Effect of harvesting season on fruit nutraceutical properties and nutrient profiling of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch)

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Punjab Agricultural University
The present investigations were conducted to elucidate „the effect of harvesting season on fruit nutraceutical properties and nutrient profiling of strawberry during 2021-23 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Five strawberry varieties (Rania, Camarosa, Nabila, Sans Andreas, Tropical Beauty) produced during January, February and March were evaluated for physical attributes (fruit size, weight, dry weight, pericarp and pulp colour coordinates) and biochemical parameters (TSS, TSS/acid, juice pH, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, anthocyanin content, antioxidant activity, flavonols, ascorbic acid and total phenols). Physico-chemical characters were significantly superior in „Camarosa‟, „Nabila‟ and „Sans Andreas‟ varieties in comparison to „Tropical Beauty‟ and „Rania‟. Pulp and pericarp L*, C* coordinates were significantly better in these varieties; however, fruit anthocyanin content, a* and h* angle was recorded the lowest values depicting the better red colour development. Fruits of all varieties matured during February-March had better quality related parameters. Leaf macro and micro nutrients content was also estimated in different varieties and it was ranged from 2.23 % to 2.85%, 0.22% to 0.27%, 0.63% to 0.93%, 0.91% to 1.16%, 0.33% to 0.47%, 155.66 ppm to 212.0 ppm, 30.6 ppm to 37.5 ppm, 10.1 ppm to 18.8 ppm and 24.19 ppm to 33.89 ppm in leaf of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and B content, respectively. Overall, strawberry varieties produced during February-March are superior in term of fruit size, weight, colour development and chemical attributes.
Lovedeep Kaur (2023). Effect of harvesting season on fruit nutraceutical properties and nutrient profiling of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch) (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.