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Anand Agricultural University, Anand

Anand Agricultural University (AAU) was established in 2004 at Anand with the support of the Government of Gujarat, Act No.(Guj 5 of 2004) dated April 29, 2004. Caved out of the erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU), the dream institution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr. K. M. Munshi, the AAU was set up to provide support to the farming community in three facets namely education, research and extension activities in Agriculture, Horticulture Engineering, product Processing and Home Science. At present there seven Colleges, seventeen Research Centers and six Extension Education Institute working in nine districts of Gujarat namely Ahmedabad, Anand, Dahod, Kheda, Panchmahal, Vadodara, Mahisagar, Botad and Chhotaudepur AAU's activities have expanded to span newer commodity sectors such as soil health card, bio-diesel, medicinal plants apart from the mandatory ones like rice, maize, tobacco, vegetable crops, fruit crops, forage crops, animal breeding, nutrition and dairy products etc. the core of AAU's operating philosophy however, continues to create the partnership between the rural people and committed academic as the basic for sustainable rural development. In pursuing its various programmes AAU's overall mission is to promote sustainable growth and economic independence in rural society. AAU aims to do this through education, research and extension education. Thus, AAU works towards the empowerment of the farmers.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 2005) PATEL, HARISHKUMAR BECHARBHAI; Patel, K. F.
    The recent advances in banana production technology have demonstrated that scientific management has great potential for increasing the banana production. Therefore, raising management efficiency is of paramount importance for banana producer. This will open up new vistas and make possible for banana growers to achieve substantial gains in income. There are number of factors affecting the banana production. Management is one of the most important factors which help the banana grower to exploit natural resources and accumulate capital. The efficient use of resources depends to a greater extent on how banana growers acquire and adopt new innovations in the banana cultivation in effective manner to reach higher levels of economic performance through their management efficiency. The present study on "MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF BANANA GROWERS IN ANAND DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATE" was undertaken with following specific objectives: 1. To know the profile of the marginal, small and medium banana growers 2. To study the management efficiency and economic performance of marginal, small and medium banana growers 3. To explore the relationship of personal, situational and communicational characteristics with management efficiency of marginal, small and medium banana growers 4. To explore the relationship of personal, situational and communicational characteristics with economic performance of marginal, small and medium banana growers 5. To determine the relationship between management efficiency and economic performance of marginal, small and medium banana growers 6. To know the extent of contribution of selected independent variables on the dependent variables of banana growers 7. To study the direct and indirect effect of the independent variables on the management efficiency of banana growers 8. To study the direct and indirect effect of the independent variables on the economic performance of banana growers and 9. To identify the constraints faced by the banana growers in adoption of improved banana cultivation technology. The present study was undertaken in five talukas of Anand district of Gujarat state. From each taluka, four villages were selected having highest area under banana crop. From each village twelve banana growers (4- marginal, 4- small and 4- medium banana growers) from 20 selected villages constituted a total sample size of 240 respondents at random. The ex-post-facto research design was followed. A scale was developed to measure the management efficiency of banana growers. The dependent and independent variables were measured with appropriate scales and procedures adopted by other research workers. To measure the knowledge level regarding improved banana cultivation technology and attitude towards improved banana cultivation technology, tests were developed by the investigator. An interview schedule was developed in accordance with the objectives of the study and it was pretested and translated in to Gujarati. The data of this study were collected through personal interview. The statistical measures such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, factorial concept, co-efficient of correlation, stepwise multiple regression, standard partial regression coefficient and path analysis were used. MAJOR FINDINGS The important findings of the study are as under: 1. Nearly three-fifth (58.75, 62.50 and 62.50 per cent) of marginal, small and medium banana growers belonged to middle age group i.e.36 to 55 years and had high school to college level education (57.50, 66.25 and 65.00 per cent) respectively. Majority of marginal, small and medium banana growers had medium to high economic motivation (71.25, 75.00 and 84.00 per cent) and risk orientation (75.00, 71.25 and 80.00 per cent),while medium to low experience in banana cultivation (78.75, 82.50 and 80.00 per cent) and self confidence (91.25, 76.25 and 73.75 per cent), whereas medium achievement motivation (77.55, 55.00 and 73.55 per cent), level of aspiration(67.50, 56.25 and 55.00 per cent), scientific orientation(66.25, 60.00 and 42.50 per cent), innovative proneness(61.25, 52.50 and 63.75 per cent),self reliance (57.50, 57.50 and 53.75 per cent), cosmopoliteness (72.50, 63.75 and 76.25 percent), deferred gratification (62.50, 60.00 and 83.75 per cent), competition orientation (72.50,61.25 and51.25 per cent) respectively. Further, these three categories belonged to shaded category (56.25, 65.00 and 36.25 per cent) respectively. 2. Slightly less than three-fifth (58.75, and 58.75 per cent) of marginal and small banana growers and 76.25 per cent medium banana growers had joint family, while more than half (51.25, 52.50 and 60.00 per cent) possessed big family and medium herd size(58.75,47.50 and 53.75 per cent) respectively. 3. Majority of marginal, small and medium banana growers had low to medium participation in training programme (97.50, 90.00 and 96.25 per cent), while medium personal guidance (67.50, 41.25 and 62.50 per cent), and contact with extension agency (78.25, 40.00 and 72.50 per cent) whereas, medium to high level of exposure to mass media (78.75, 87.50 and 72.50 per cent) respectively. 4. In pooled sample 82.05 per cent of banana growers were in young to middle age group and nearly equal per cent (31.67 per cent 32.50 per cent and 30.42 per cent) possessed education at middle school level, high school level and college level respectively. Majority of the banana growers had medium to high economic motivation (76.67 per cent), risk orientation (76.67 per cent), achievement motivation (85.42 per cent), scientific orientation (83.75 per cent), self reliance (95.83 per cent), competition orientation (93.75 per cent), while majority of the respondents had medium to low experience in banana cultivation (80.42 per cent), innovative proneness (89.59 per cent) and self confidence (80.42 per cent) whereas majority of the respondents had medium level of cosmopoliteness(70.83 per cent),deferred gratification (68.75 per cent) and level of aspiration(59.58 per cent). Also 52.50 per cent of the respondents belonged to shaded category. 