Assessment of land transformation in southwestern districts of Punjab using geo-informatic techniques

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Punjab Agricultural University
The study of land transformation of the southwestern districts of Punjab particularly Faridkot, Fazilka, Ferozepur and Sri Muktsar Sahib is crucial and essential. The objective of the present study was to generate a long term database about land transformation and its dynamics using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Various spatio-temporal Landsat images for the years 2000, 2010 and 2020 were classified and indices maps were generated in QGIS. Land use land cover classification of these districts of southwest Punjab was carried out for the years 2000, 2010 and 2020 using Landsat-5 and Landsat-8 satellite imagery following the NRSC Level 1 classification scheme. The prepared maps were classified into five main classes viz; settlement, agriculture, water bodies, waterlogged, and wasteland. The ground truthing of the features available in land use land cover map was also validated. The maximum decrease in agricultural land from the year 2000-2010 and 2010-2020 was found to be 3.46% and 3.02% in Faridkot and Ferozepur districts respectively. The decrease in land was found to be changed into settlement. The continuous and maximum increase in the settlement was found in Fazilka district from the year 2000-2010 and 2010-2020 was 3.03% and 4.56% respectively. The most interesting finding from land use land cover change detection was the decrease in waterlogged and wasteland area of southwestern district of Punjab from the year 2000-2020. The generated information is very useful for researchers, officers and decision policy makers for sustainable development of these districts.
Gupta, Arun Kumar (2023). Assessment of land transformation in southwestern districts of Punjab using geo-informatic techniques (Unpublished M.Tech. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.