Haematological And Serum Biochemical Profile Of Intestinal Impaction In Elephants

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Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy
The present study was undertaken to analyze the haematological and biochemical alterations in elephants affected with gastro-intestinal tract impaction. The epidemiology, clinical fmdings and haematology were the main items of observations. Six elephants affected with gastro-intestinal tract impaction lasting for more than four days in and around Thrissur district were utilized for the study. Six apparently healthy elephants in and around Thrissur district were selected at random and utilized as the healthy controls. The detailed history was collected using a questionnaire (Annexure I). Sample of whole blood and serum from the animals of the healthy and diseased groups were collected and analysed. Haematological values consisting ofESR, PCV, Hb, TEC, TLC and DLC were recorded. Urea nitrogen, glucose, sodium, chloride, potassium, total protein, creatinine, bicarbonate, lactate and AST in the serum were estimated using standard methods. Analysis of the data indicated that the disease was more common in male elephants than in females. The incidence was more in summer season i.e., during the season of festivals. Characteristic clinical symptoms were absence of defaecation ~, tttc!ife than 24 hours, varying degrees of straining, exudation from re~t»m ~rn1 Y~frfrg degrees of dehydration. Clinical data were within physiological limits on the day of collection of blood sample, i.e. on the fourth day after the development of clinical symptoms. A highly significant increase in PCV but without significant alterations in Hb, ESR, TEC, TLC and DLC were observed in elephants affected with gastro-intestinal tract impaction. Biochemical changes in blood included a highly significant increase in urea-nitrogen and lactate levels. Highly significant decrease in the level of chloride was noticed. Significant increase in the level of bicarbonate was noticed. Decrease in the levels of glucose and potassium in the affected elephants was significant. Variations in total protein, sodium, creatinine and aspartate amino transferase in the blood were not significant. Changes in the parameters observed in elephants with gastro-intestinal tract impaction in the present study indicated that mild metabolic alkalosis with hypochloremia and hypokalemia were associated with this condition. Intensive treatment with a balanced electrolyte solution! Dextrose saline/ gastric replacement solutions is recommended in the early stages of gastro-intestinal tract impaction.