Analysis of entrepreneurs trained by Punjab Agricultural University

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Punjab Agricultural University
The present study entitled ‘An analysis of entrepreneurs trained by Punjab Agricultural University’ is an attempt to determine the capacitator and facilitator role of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in setting up and management of the enterprise set up by PAU trained entrepreneurs, profile them and identify problems faced by them along with the factors contributing to their success. Data collected personally from 64 entrepreneurs who were trained and provided stalls at Kisan Mela organized by PAU at campus revealed that majority of entrepreneurs were middle aged, female, married and belonged to small-sized families nuclear families. Majority sourced their income from entrepreneurship. One fourth were graduates. Majority were producing and selling agro-processing based products and least percentage were dealing with household utility articles. Large percentage were found to have started their enterprise in the last 2-8 years. Majority were functioning under the umbrella of self-help group (SHG) and had registered their enterprise and were earning between 1 to 6 lakhs annually. It was found that entrepreneur’s interaction with consumers was the major source of advertisement. Nearly half were motivated by PAU experts during training to start the enterprise. PAU experts at the campus emerged as a source of help for registration of enterprises. Majority of entrepreneurs were members of PAU Associations/Clubs and were regularly attending the meeting. Maximum number of trainings attended by entrepreneurs were organized by PAU. They were supported by PAU with information about trainings and Kisan Melas beside facilitating them for developing linkages with different institutions for availing subsidies, awards, loans or setting up of marketing. PAU provided a platform for marketing during initial years to understand the market demand and plan marketing strategies as per consumer demand. Entrepreneurs were recognized by different agencies for their work and large percentage out of them had received 1-3 awards and were awarded and honoured by PAU for their role as entrepreneurs. Total of 523010 hours of paid employment was generated through these enterprises. Nearly half of them had started the enterprise to substitute family income. Difficulty in marketing of products and lowering sales during COVID- 19 were the major problems faced by entrepreneurs. Education, higher organizational membership, number of products, more recognition, large family size, use of mass media , use of ICT , subsidy and training were contributing factors to success. It can be concluded that PAU was playing a vital role in facilitating entrepreneurship development.
Ikjot Kaur (2022). Analysis of entrepreneurs trained by Punjab Agricultural University (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.