Influence of different levels of energy on growth performance of crossbred pigs

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Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy
An experiment was conducted to assess •the influence of different levels of energy on the growth performance of crossbred (Large White Yorkshire x Desi) pigs. Fifteen male (castrated) and fifteen female weaned crossbred piglets with an average body weight of 12.9 kg were divided into three equal groups as uniformly as possible with regard to age, sex and body weight. The three groups of piglets were maintained on three rations with 16 per cent crude protein but differing in their energy content, viz., 2800 kcal (T1), 3000 kcal CT2) and 3200 kcal (TI) of digestible energy (DE) per kg. The average daily gains recorded for the three groups T1, T2 and TI were 262.9, 302.0 and 362.8 g respectively. The cumulative feed conversion efficiencies were 6.0, 5.2 and 4.1 for the groups T1, T2 and TI respectively. The values recorded for TI were higher (P<0.01) than those for T1 and T2. The digestibility coefficients of nutrients except that of crude fibre and crude protein were found to improve with increase in the energy content of the rations. Study of the carcass traits revealed that the body weight at slaughter and dressed weight without head improved as the energy content of the rations increased. However, dressing percentage, carcass length and back fat thickness were not significantly influenced by the energy content of the ration. The cost of feed per kg weight gain of animals was significantly lower (P<0.01) for the dietary treatment T3 compared to that of T2 and Tl, the values being Rs.49.90, 43.30 and 34.10 for Tl, T2 and T3 respectively. The above results indicate that crossbred pigs require 3200 kcal of DE/kg of the ration for better growth performance provided the crude protein level is maintained at 16 per cent.