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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Seed invigoration studies in fenugreek
    (CCSHAU, 2014) Sunil Kumar; Dahiya, O.S.
    Seed quality plays an important role in the crop establishment and overall performance of the crop. Keeping in view, the importance of quality seed, the present research entitled “Seed invigoration studies in fenugreek.” was carried out in the Department of Seed Science & Technology, CCS, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during, the year 2013-14. The experimental material for the present research comprised of two varieties of fenugreek viz. HM-57 and HM-103 and each variety was divided into two lots based on standard germination percentage (good quality=L1 and marginal =L2). In the 1st experiment, an effort had been made to improve the seed quality with various seed priming treatments viz., hydration (6hrs.) – dehydration, hydration with 2% CaCl2 (6h) at room tempreture and surface drying at room temperature , hydration with 50 ppm GA3 ( 6h.) and surface drying at room temperature, hydration (6h.) and dehydration at room tempreture followed by dry dressing with thiram @ 0.25% and 0.5% KNO3 hydration (6 h.) and dehydration at room temperature. Hydration (6h.) and dehydration at room tempreture followed by dry dressing with thiram @ 0.25% showed better improvement in marginal seed lots as compare to good quality seed lots. Between the vaieties, maximum improvement was observed in HM-57 over HM-103 with these seed priming treatments . Therefore, it is concluded from this study that the germination level of marginal seed lots in fenugreek can be improved by using priming treatments. In the 2nd experiment, two studies were conducted during 2013-14 to assess the storability of primed seed lots by artificial ageing (40 ±10C for 72 h) and to study the effect of natural storability of primed seed lots. It was observed that standard germination (%), root length (cm), shoot length (cm), seedling dry weight (mg) and vigour indices decreased whereas, electrical conductivity (μS/cm/seed) of seed leachates increased with artificial ageing. Maximum germination was retained by HM-57 with , hydration (6h.) and dehydration at room tempreture followed by dry dressing with thiram @ 0.25% treatment in good quality seed lot (L1) after artificial ageing. The storage experiment was conducted with various priming treatments with two seed lots of both the varieties. It was observed that standard germination (%), root length (cm), shoot length (cm), seedling dry weight (mg) and vigour indices decreased whereas, electrical conductivity (μS/cm/seed) of seed leachates increased after 9 months of natural storage. Maximum germination was retained by HM-57 with hydration (6h.) and dehydration at room tempreture followed by dry dressing with thiram @ 0.25% treatment in good quality seed lot (L1) after 9 months of ageing, hence the variety HM-57 was good storer whereas HM-103 was poor storer under ambient condition after 9 months of storage.