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Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University
Empowerment is a multidimensional process, which should enable an individual or group to realize their full identity and powers in all spheres of life. 'The process of empowerment is one where women find a time and space of their own and begin to examine their lives critically and collectively. It enables women to look at old problen~s in new ways, analyse their environment and situation, recognize their strength, acquire new skills and initiate action aimed at gaining greater control over various resources. Keeping these facts in view, the present study was conceived to know the extent of empowerment of women entrepreneurs following exploratory research design. Four entrepreneurial activities namely; fabric designing, swagruha foods, embroidery works and handicrafts which were predominantly taken up by women entrepreneurs in Ranga Reddy district of Andhra Pradesh were selected randomly. Twenty womeh entrepreneurs from each of four selected enterprises were selected randomly. Thus, a total of 80 women entrepreneurs were selected for the study. I~urllicr, 20 women entrepreneurs, ten from each two selected sick enterprises were selected randomly to study the key elements of failure. The data were collected by administering a pre-tested interview schedule and then suitable statistical tests were applied for analysis. . The study revealed that most of the women entrepreneurs were in young age and had education upto intermediate. Slightly less than three-fourth of them had not undergone any training and one-eighth of them had undergone training for about 3-6 montbs in the field of fabric designing. More than one-fourth of women entrepreneurs had an annual income from Rs.80,000-1,60,000 and more than half of women entrepreneurs had no past experience in any entrepreneurial activity. Majority of them had high leadership ability and seeking information always from Newspaper, Television and handicrafis office, had high-risk management and achievement motivation. More than half of women entrepreneurs had high self-confidence, creativity and marketing behaviour. Majority of them preferred si ticable and pamphlets for advertising their products. More than three-fourth of women entrepreneurs had high bargaining power and competitive spirit. Nearness to market, success stories of other women entrepreneurs and information provided by friends and neighbours were the main sources of awareness for the women entrepreneurs. Most of them had high awareness about the four selected enterprises. An average amount of Rs.2 13400, 197588 and 65563 was generated as additional income, assets and savings respectively after setting up ot selected enterprises. On the whole, fabric designing enterprise was more prospcctivc in terms of additional income, assets and savings followed by handicrafts, swagruha foods and embroidery works enterprise. Chitfunds were the main source of savings for the women entrepreneurs. The average level of debts were reduced to Rs. 15663 from an amount of Rs.77313 after setting up of selected enterprises. With regard to spending behaviour of women entrepreneurs of fabric designing, swagruha foods, embroidery works and handicrafts enterprise an additional amount of Rs.359450, 329450, 2 15 150 and 305650 respectively was spent after setting up of enterprises. More than half of women entrepreneurs had high decision making abilily in entrepreneurial activities and familial matters. To ensure financial stability to children, personal ambition to conic up in life socially and financially and success of other women entrepreneurs were the main motivating factors responsible for taking up all entrepreneurial activities. Hard work, spouse support, creative thin king, good quality of products, timely cotnpletion of work and variety of products were the key elements of success of wolnelr ctitrepreneurs. 'Ihe key elements of failure of two selected sick ecllcrprises were out dated technology, heavy competition, lack of sufficient working capital, poor quality of products. Playing dual role as housewife and entrepreneur and non-availability of good quality raw materials were the problems faced by fabric designing entrepreneurs. The suggestions elicited were to have government support in procuring good quality raw materials at lower rates and to create more number of training facilities. With regard to swagruha foods enterprise; no training facilities, heavy competition, lack of sufficient working capital, wastage of the products by labour were the main problems. The suggestions elicited were to create a separate finance cell for women, to create more training facilities and government support in procuring good quality raw materials at lower rates. Majority of embroidery works entrepreneurs faced the problems of costly raw material and playing dual role as house wife and entrepreneur. The suggestions given by them were government support in procuring good quality raw materials at lower rates and create rnore training facilities. Three fourth of handicrans entrepreneurs expressed the problems of untimely availability of raw materials, high cost of stall maintenance and playing dual role as house wife and entrepreneur. Government support in procuring good quality raw materials and creating more number of outlets were the suggestions elicited by them. To over come these problems faced by women entrepreneurs, some more additional concessions are to be provided. Banks and other financial institutions should come forward to extend loans to women entrepreneurs at reduced rate of interest. Maximum possible assistance should be provided to women for completing documentation and other formalities. Lastly to ensure women entrepreneurship development, integrated efforts by various institutions and corporations are needed so that required assistance may be provided to the potential women entrepreneurs.