Evaluation of anti-fungal, growth promoting anti-oxidative and defense related activity of copper nanoparticles in Brassica juncea against Alternaria blight disease

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
Alternaria blight is one of the most catastrophic fungal diseases which hamper the productivity of Brassica oilseeds in India. Alternaria brassicae is the main pathogen of the disease which produces chlorotic, necrotic toxins and phyto hormones to cause the disease. At present the disease is controlled mainly by using toxic chemicals such as fungicides which have hazardous effect on environment and human health. So, nano technological interventions are necessary to find out some novel kind of substances that can act as anti –microbials because nanoparticles have high surface area with respect to volume. The surface area of nanoparticles is directly proportional to their interaction with the microbes to carry out antimicrobial activities. Copper based compounds (Bordeaux mixture) have been used as fungicides since ancient times. Therefore, copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) can act as effective antimicrobial agents. In present study it was observed that disease index during Alternaria blight disease was reduced to 22% on application of 75 ppm as compared to 86% control untreated pants. CuNPs induces the expression of COI1, receptor of Jasmonic acid but does not modulate signal transduction pathway because of absence of JA signal so Defensin gene expression is not triggered. Under effect of CuNPs Cu/Zn SOD, anti-oxidant enzyme gene was significantly over expressed. Along with anti – oxidative roles, Copper nanoparticles have anti-fungal properties too. It was observed that 75 ppm CuNPs cause a reduction of 23% during Alternaria growth and 71% inhibition during spore germination due to higher penetration power than salts, CuNPs shows high inhibitory effect on growth and development of Alternaria by damaging their protein structure and cell membrane 75ppm of CuNPs showed substantial growth promotory effect on seed germination, plant height and fresh weight by increasing anti-oxidant enzyme activities. The reason behind decrease in disease deverity could be anti-oxidantive activity of CuNPs. ROS produces by hypersensitive reactions on infection leads to oxidative stress in plants. The anti – oxidative enzymes scavenges these ROS. Hence CuNPs help in faster scavenging of ROS by activating anti – oxidant genes and enzymes inside the cell. CuNPs shows growth promoting activities also and thus help plants to escape the pathogen infecting stage at higher rate. CuNPs have significant effect on reducing disease severity of Alternaria blight in Brassica by trigerring anti-oxidative machinery of plant cell. Therefore CuNPs based formulations can effectively be utilized to counter Alternaria blight of Brassica. This would help in increasing the yield of oilseeds by reducing the losses due to disease.