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Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June, 2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified institution. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has ranked this University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country. The University has been given the mandate for making provision for imparting education in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertaking extension of such sciences, especially to the rural people of Himachal Pradesh. Over the years, this University has contributed significantly in transforming the farm scenario of Himachal Pradesh. It has developed human resources, varieties and technologies and transferred these to farming community enabling the State to receive the “Krishikarman award” of Govt. of India four times in row for food grain production among small states of the country. Today, the State has earned its name for hill agricultural diversification and the farming community has imposed its faith in the University.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Relationship between sonographic characteristics of uterus and ovaries during estrus and subsequent fertility in dairy cows
    (Palampur, 2021-08-05) Khanoria, Neha; Singh, Madhumeet
    The present study was conducted in clinically healthy, normal cyclic cows (N=20) with no history of reproductive abnormality at the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Livestock Farm Complex, CSKHPKV, Palampur. All the cows were monitored for behavioural signs like mounting, standing to be mounted, bellowing, vulvar oedema, and cervicovaginal discharge at the time of estrus. The physical parameters of cervicovaginal discharge such as consistency, quantity, color, pH, spinnbarkeit, and fern pattern were recorded. Thereafter, trans-rectal B-mode and color Doppler sonography of the ovarian and uterine characteristics along with the middle uterine artery of cows was done. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the relationship between different ultrasonic characteristics of ovaries and uterus with conception rate and analysis of the blood flow through a middle uterine artery at estrus for prediction of ovulation time. Spinnbarkeit, the physical property of cervicovaginal discharge, was significantly higher (p0.05) for pH was recorded. The preovulatory follicle at estrus had a significantly higher (p0.05) was recorded for uterine characteristics i.e., intraluminal uterine fluid diameter and endometrial thickness. Similarly, the vascularity of mid cyclic corpus luteum was significantly higher (p0.05) in relation to pregnancy. The pulsatility index and mean blood flow volume were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the MUA ipsilateral to preovulatory follicle at estrus as compared to contralateral MUA. Also, the pulsatility and resistivity indices along with velocity (TAMAX) of blood flow to the uterus through MUA ipsilateral to preovulatory follicle at estrus were significantly higher (p<0.01-0.05) in cows ovulated within 24 hours of A.I. as compared to cows ovulated after 24 hours.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Investigations on etiologies of genital prolapse in bovines of Himachal Pradesh
    (Palampur, 2021-08-24) Sharma, Vivek; Kumar, Pravesh
    The present study was planned with the objectives to document the prevalence and etiologies of genital prolapse in bovines of different regions of Himachal Pradesh and to suggest the prevention and control. First part of the study comprised of documentation of prevalence of genital prolapse in bovines of Himachal Pradesh. Second part of study was investigation of etiologies of genital prolapse in bovines by estimation of clinco-pathological investigations for blood hormone, haematological and biochemicals of the affected (n=238) bovines (cattle and buffaloes) throughout the state and last was to suggest prevention and control of genital prolapse. Among cattle, the highest prevalence was reported in district Bilaspur (10.58%) followed by Chamba (9.03%) and Hamirpur (6.50%) whereas among buffaloes the highest prevalence was recorded in district Kangra (13.57%) followed by district Bilaspur (13.35%), Hamirpur (10.13%) and Chamba (8.23%). Overall prevalence of genital prolapse in cattle in Himachal Pradesh was 2.17 per cent and in buffaloes it was 6.53 per cent. In hormonal estimation, Significantly (P<0.01) high levels of plasma estradiol-17β (E2) and low level of progesterone (P4) were observed in affected bovines in comparison to nonaffected ones in all three (Pregnant, Postpartum and Non-pregnant) stages. Similarly, cortisol was also significantly high in non-pregnant (P<0.01) and post-partum (P<0.01) affected cattle groups and post-partum buffaloes (P<0.05) group. In minerals, Ca and P were significantly low at different levels of significance (P<0.01 and P<0.05) in cattle and buffaloes in all 3 stages except non-pregnant prolapse in buffaloes. In cows affected with genital prolapse, the biochemicals like triglycerides (P<0.01), urea (P<0.01) and SGOT (P<0.05) were significantly higher and cholesterol (P<0.01) was significantly lower than non-affected cows. In buffaloes showing genital prolapse, only a significant higher concentration of triglycerides (P<0.01) was observed and other biochemicals like glucose (P<0.01), total protein (P<0.05) and cholesterol (P<0.01) were significantly lower in comparison to non-affected buffaloes. In cows affected with genital prolapse, leukocytes (P<0.05), granulocytes (P<0.01), haemoglobin (P<0.05) and platelets (P<0.05) were significantly higher than non-affected one. On the basis of etiologies of prolapse, minerals like calcium and phosphorous and hormone like progesterone can be supplemented during pregnancy to avoid its occurrence. Maximum of moderate and severe prolapse cases required surgical intervention with Buhner’s suture along with other supportive treatment.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CHKHPKV Palampur, 2020-09-19) SONI, TANIA; Singh, Madhumeet
    The study was conducted atInstructional Livestock Farm Complex, ChaudharySarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur. Ten dairy cows were selected for research and subjected to sonographic examination of ovarian structures from the day of estrus till completion of one estrous cycle using B-mode and color Doppler mode ultrasonography. Developmental pattern of follicles and corpus luteum during two- and three-follicular waves of estrous cycle were studied. The per cent vascularity of corpus luteum during different luteal phases and blood flow to uterus was evaluated based on the analysis of Doppler haemodynamic indices at an interval of 48 hours during an estrous cycle. Two-wave estrous cycle was more prevalent in dairy cows as compared to three-wave estrous cycle and there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the diameter of dominant follicle during different waves of two- and three-wave estrous cycle. Corpus luteum diameter and vascularity were significantly higher (p<0.01-0.05) during mid-luteal phase as compared to early and late luteal phase except in three-wave estrous cycle. Corpus luteum vascularity percentage was significantly higher in dairy cows (p<0.05) during late luteal phase in three-wave cycle as compared to two-wave cycle who failed to conceive. Also, there was a significant correlation (p<0.05) between corpus luteum diameter and vascularity irrespective of follicular waves and different luteal phases. A significant difference (p<0.01-0.05) between the recorded haemodynamic indices of middle uterine artery ipsilateral and contralateral to pre-ovulatory follicle was recorded on the day of estrus, however, this difference was found to be non-significant (p>0.05) with the progression of estrous cycle into luteal phase.