Isolation and characterization of lipase producing bacteria

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Lipases are enzymes that are widely distributed among microorganisms, animals and plants. However, microbial lipase are the enzymes with diversified properties and substrate specification which make them useful for industrial application. Lipase of pathogenic bacteria such as Cornybacterium acnes, Mycoplasma, play a crucial role in the etiology of diseases. Whereas some other bacterial lipases have been used in the bioremediation of environmental problem, in domestic sewage etc. In addition to this microbial lipases spoil the dairy and other foods containing fats, some times even at refrigerated temperature. Lipase have role to play in detergent, paper, cosmetic, and agrochemical industries. (Jagges et al., 1996). In view of the importance and application of bacterial lipases the present study was conducted. Eight different samples from 4 different sources were collected and 73 bacterial cultures that produced lipase were isolated on the basis of formation of zone of clearance on solid medium. For further screening 29 isolates were selected and the enzyme activity was determined by titrimetric method. The screening was also done by well method. Out of 29 isolates 5 i.e. isolate No. 18, 21, 22, 47 and 48 showed better lipase activity than others. Among the five isolates, No. 21 and 18 produced maximum lipase, 21.5 Units/ml and 18.3 Units/ml respectively and thus were selected for further studies. Both the isolates produced maximum enzyme at 30ºC and pH 8. Enzyme activity was maximum at 60ºC for isolate No. 21 and 50ºC for isolate No. 18. The optimum pH for the activity of lipase from both isolates was found to be 8.0. Under shake culture condition both the isolates produced maximum amount of lipase than under stationary conditions. Glucose and tryptone were the best sources of carbon and nitrogen respectively for production of lipase in both the isolates. The cultural, morphological, biochemical characteristics indicate that lipase activity is present in a variety of bacteria.