Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop as affected by tillage and innovative residue management under rice-wheat cropping system

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
The present investigation was conducted during Rabi season of 2017-18 at NEBCRC of GBPUAT, Pantnagar (29o N, 79o E and at an altitude of 243.83 mm) to study the performance of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as affected by tillage and innovative residue management under rice-wheat cropping system. The soil of the experiment site was silty clay loam in texture having medium organic carbon (0.70), medium available nitrogen (256 kg/ ha), medium available phosphorus (20.2 kg/ ha), medium available potassium (190.8 kg/ ha) with neutral (7.3) soil reaction. The experiment consisting of 7 establishment methods and residue management viz., conventional transplanted rice followed by conventional tillage wheat without residue CTR-CTW(NR), conventional transplanted rice followed by conventional tillage wheat with residue as biochar @ 3 t/ha CTRCTW (BRW), zero tillage rice followed by zero tillage wheat with residue recycling @ 30% ZTR-ZTW(RR), direct seeded rice followed by zero tillage wheat without residue DSR-ZTW(NR), direct seeded rice followed by zero tillage wheat with residue recycling DSR-ZTW(RR), direct seeded rice followed by zero tillage wheat with biochar in rice and wheat seasons DSR-ZTW(BRW) and direct seeded rice followed by zero tillage wheat with biochar only in rice season DSR-ZTW(BR). The wheat variety WH-1105 was sown on 16 november at 22.5 cm row spacing and with seed rate of 100 kg/ ha. Recommended dose of NPK 150, 60, 40 kg/ha uniform for all the treatments under experiment. Highest grain yield of wheat was obtained in CTR-CTW(NR) which was at par with CTR-CTW (BRW), DSR-ZTW (BRW), DSR-ZTW (BW) and DSR-ZTW (NR). All these treatments were statistically superior with rest all other treatments. The superiority of these treatments was due to higher spikes/m2 at the time of harvesting and similar trend was also observed in NDVI value, chlorophyll content and Relative Chloropyll Content value. Except spikes/m2 and grain weight/spike, all yield contributing characters were at par in treatments. Significantly higher shoot number, NDVI value was observed in CTW treatments compared to ZTW treatments indicating slow growth during initial period (30 days), however in later crop stage shoot growth got recuperated in DSR-ZTW (RR), DSR-ZTW (BRW) and DSR-ZTW (BR) treatments. Greatest shoot decline was seen in conventionally tilled plots during 60-90 days stage.DSR-ZTW (RR), DSR-ZTW(BRW) and DSRZTW (BR) treatment although had significantly lower shoot count at 30 days however biomass was at par with CTR-CTW treatments. Treatments however failed to influence phenology of crop. NPK content was non-significantly affected by treatments, however total N uptake, grain and straw N uptake and grain K uptake was significant due to treatments. CTR-CTW (NR), CTR-CTW (BRW), DSRZTW ( BRW) and DSR-ZTW (BR) were at par in terms of total N uptake. All treatments remained at par with respect to grain k uptake except ZTR-ZTW (RR). ZTR-ZTW (RR) treatment remained poor with respect to growth, yield attributes, physiological parameters and ultimately yield. Zero tillage plots had higher available N compared to CTR-ZTW treatments in soil with maximum value was achieved in DSR-ZTW (BRW) plots. Tillage in CTR-CTW treatments had higher cost of cultivation further escalated by biochar treatments. CTRCTW (NR) treatment fetched higher gross and net returns with only 6.8 and 7.3 % higher net returns compared to CTR-CTW (BRW) and DSR-ZTW (BR) treatments.Highest B:C ratio was recorded under CTR-CTW(NR), DSR-ZTW(NR) andDSR-ZTW(BR) treatments. On the basis of this one season study, it can be concluded that Benefit cost ratio was similar in CTRCTW (NR), DSR-ZTW (NR) and DSR-ZTW (BR). CTR-CTW (NR), CTR-CTW (BRW), DSR-ZTW (NR) and DSR-ZTW (BR) had statistically similar yield. Future research lies in evaluating treatments under study on long term basis to have clear cut recommendation about tillage and residue management and their impact on soil properties.