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ABSTRACT: The present study computerized radiographic studies of thorax in geriatric dogs was aimed to record the possible radiological signs and classifying them. The thoracic radiographs available in the department were utilized to study the radiological features of the geriatric dogs. The thoracic radiographs with left lateral, right lateral, dorso ventral and ventro dorsal views were studied to identify the lesions. A total of 153 cases with 301 views were categorized as breed and age wise small, medium, large and giant dogs and 7-8, 9-10, 11-13 and 14 years above age groups. The lesions identified on thoracic radiographs were classified as extra thoracic, meditational, tracheal, pleural, diaphragmatic, heart and pulmonary lesions in geriatric dogs. The spondylosis of vertebra and sternum, exostosis of the rib and extra thoracic masses are lesions identified in extra thoracic lesions. Meditational masses, the narrowing or widening of the mediastinum appeared less frequently. The opacity in the cranial mediastinum was the prominent radiological sign. Tracheal calcification was the prominent lesion observed in all the breeds. Pleural effusions, pleural thickening, pleural mass and increased pleural density were the features identified in geriatric dogs. Among the lesions, pleural thickening was the prominent lesion appeared on the radiographs obtained followed by increased pleural density and pleural effusions. The cranial or caudal displacement of the cupula and loss of visualization of the diaphragm were the features observed in geriatric dogs. The details of the cardiac silhouette were observed in all the views. The right atrial enlargement in small and large breeds right ventricular enlargement in medium breeds were the prominent findings where as pericardial effusions were noted in almost all the breeds with a more percentage in medium breeds. The right ventricular enlargement was a prominent radiological feature in all the age groups. The interstitial, vascular, bronchial, alveolar, mixed, patterns, bronchial mineralization, Peribronchial thickening, cavitary lesions, lobar signs, consolidated lung, pneumothorax, generalized increased opacity of lungs were the radiological signs observed in geriatric dogs. The radiological features like bronchial mineralization, Peribronchial thickening, cavitary lesions, lobar signs, consolidated lung, pneumothorax, and generalized increased opacity of lungs were varied in percentages among the lateral views while dorsoventral or ventrodorsal views did not reveal any of the these lesions except bronchial mineralization in few radiographs. The pulmonary patterns observed in the different breeds of the geriatric dogs showed prominent bronchial patterns in all the breeds except in small breeds in which the mixed patterns are with more percentage. The vascular and the alveolar patterns are with less percentage in all the breed dogs. The VHS values were more than the normal range in all breeds with cardiomegaly. The cardio thoracic ratio (CTR) was more than 0.5 in all breeds of dogs except in medium breeds with cardiomegaly. There was a significant difference among the breeds (p≤ 0.005) in Tracheal diameter / Tracheal inlet (TD/TI) ratio in geriatric dogs with cardiomegaly while, no significant difference was noticed in Tracheal Diameter Vs width of proximal third rib (TD/Tr). Small breed dogs were more with metastatic lesions. The common type of metastatic lesion which was noticed in majority of the affected animals was circumscribed multiple nodules.