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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Preparation of whey based papaya juice blended RTS and nectar
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Anjali Devi; Yadav, B.S.
    The present investigation entitled “Preparation of whey based papaya juice blended RTS and Nectar” was carried out with the objectives to study the effect of storage of pulp on the quality of RTS and nectar prepared from papaya-whey blends and to assess their shelf-life. The papaya fruit and whey were analyzed for their physico-chemical characteristics and juice was extracted by passing pulp through blender. The whey-papaya blends were prepared in different proportions (with 0, 10, 20 and 30% whey). The pasteurized blends (85°C for 20 min.) were stored at room temperature for three months (February to April). Chemical constituents of blends were analyzed at the interval of 30 days during the storage period. The acceptability of the product decreased significantly with increase in storage period but remained acceptable even after 90 days of storage at room temperature. During storage acidity, reducing sugars and total microbial count increased whereas pH, total sugars, turbidity, carotenoid content and organoleptic quality decreased in RTS and nectar prepared from fresh as well as frozen papaya pulp.. There was no significant change in TSS of RTS and nectar. The organoleptic quality of RTS and nectar blends prepared from frozen papaya pulp was slightly less as compared to that of RTS and nectar blends prepared from fresh papaya pulp. RTS blend prepared from fresh pulp containing 10% whey, 14% TSS and 0.25% acidityand nectar blend prepared from fresh pulp containing 20% whey, 15% TSS and 0.27% acidity were found most acceptable.