Efficacy of Articaine and Ropivacaine as Local Anaesthetic for Paravertebral Analgesia in Cattle

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MAFSU, Nagpur
The present research work on efficacy of articaine and ropivacaine as local anaesthetic for paravertebral analgesia in cattle was conducted. A total 36 clinical cases of cattle reported at TVCC with various abdominal affections were subjected for laparo rumenotomy. These clinical cases were randomly divided into three equal groups (n=12) viz., Group 1 (2% Lignocaine HCl with vasoconstrictor @ 4 mg/kg.b.wt.) in Group 2 (4% Articaine HCl with vasoconstrictor @ 4 mg/kg.b.wt.) and in Group 3 (0.75% Ropivacaine HCl with vasoconstrictor @ 1 mg/kg.b.wt.) comprised of 12 animals in each group. In six animals from each group proximal paravertebral nerve block was performed using conventional method and in other 6 animals using ultrasound guidance. Efficacy of these local anaesthetic were evaluated with reference to clinico-physiological, haematological, biochemical parameters on 0, 1, 24 and 48 hours. Assessment of analgesia was carried out by recording onset of action, duration of action, local (skin) temperature and area of desensitization. The minimum duration of action was recorded in group 2 followed by group 1 and group 3 in both the methods. The longer duration of action was recorded in group 3 followed by group 2 and group 1 in both method. There was a highly significant difference in the onset and duration of action between all groups (p<0.01), whereas the non-significant difference was recorded on comparison between conventional and ultrasound guided nerve blocks. There was statistically significant difference (P 0.01) in skin temperature before and after proximal paravertebral nerve block in all the groups. The entire flank area gets desensitized quickly in group 2 followed by group 1 and group 3. The clinico-physiological parameter showed non significant and transcient fluctuations which were within normal physiological limits. In haematological parameters Hb and TLC decreased non-significantly at 1 hour interval, which increased non significantly at 24 hours onwards. The PCV and TLC showed a non significant increase from 1 hour onwards. Non significant increase in neutrophil was observed from 1 hour onwards, whereas non significant lymphocytopenia was recorded in all groups. Eosinophils, basophils and monocyte showed non-significant fluctuations within normal physiological limits and have no clinical relevance. The biochemical parameters like ALT, AST BUN and creatinine showed a non significant (p>0.05) fluctuations. Sodium and potassium values were varied non significantly and were within normal physiological limits. In the light of research it can be concluded that 4% Articaine HCl has a rapid onset of analgesia as compared to other two drugs whereas, 0.75% Ropivacaine HCl has longest duration of action. There was non significant variation observed in proximal paravertebral nerve block performed either by conventional method or by ultrasound guided technique. However ultrasound guided proximal paravertebral nerve block in cattle is feasible, effective and could reduce the complication associated with the conventional method/blind technique.