, it was only 55.55 and 40.0 percent in G4 and G5 cows, respectively. Conception rate of 40.0, 45.5, 60.0, 40.0 and 25.0 per cent was recorded in G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5, respectively. Subsequently, 50.0, 80.0, 75.0, 66.66 and 0 percent of the non-pregnant cows displayed signs of heat during successive estrus in G1, G2, G3, G4, G2 and G5 cows, respectively. Mean ovulatory follicular diameter of induced estrus cows was recorded as 11.96±0.36 mm and did not differ significantly (p>0.05) from cows under spontaneous estrus group (12.06±0.73 mm). However, significant difference (p<0.05) was found between the mean ovulatory diameter of pregnant (12.86±0.52a) and non-pregnant (11.58±0.30b) cows.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-07-23) Ankita Kumari; Singh, Madhumeet
    This study was planned to study the effect of gastro-intestinal parasitism on reproductive efficiency of bovines in Himachal Pradesh. The study was divided into two parts. Part one included the screening of gastro-intestinal parasites through coprological examination of cattle, buffaloes and yak crosses in different districts of Himachal Pradesh. Second part of study was conducting different treatment trials, in which total 100 cows confirmed for parasitic infestation by fecal examination were selected under different treatment groups out of which 80 were anestrus and 20 were without any reproductive ailment. Overall 53 cows were selected in University livestock farm and 47 were from field conditions around Palampur. Cows were divided into five groups viz. Fenbendazole treated (Group I; Farm; n=10, Field; n=10), mineral mixture supplemented (Group II; Farm; n=10, Field; n=10), Fenbendazole and mineral mixture supplementation in combination (Group III; Farm; n=12, Field; n=8), no treatment in positive cows (control I; Group IV; Farm; n=11, Field; n=9) and healthy cows without reproductive ailment (Control II; Group V; Farm; n=10, Field; n=10). Faecal examination was done for evaluation of parasitic load at pre and post stages of treatments, whereas, trans-rectal ultrasonography was done to understand follicular dynamics and ovarian response to various treatments followed by pregnancy diagnosis. Blood samples were collected before and after treatment for complete blood count and mineral estimation. In present study, incidence of gastro-intestinal parasites was 66.3, 50.0 and 46.3 per cent in cows, buffaloes and yak crosses, respectively, diagnosed with reproductive ailments. Highest incidence was reported in case of true anestrus animals. In case of treatment trial groups, maximum number of cows which showed return to estrus were those treated with de-wormer and mineral mixture, followed by dewormer and mineral mixture alone, respectively. Estrus induction rate was 50 per cent in Fenbendazole treated cows, whereas, it was 45.0, 60.0 and 15.0 per cent in mineral mixture supplemented, Fenbendazole and mineral mixture treated and control I group, respectively. Complete blood count parameters did not show any significant difference (P>0.05) under different treatment trials. Plasma concentration of inorganic Phosphorus showed significant increase (P<0.05) in animals treated with dewormer and mineral mixture. Plasma concentration of copper and magnesium showed significant increase (P<0.05) in animals treated with dewormer and mineral mixture, as well as animals treated with mineral mixture alone.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-07-23) Verma, Abhay; Singh, Madhumeet
    For the evaluation of various reproductive ailments in female yak hybrids, clinical camps were conducted in various tribal areas of Himachal Pradesh. Overall, 150 female yak hybrids presented in camps were examined clinico-gynaecological. For analysis of mineral, hormonal and biochemical profile blood sampling was done for each animal. Cervico-vaginal discharge was collected in sterile vials from those female yak hybrids that were diagnosed to be suffering from endometritis, and were subjected for culture sensitivity test (CST). Questionnaire was prepared in accordance to reproductive and other basic parameters that were completed by the field staff and owners during various camps. In the present study, out of 170 clinical conditions diagnosed in 150 animals, the highest incidence was recorded for anestrus (34.70%) followed by miscellaneous reproductive disorders (ROP and Prolapse 11.76%), endometritis (9.41%) and cervical pathologies (1.17%). Whereas, 42.94 per cent yak crosses were found normal and out of them 41.17 per cent were either pregnant or had calved recently and 1.76 per cent were found in estrus at the time of examination. In endometritic, yak crosses, the highest sensitivity was recorded for Marbofloxacin (100%), followed by Ceftriaxone (75.0%). Metronidazole was resistant in all the animals followed by amoxicillin (75.0%). There was no significant difference in minerals, hormones and biochemical parameters of pregnant and non-pregnant female yak hybrids. The overall post-treatment recovery rate was 65.95 per cent following treatment in clinical camps. A significant difference was evident between ipsilateral and contralateral middle uterine artery’s Pulsatility Index, Resistance Index and Blood Flow Volume (TAMEAN basis) in pregnant female yak hybrid.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-08-19) Bashir, Sadiya; Singh, Madhumeet
