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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of pearlmillet-wheat cropping system to various sources of nutrients in terms of growth, yield and nutrient uptake
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Amit Kumar; Pawan Kumar
    The field experiment entitled, “Response of pearlmillet-wheat cropping system to various sources of nutrients in terms of growth, yield and nutrient uptake” was conducted during the year 2009-10 at Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (India). The experiment consisting of twelve treatments was laid out in randomized block design with four replications. In pearlmillet crop treatment T6 (50% RD-NPK + 50% N through FYM in pearl millet and 100% RD-NPK in wheat) exhibited highest growth characters. Yield contributing characters were also recorded highest in treatment T6. Grain, straw and biological yields of pearlmillet increased with progressive increase in inorganic fertilizer dose. In pearlmillet-wheat cropping sequence total NPK uptake by pearlmillet was higher in integrated nutrient management treatments as compared to inorganic fertilizer treatments. In wheat crop, treatment T6 recorded highest growth characters. Yield contributing characters were also recorded highest in treatment T6. Highest net returns and B : C were obtained in treatment T6 closely followed by T10 (50% RD-NPK + 50% N through Green Manure in pearl millet and 100% RD-NPK in wheat). The microbial counts and establishment (Azotobacter, phosphate solubliser, Azospirillum and total bacteria) of the soil improved in the treatments where integrated nutrient fertilizer was applied as compared to chemical fertilizer treatments.