Intuitionistic fuzzy rule based modelling to study few psychological parameters

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
Unlike fuzzy set, Intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) uses separate functions for membership and non-membership grade. Hence, IFS is considered more ideal tool than fuzzy set to handle non-determinism along with uncertainty. In the present study, we have developed an intuitionistic fuzzy rule based model for predicting anxiety level of students using extraversion and motivation. Participants in the present study are 22 students from the department of physics, chemistry and mathematics. In this study, we also compare performance of IFS rule based model with the performance of earlier fuzzy rule based model, ANFIS model and hybrid models. The chapter 1 describes the basic preliminaries of fuzzy sets, IFS and basic terminology of psychology. It also contains the description of problem undertaken. A brief review of past research work in the area of fuzzy logic, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, psychology and cognitive science have been presented in chapter 2. The chapter 3 comprehensively describes the various material (collection of data through Maudsley Personality Inventory questionnaire) and method that is being used in the duration of course of investigation. The results obtained have been placed in chapter 4 and this chapter also includes comparison with the results obtained output by fuzzy method, ANFIS and Genetic Algorithm method. The works have been summarized in chapter 5. The literature used in the course of study has been referred under section literature cited.