    The present study was conducted in Livestock Instructional Farm Complex and Teaching veterinary clinical complexof College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. Under this study, 50 apparently healthy silent estrus cows were screened for the presence of functionally active mature corpus luteum by Trans- rectal ultrasounonographic scanning. Equal and random distribution of these cows was done into 5 groups, viz. three hormonal treatments, one nutritional supplementation and one control groups. Ten cows in Group 1 (G1) received 500 mcg single mid-cycle injection of PGF2α (Cloprostenol) only. In Group 2 (G2), 10 cows which were initially treated with single mid-cycle injection of PGF2α for the lysis of CL were administered 10μg Buserelin acetate 72 hours later along with FTAI and repeat AI 24 hours thereafter. Group 3 (G3) cows were given single mid-cycle injection of PGF2α with subsequent administration of 1500 IU hCG 72 hours post induction along with FTAI, followed by repeat AI 24 hrs later. In Group 4 (G4), 10 cows were supplemented with 50 grams of mineral mixture, along with 10 ml To alternate days thrice and inseminated at observed estrus and in Group 5 (G5), 10 cows were maintained as untreated control group and did not undergo any treatment. These cows were inseminated at the observed estrus. The Incidence of silent estrus was recorded during clinico-gynaecological camps (n=89) conducted in different districts of Himachal Pradesh. Estrus induction rate of 100 per cent was recorded in G1, G2 and G3 cows, whereas, it was only 55.55 and 40.0 percent in G4 and G5 cows, respectively. Conception rate of 40.0, 45.5, 60.0, 40.0 and 25.0 per cent was recorded in G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5, respectively. Subsequently, 50.0, 80.0, 75.0, 66.66 and 0 percent of the non- pregnant cows displayed signs of heat during successive estrus in G1, G2, G3, G4, G2 and G5 cows, respectively. Mean ovulatory follicular diameter of induced estrus cows was recorded as 11.96±0.36 mm and did not differ significantly (p>0.05) from cows under spontaneous estrus group (12.06±0.73 mm). However, significant difference (p<0.05) was found between the mean ovulatory diameter of pregnant ( 12.86±0.52a) and non-pregnant (11.58±0.30b) cows.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-05-17) Rana, Pankaj; Singh, Madhumeet
    The objective of the present study was to quantify the bacterial load at various stages of its collection and processing viz. preputial washings, neat semen after collection and further extended and frozen semen post-thaw. Samples were collected twice, each from 15 bulls, at weekly interval at all the stages of collection and processing. Four egg yolk and 4 extender samples were also collected. Samples were cultured over Plate Count Agar (PCA) for estimation of bacterial load. Bacterial isolation was done over blood agar, nutrient agar, EMB agar, MLA and BGA agar. Various gross, microbiological and biological tests were used to identify the isolates. Muller Hinton Agar (MHA) was used for antibiogram of isolates. Of all 124 samples processed, per cent of samples found positive for bacterial presence were 100, 100, 73.33, 43.33, 75 and 0 in preputial washings, neat semen, extended semen, frozen semen straws, egg yolk and extender, respectively. The mean bacterial load per ml of different ejaculates (n=30) consisting of preputial washings, neat semen, extended semen and frozen semen post-thaw were 166608.00±28351.80 (15000-868750), 4107.31±433.04 (750-10100), 116±33.39 (0-600) and 29.00±15.51 (0-400) CFU/ml, respectively. The predominant organism isolated were Staphylococcus spp. and Bacillus spp. in preputial washings and Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. in neat, extended and frozen semen. Bacterial isolates were found to be sensitive to streptomycin, ciprofloxacin and marbofloxacin (100% each), gentamicin (93.33%), enrofloxacin (93.33%), ofloxacin (80.0%), ampicillin (40.0%) and lincomycin (39.99).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-05-25) Rana, Anchal; Singh, Madhumeet
