Study on Brand Preference and Retail Trade Practices of Chemical Fertilizers in Bhadra Command Area

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University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore
The self-sufficiency in food grains in India was achieved as result of green revolution of 1960’s which can be attributed to using of High Yielding Varieties seeds and chemical fertilizers. The chemical fertilizer industry has grown substantially and supported by the government. Presently 65 large size fertilizer manufacturing plants are operating in the India with as many brands. The present study is an attempt to understand farmers brand preference of chemical fertilizers, factors influencing preference, estimating the market share of different companies and retail trade practices. Twenty farmers and 5 retailers were selected from each taluk of Bhadravathi, Davanagere, Harihara and Shimoga. The FACT, IFFCO, MCF and ZIL brands are known to cent per cent of the farmers. The MCF brand is preferred for urea and DAP fertilizers. The brand, price, quality and previous experience with brand were the major factors influencing the preference of particular brand. The RCF, CFL and IPL companies together have major market share of Urea (23.75%), SSP (53.94%) and MOP (41.55%) respectively. The IFFCO company have 27.5 per cent in DAP Indigenous and IPL 20.8% per cent in DAP imported. The retailers have rated the fertilizer companies based on volume of sales, farmers awareness and service provided by the companies. The fertilizer companies are suggested to intiate strategies influencing brand preference. The market leadership in one product category can be used to expand to other products. Retailers of chemical fertilizer can be treated as integral part of company distribution strategy.