A study on technological gap in cultivation of cotton crop in nisarpur block of dhar district madhya pradesh

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ABSTRACT Cotton (gossipium spp.) is one of the most important commercial fiber crops it play prominent role in the national and international economy due to its high commercial value, it is also named as “white gold”. Cotton is grown chiefly for its fiber used in the textiles industries and it is also used for several other purposes like making threads for mixing in other fibers, oil extraction from cotton seeds, crushed seeds for animal feed, lint for religious purpose etc. India has largest area under the cotton in world but occupies third position in production with 35.20 million bales which cover the 12.18 million ha. of land. In India, enough research on cotton production technology has been generated in agricultural universities and research institutes but the target adopters of the technology have not been able to adopt it to desired level. There had always a gap between recommended technologies and their adoption by the ultimate users of the technology. Therefore, the present investigation entitled “A study on technological gap in cultivation of cotton crop in Nisarpur block of Dhar District, M.P.” The specific objectives of the investigation were as follows: 1. To know the socio-economic, psychological and communicational attributes of cotton growers. 2. To determine the technological gap in different practices of cotton cultivation followed by cotton grower. 3. To find out the association between socio-economic, psychological and communicational attributes with technological gap. 4. To find out the constraints perceived by cotton growers in adoption of recommended cotton production technology and suggestion to overcome them. In order to achieve these objectives, the investigation was carried out in Nisarpur block of Dhar district (MP). By using random sampling method 120 soybean growers were selected from 10 villages. Data were collected with the help of pretested interview schedule. The data were analyzed by investigator using frequency, percentage, mean, Chi-square test and rank order. In case of socio-economic attributes most of the cotton growers belonged to middle age group, acquired up to primary education, having medium size of land holding, had medium material possession, had low social participation, having low farm power and annual income. In case of communicational attributes higher percentages of cotton growers were having low mass media exposure, had medium contact with extension agencies, and having low extension participation. In case of psychological attributes, most of the cotton growers had medium scientific orientation, had medium knowledge of package of practices, having medium adoption level and medium technological gap. In relation to technological gap of various package of practices of cotton, it was found that , the maximum mean technological gap was found in plant protection management and minimum mean technological gap was found in picking management of cotton. The association between various attribute of cotton growers like education level, land holding, form power, annual income, , mass media exposure, contact with extension agencies, scientific orientation, knowledge of package of practices, adoption level and technological gap were found to be significant association with technological gap, whereas only age, material possession, social participation and extension participation had shows non- significant association with technological gap of cotton growers. The major constraints reported by cotton growers were irregular supply of electricity, lack of the knowledge about recommended dozes of insecticides and fungicides, lack of the knowledge about insect-pest and their control measures, higher cost of inputs like seed, fertilizer and pesticides, lack of labourers at the time of picking of cotton, lack of regular contact of RAEOs with farmer, lack of technical guidance from RAEOs, higher charges of labourers, lack of the knowledge about seed treatment process, lack of training programme on cotton production technology , poor transport facilities, non availability of seed and fertilizer in co-operative at proper time, co-operative societies is away from village and complex bank loaning procedure. Similarly, majority of cotton growers suggested that the electricity should be made available, improved cotton production technology training should be given at proper time, dissemination of technology from research field to farmer field, visit of R.A.E.O. should be regular, cost of seed, fertilizer, and insecticide should be less, there should be co-operative near the village, technical knowledge should be given by RAEOs , simplification in crop loan process, the crop loan should be provide at proper time.
cotton, tillage equipment, productivity, participation, land resources, crops, marketing, sowing, manpower, production technology