    The objective of the study was to record the incidence of sub-clincial endometritis (SCE), to compare the techniques of endometrial cytology to diagnose it and to determine the impact of SCE on the subsequent reproductive performance in postpartum dairy cows. Twenty-one postpartum dairy cows were divided into two groups viz. normal (n=16) and abnormal (retained placenta/postpartum metritis; n=5) calving. Cows belonging to abnormal calving group were administered antibiotic for 5 days. Selected cows were examined from day 14 to 42 after parturition. Samples for endometrial cytology and bacterial load estimation were collected at weekly interval from day 21 to 42 postpartum. Samples were obtained in a sequential manner, first with the cytotape (CT), then with the cytobrush (CB) followed by uterine lavage (UL). Parameters used to evaluate these methods were; presence of PMN cells (%), total cellularity, red blood cell (RBC) contamination and quality of the smears. Trans-rectal ultraonography was done from day 14 to 42 at weekly interval to study the uterine involution and to assess the onset of ovarian activity. Based upon endometrial cytology, incidence of SCE recorded was 18.75 per cent in cows calved normally and 100 per cent in cows with postpartum complications (abnormal calving). No difference was recorded between the three methods (CT, CB and UL) in per cent PMN cells recovered. All techniques provided diagnostic samples, however, CT yielded the highest quality sample. Whereas, CB and CT methods yielded similar total cellularity (P=0.3781), UL yielded significantly (P<0.01) less number of total cells than other two techniques. CT produced more intact cells than CB and UL and RBC’s contamination was found high in CB and UL techniques. Distorted cells were significantly (P<0.01) more frequent in smears by UL. Hence, CT method was found to be comparatively the best. A highly significant (P<0.05 and P<0.01) correlation was found between bacterial load and PMN cells obtained by three different techniques of endometrial cytology. First post-partum follicles were recorded on days 19.38±1.16 (n=13), 23.33±2.33 (n=3) and 21.0±2.85 (n=5) in the cows of normal calving SCE negative, normal calving SCE positive and abnormal calving SCE positive groups, respectively. Time taken for uterine involution was numerically longer in the cows with abnormal calving (32.2±1.71), as compared to normal calved cows diagnosed negative (27.46±1.24) or positive (28.0±0) for SCE, respectively. Ovarian rebound and uterine involution was delayed in SCE positive cows, however, it was non-significant (P>0.05). Overall, 44.44 and 25 per cent first service conception rate was recorded in the cows diagnosed negative or positive for SCE, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2012) Khan, Shama; Singh, Madhumeet
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2012-07) Ranaut singh, Nishant Deep; Kumar, Navneet
    ABSTRACT The present study was conducted on postpartum cows (n=340) belonging to farmers of districts Kangra and Hamirpur of H.P. The cows exhibiting estrus within 90 days postpartum were categorized as control (n=95) and rest (n=245) were categorized in to different groups depending upon duration of postpartum anestrus i.e. 3-6 m (n=84), 6-9 m (n=88) and 9m and above (>9m; n=73). The data recorded from the farmers regarding managemental practices viz. duration of postpartum anestrus, amount of concentrate feed provided per day, average milk yield per day, sex of calf born during recent calving, males housed along with cows, duration of suckling postpartum, deworming status, feeding practice and supplementation of mineral mixture and salt was analysed. The random blood samples of control (n=12) and anestrus (n=50) cows were collected for haematological, macro and micro minerals, biochemicals and hormonal estimations. Only 27.94 per cent cows had exhibited estrus behaviour within 90 days postpartum whereas 24.71, 25.88 and 21.47 per cent animals remained anestrus for 3-6m, 6-9 m and >9 m respectively, under rural managemental condition of Himachal Pradesh. Lesser quantity of concentrate ration and mineral mixture was provided to anestrus cows as compared to control ones, whereas salt was supplemented to all cows irrespective of anestrus duration. The BCS of control (2.77±0.02) and anestrus group (2.68±0.02) cows was comparable. No difference was recorded in per day milk yield. The practice of suckling influenced the anestrus duration. The duration of anestrus was more in cows with higher ectoparasite load (20.82 v/s 6.32 %). There was no variation in macro and micro mineral profile between control and anestrus cows. The total leucocyte count was higher (16.18±1.83 v/s 10.89±0.79 x 109 /L) whereas cholesterol (109.10±6.08 v/s 152.95±16.02 mg/dl) and T4 (2.55±0.20 v/s 5.04±0.39 µg/ml) concentrations were lower in anestrus compared to control group cows, respectively.