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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Gender discrimination against girl child among parents in rural communities of Haryana-An action research
    (CCSHAU, 2016) Deepika; Kathpalia, Jatesh
    Sociologically the word gender refers to the socio-cultural definition of man and woman, the way societies distinguish men and women and assign them social roles. It was believed that the different characteristics, roles and status accorded to women and men in society are determined by sex, that they are natural and therefore not changeable.As soon as a child is born families and society begin the process of gendering. The birth of the son is celebrated with happy heart while is the birth of a daughter filled with pain; sons are showered with love, respect, better food and proper health care. Boys are encouraged to be tough and outgoing; girlsare encouraged to be homebound and shy. All these differences are gender differences and they are created by society. Gender inequality is therefore a form of inequality which is distinct from other forms of economic and social inequalities. The study was concluded among 200 parents in Hisar district in two selected blocks (from block I Dahima and Bhojraj villages and from block II Chaudhriwas and Kalwas villages) of Haryana state. The study concluded that fathers 26 percent had more discrimination in girl child education than mothers. Mostly discrimination was found in joint and large sized families . The parents who were illiterate and had low income status also revealed more gender discrimination. Fathers 83percent alone had a much higher access and cent percent control on capital resources in term of income, credit and savings. Whereas mostly 71.5 percent household chores were performed by mothers. Conclusively, it can be inferred from findings that gender discrimination has been observed in most of the families in form of unequal distribution of resources in families, decline sex ratio, high school dropout rate among female children in lack of professional in distribution of roles and responsibilities and male and female member of families. Parents with limited financial resources had a strong preference for sons. As a result, priority for resource favourable opportunities ranging from health care to socio-economic parameters;education may be given to daughters.Significant association was found between favourable attitude of the father respondents and various socio-economic parameters such as education, occupation, role allocation towards girl child. It clearly indicated that trends are changing now and it is a positive step towards gender equality.