Impact of Embroidery and Tailoring trainings under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

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The study was conducted to assess the “Impact of Embroidery and Tailoring trainings under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana”. A list of training partners and training centers were obtained from official website of Two training partners and six training centers were randomly selected who was imparting trainings on embroidery and tailoring. A total of 150 respondents were randomly selected from six training centers. Out of which 90 respondents were from tailoring training and 60 respondents were from embroidery training. Various socio- personal, economic, psychological and communication variables constitute the independent variables for the study and knowledge, attitude and adoption constitute the dependent variables for the study. Majority of the respondents were of 16 to 24 age group and educated up to matriculation. Majority of the respondents were female, from urban area and having medium family education status. Most of them belonged to nuclear family with up to 4 members, having monthly income around 30,000 to 40,000. Majority of the respondents were student and occupation of the family was farming. Majority of respondents were falling in high category of change proneness, medium in entrepreneurial motivation and risk orientation. Most of the respondents were having medium mass media exposure, localite sources of information utilization and cosmopolite sources of information utilization. Knowledge level regarding embroidery and tailoring techniques and general things was moderate to high. Overall satisfaction level towards training programme regarding subject matter, physical facility and quality of trainer was high. Attitude of the respondents regarding quality of training, embroidery trainings and tailoring trainings was high for all. Adoption level of the respondents regarding embroidery trainings and tailoring trainings was high for both. In constraints, lack of guidance and complicated procedure of obtaining from financial institution was the major problem of trainees, training centers and training partners.