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University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore
Tbit study attempts to identify the varied results of extension efforts In agriculture and to determine hew and vhy these results have varied. The basic problen therefore vas to determine the Influences of three extension agencies and to account for the differential effects of their influences on agricultural practices and production in selected villages of Kalra district in Gujarat state, India. The three major agricultural change agencies under study are l) the Anand Institute of Agriculture; 2) the Kalra District Panchayat—Agriculture Branch, a department of the Block Development Programme; and 3) the Kalra District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Limited. To Identify and isolate the Influences of the three agencies, It vas necessary to Identify and Isolate the differing influences emanating fro* the farcers and their villages. As a Beans tovard resolving the basic problem, four major objectives are pursued throughout the study—to determine and compere l) village adoption of improved farm practices, 2) village production of crops, 3) the Influences of farmer characteristics on adoption •nd production, and k ) the Influences of village characteristics on adoption and production. A purposive sample of eight villages vas selected to represent all possible combinations of Influences from the three agencies. Then a 5 to 10 percent stratified, randoa sample of farmers was selected from each village and administered a pretested-retested, structured interview schedule to determine personal characteristics, rates of adoption of lnproved faro practices, and comparative crop yields. Further data were collected by observation, report, and records. Analysis and Interpretation of the data indicate that the Institute of Agriculture has had the greatest Influence oc the adoption of lnproved far* practices, especially on the use of plant protection Materials, the employment of superior implements, the spread of dairy innovations, and the vide use of lnproved strains of tobacco. The Block Development Programme was found to be next most effective, especially in encouraging the use of high-yielding varieties of paddy and bejra, and the use of chemical fertilizers. Anul Dairy, when operating as the sole agency In a village, has not had a significant influence on the adoption of general farm practices, though It has had considerable success vlth Introducing dairy Innovations and developing cooperation vlthln and among the villages. An analysis of the production data Indicates that the Block Development Programme has had by far the cost significant Influence on increasing total agricultural production. The Institute has been next cost influential In Increasing total output, and Anul Dairy least so. The varying effectiveness of the agencies Is explained by the nethods •■ployed by each. The Block has been reasonably successful in employing extension techniques such as l) demonstration plots, 2) night meetings In the villages, end 3) crop competitions. The Institute has benefited the farmers most by conducting Farmers' Days co the Institute farms. In addition, it has had considerable success vith village Meetings and radio broadcasts. The Dairy has been most effective by scheduling educational excursions, sponsoring intensive village campaigns co specific practices, and running a highly successful Secretarial Training Programme. Despite strong evidence favoring the agencies' Joint presence In the village, the findings also reveal that the differences among farcers and villages have had a acre significant Influence on farcer performance, in teras of greater adoption of improved practices and production of crops, than the single or combined Influences of the three agencies. Howerer, all Of the villages under study have been influenced to sooe extent by all three agencies.
No. of references 100