Impact of Nutrition Education on Knowledge and Practice of Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD), Dharwad Taluk, Karnataka State

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UAS, Dharwad
The study on impact of education intervention on knowledge and practice of iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) was conducted in Dharwad taluk in 2010-2011. Members of SHG from rural and urban area (N=240) were sample for study. The sub sample of 120 was selected for education intervention. Education tools like folder, booklet and video CD on IDD were developed in local language. They were educated for a period of two months at the interval of 15 days. The urban women achieved significantly higher mean knowledge scores on the awareness, prevention and treatment aspects of IDD. The urban women had higher knowledge score regarding IDD (32.46±7.38) than the rural women (30.17±7.38). Rural and urban woman had very less knowledge regarding causes of IDD. It was observed that almost half of urban women (45.00%) were under high practice category whereas around one forth of rural women (26.70%) was in this category. Almost all urban (99.20%) and more than half of rural women (60.00%) were using iodised salt. Almost half of urban (48.30%) and one third of rural women knew that iodised salt provides iodine. One third of rural women (30.00%) were using unpacked crystalline salt for daily consumption when compared to urban women (0.83%). Nutrition education made an impact in improving knowledge among both rural and urban women significantly. A good improvement was observed on familiarity with the term iodine and essentiality of iodine, goiter. About 20.00 per cent of increase was seen in knowledge regarding causes of IDD. There was increase in knowledge score regarding use of iodised salt (rural from 38.30 to 83.30%, urban from 75.00 to 98.30%).
Food Science and Nutrition