Evaluation of damage potential of mite, tyrophagus putrescentiae schrank (Acari: Acaridae) in button mushroom, agaricus bisporus (Lange)

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The studies on population buildup of T. putrescentiae on compost and fruiting body of Agaricus bisporus revealed that irrespective of initial inoculumn level mite number decreased significantly at each observation period. No mites were recorded after 20, 38, 42 days and 20, 30, 38 days on compost and fruiting body at initial inoculmn level of 10, 20 and 30 T. putrescentiae pairs, respectively. Highest inoculums level (30 mite pairs) harboured statistically higher number of mites (37.76 mites/ 10 g compost) followed by 20 pairs (19.47 mites/ 10 g compost) and 10 mite pairs (6.33 mites/ 10 g compost). Percent loss in total sugar, reducing sugar, non reducing sugar, starch, protein content of compost was in the range of 10.47 to 24.60%, 22.89 to 68.67%, 0 to 0.92%, 16.33 to 33.33%, 0 to 10%, respectively. The weight loss of the compost and fruiting body was 1.3 to 6.1 percent in these levels. Comparative evaluation of different composts revealed that significantly higher population developed on wheat straw + poultry manure based compost (46.46 mites) followed by wheat straw + wheat bran based compost (44.20 mites), wheat straw + cotton seed meal (40.39 mites), paddy straw based compost (38.20 mites) and wheat straw + paddy straw based compost (36.93 mites).Susceptibility studies of five A. bisporus strains revealed Abl-5 as most susceptible strain as maximum population developed (102.37 mites) on this strain. The other strains Abl-2, Abl-3, Abl-4 and Abl-6 showed 95.33, 96.29, 95.20 and 94.62 mites, which were statistically comparable with each other. T. putrescentiae pairs released from M. perniciosa infected plates to A. bisporus culture plates disseminated pathogenic spores on A. bisporus culture. After 6 days, whitish mouldy growth (wet bubble disease) was started on A. bisporus culture which spread to whole culture within 18 days. The colour of culture changed from pale brown to white. The T. putrescentiae population rose to 177.25 mites within 22 days on A. bisporus culture from initial inoculums of 10 pairs.