BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF CHARCOAL ROT OF SORGHUM {Sorghum bicolor (L .) Moench] CAUSED BY Macrophominaphaseolina (Tassi) Goid.

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Biological control of charcoal rot of sorghum caused by Macrophomina phaseolina was undertaken utilizing 26 native and 12 commercial isolates of antagonists. Native isolates of Pseudomonas fiuorescens, Trichoderma harzianum, T. vindo and Gliocladium virons exhibited high antagonistic potential. Talc formulation, wheat bran : saw dust : tap water, papaya ripe fruit, farm yard manure, coffee berry skin, gobar gas slurry, mushroom spent bed, pigeonpea husk, press mud and dung were superior substrates for mass multiplication of test antagonists. Ammonium sulphate and diammonium phosphate additives enhanced multiplication. Pseudomonas fiuorescens grew well on dung. Combined application of P. fiuorescens with species of Trichoderma and Giiociadium as seed treatment @ 4 g per kg and soil application (150 kg/ha) method was most effective to reduce charcoal rot. Soybean, wheat, tagase, pigeonpea and sorghum seeds supported quick multiplication of test antagonists. Storage temperature of 15°C was congenial for prolonged shelf life and milky white polythene bags enahanced population of antagonists. Sclerotial germination and disintegration was higher in coconut and sesamum oil cake extracts respectively. Sclerotia remained viable upto 36 months. Extracts of garlic clove, camphor, leaf extracts of bitter gourd, pongamia, amaranthus, periwinkle, ashoka, mosambi, lakki, and oils of eucalyptus, tuisi and karanj wore inhibitory to pathogen, Ncom flower extract was inhibitory to pathogen and stimulatory to test antagonists. Triazoles were lethal whereas metalaxyl and carbofuran exhibited mycotonic effect to test antagonists at lower concentration. Integration of antagonists with biofertilizers was confirmed. Carbendazim, thiram, urea, chlorpyriphos, glyphosate, alachlor, trifluralin were inhibitory to fungal antagonists and pathogen. Copper ore tailings and fly ash were safer to antagonists. Non fungicides recorded fungistatic inhibition. DSV-4 recorded charcoal rot resistance. Integrated management of sorghum charcoal rot disease was achieved through combined application of native isolates of antagonists resulting in 13.56 per cent increased thousand grain weight.