Economic analysis of production and marketing of spices in Haryana

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The present study was undergone to analyze the cost and returns, marketing cost, margin, price spread and constraints in production and marketing of garlic and turmeric in Haryana. To derive the inferences of the study, the primary data were collected from 120 farmers i.e. 60each from Karnal and Yamuna Nagardistricts which acted as ultimate unit of the sample. The required data pertainingto marketing pattern, costs and margin were collected from 40 intermediaries i.e. 20 from each districtand used in the analysis by simple tabular analysis.In case of garlic and turmeric, the major components in total cost of cultivation are rental value of land, harvesting, weeding and fertilizer use. Net return per hectares is`82819.28 and`130635.21 in Karnal (garlic) and Yamuna Nagar (turmeric), respectively. Benefit cost ratio was 1.65and 1.56 in garlic and turmeric respectively, where garlic recorded significant cost benefitratio.In the study of garlic and turmeric, the following three marketing channels in garlic i.e. producer → consumer, producer → retailer → consumer and producer → wholesaler → retailer → consumer and the following four channels in turmeric i.e. producer → consumer, producer → retailer → consumer and producer → processor → retailer → consumer, producer → wholesaler → processor → retailer → consumer were identified. The channel-I was found to be more efficient, receiving highest share in both the crops. There is a need to improve the marketing infrastructural facilities from time to time and ensure effectiveness of marketing channels. The main production constraints noticed were shortage of labour at right time, poor quality of insecticides/pesticides, poor technical knowledge, costly storage facilities, unfavourable weather conditions sub-optimal input use, poor quality weedicides and inadequate inputs availability. The mainmarketing constraints were low price of garlic and turmeric produce, high regulation of market intermediates andlack of extension and marketing services.