Asymptomatic splenic haemangiosarcoma in a dog

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Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists
On clinical examination in a seven year old female dog brought with complaints of off feed and vomition distended abdomen with a palpable mass was found. Blood picture revealed reduced haematological values with marked neutrophilia, anisocytosis, schistocytes and hypochromasia. The ultrasound examination revealed an extensive mass with mixed echogenecity of splenic origin with moderate abdominal eff usion while the liver lobes were not visualized. In view of the poor prognosis, the dog was euthanatized and postmortem examination was conducted. The carcass was emaciated with distended abdomen and the abdominal cavity revealed a space occupying large grey white multil obulated smooth mass splitt ing the spleen into two portions. The cut surface was grey white, lobulated and cystic with accumulation of dirty red tinged fl uid. Metastases were seen in the liver and kidneys. Histologically, a highly cellular infi ltrative mass with closely packed poorly defi ned vascular channels lined with plump pleomorphic endothelial cells or large sheets of anaplastic cells. The cells had indistinct cell outline and scant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, centrally located vesicular hyperchromatic nuclei with marked anisokaryosis and scatt ered mitotic fi gures. Minimal fi brous stroma between the vascular channels, areas of haemorrhage and necrosis with presence of moderate lymphocytes and macrophages were observed. The metastatic foci in the liver and kidneys showed histological appearance similar to the primary tumour in spleen. Immunohistochemical detection of endothelial cell marker vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the splenic neoplasm further supported the diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma.
Veterinary Science