Traditional usages of ichthyotoxic plant Barringtonia asia.tica (L.) Kurz. by the Nicobari tribes

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Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University
The Barrington Asiatica is a medium-size tree commonly found in Car Nicobar island known forits ichthyotoxic property. [t grows on sandy and rocky short areas and has lantern shaped seeds, locally called r(m)av used during the calm season in shallow and low tide \ryaters for killing fishes, octopus, etc- At every successful operation they harvest about I-J kg and on the whole about lO 20 k8 offishes per lrip. This method of fish catching was popular among the Car Nicobari tribes until the massive tsunami of 26th December,2004, which caused dislocation of tribes from their erstwhile coastal inhabitations to interior arcas, damage ofcoral reefs, permanent water intrusion in the intertidal area, and deslruction of,(,/,.),av trees- Hence, now_a_days the popularity of this nshing melhod among them has diminished. The sludy not only reveals lhe usefulness of seeds in the harvesting of fishes but also ihe utilization ofolher parts oftree such as leaves for therapeutic purpose in fracture, wound, de-worming, pain re)ieving of human beings; log for construction ofcaooe' wooden houses, sitting stage, handicraft items, lire wood and whole tree for preventing lhe coastal erosion.
Journal of Marine and Island Cultures