Characterization of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] germplasm for agronomic and nutritional traits under rainfed condition

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The present investigation entitled “Characterization of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] germplasm for yield and nutritional traits under rainfed condition” was carried out to study extent of genetic variability in different morphological and biochemical traits and their association with yield and nutritional traits in pearl millet germplasm. Mean sum of squares due to treatments were highly significant for all the traits under study, indicating that considerable amount of variability was present among the genotypes for all the traits. High GCV, PCV, heritability and genetic advance as % of mean was observed for the traits viz., panicle length, panicle diameter, productive tillers (no. /plant), fodder yield per plant, 1000 seed weight and grain yield per plant indicating predominance of additive gene action. Hence, resorting to simple selection would be effective. The combined analysis of correlation coefficient analysis and path coefficient analysis revealed that the traits, mainly, dry fodder yield, plant height, panicle diameter, number of productive tillers per plant and calcium content were the major yield attributing traits and hence; emphasis should be given to this traits while programming any plant breeding programme. No significant associations were observed between the nutritional traits and grain yield, indicating that there should be no compromise on grain yield while selecting for high nutritional content genotypes in pearl millet breeding programmes.