5. Majority of pooled sample banana growers had joint family (64.58 per cent), big family (54.58 per cent) and medium to low herd size (92.50 per cent). 6. Majority of the respondents in pooled sample had medium to high personal guidance (80.00 per cent) and exposure to mass media (79.58 per cent) while, medium to low contact with extension agency (84.58 per cent) and participation in training programme (94.58 per cent). 7. More than two-third (72.50 and 70.00 per cent) of marginal and medium banana growers while, slightly more than three-fifth (61.25 per cent) of small banana growers had medium management efficiency. In general, it was found that nearly two-third (67.92 per cent) of the respondents had medium management efficiency. 8. About two-third (68.75, 63.75 and 70.00 per cent) of marginal, small and medium banana growers had medium level of economic performance, respectively. In general, it was about 67.50 per cent of the banana growers had medium level of economic performance. 9. There was significant difference in respect of knowledge of improved banana cultivation technology, attitude toward improved banana cultivation practices, ability in planning, ability to make rational decision, timely adoption, ability to mobilize resources, ability to coordinate activities, ability to make rational marketing and competence in evaluation among different categories of banana growers except efficient use of resources. 10. Education, economic motivation, risk orientation, achievement motivation, level of aspiration, scientific orientation, innovative proneness, cosmopoliteness, differed gratification, competition orientation, participation in training programme, personal guidance, contact with extension agency and exposure to mass media were positively and significantly related with management efficiency and economic performance of marginal, small , medium and pooled sample banana growers while, age is negatively and significantly related to management efficiency and economic performance. Experience in banana cultivation was positively and significantly related with management efficiency and economic performance of marginal and pooled sample banana growers while it was non significant in case of small and medium banana growers. Agricultural belief, self confidence, family type, family size and herd size could not establish any significant relationship with management efficiency and economic performance in respect of marginal, small, medium and pooled sample banana growers. 11. Contact with extension agency was found to be most important variable contributing to the management efficiency of marginal banana growers followed by economic motivation, achievement motivation, cosmopoliteness, scientific orientation and herd size which has together contributed 86.79 per cent of the total variation. 12. Personal guidance was found to be most important variable contributing to the management efficiency of small banana growers followed by self confidence, innovative proneness, self reliance, scientific orientation, level of aspiration and economic motivation which has together contributed 89.35 per cent of the total variation. 13. Differed gratification was found to be most important variable contributing to the management efficiency of medium banana growers followed by cosmopoliteness, competition orientation, age and level of aspiration which has together contributed 91.34 per cent of total variation. 14. Economic motivation was found to be the most important variable contributing to the management efficiency of banana growers (pooled sample) followed by differed gratification cosmopoliteness, contact with extension agency, scientific orientation, innovative proneness, level of aspiration, risk orientation and self reliance which has together contributed 86.42 per cent of total variation. 15. Economic motivation was found to be the most important variable contributing to the economic performance of marginal banana growers followed by contact with extension agency, herd size, participation in training programme and exposure to mass media which has jointly accounted for about 78.02 per cent of total variation. 16. Risk orientation was found to be most important variable contributing to the economic performance of small banana growers followed by economic motivation, level of aspiration, scientific orientation and self confidence which has together contributed 78.95 per cent of the total variation. 17. Differed gratification was found to be the most important variable contributing to the economic performance of medium banana growers followed by cosmopoliteness scientific orientation and education which had together contributed 78.88 per cent of the total variation. Economic motivation was found to be the most important variable contributing to the economic performance of banana growers (pooled sample) followed by scientific orientation contact with extension agency, cosmopoliteness, risk orientation and level of aspiration which had together contributed 74.09 per cent of the total variation. The variable economic motivation had exerted the highest positive direct effect on management efficiency of banana growers (pooled sample), while Achievement motivation exhibited the highest positive total indirect effect on management efficiency. So far as substantial indirect effect is concerned, most of the variables exerted first order positive effect on management efficiency through economic motivation followed by through differed gratification and experience in banana cultivation, whereas in case of second order substantial indirect effect, most of the variables exerted their positive effect through differed gratification followed by cosmopoliteness, scientific orientation and participation in training programme respectively. Thus, the variables economic motivation, differed gratification, cosmopoliteness and scientific orientation, were the key variables for providing a way for all other independent variables in exerting their substantial indirect effect on management efficiency. The variable economic motivation had exerted the highest positive direct effect on economic performance of banana growers (pooled). Differed gratification exhibited the highest positive total indirect effect on economic performance. So far as substantial indirect effect is concerned most of the variables exerted first order positive effect on economic performance through economic motivation followed by through scientific orientation and competition orientation, whereas in case of second order substantial indirect effect, most of the variables exerted their positive effect through scientific orientation followed by risk orientation and cosmopoliteness respectively. Thus, the variables economic motivation, scientific orientation, risk orientation and cosmopoliteness were the key variables for providing a way for all other independent variables in exerting their substantial indirect effect on economic performance of banana growers (pooled sample). 21. The most important constraints faced by banana growers in adoption of improved banana cultivation technology were: irregular supply of electric power, non availability of pesticide at village level, uncertainty of price, lack of own tube well, difficulty in calculation of doses of fertilizer, high cost of tissue culture plant and insufficient training programme.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 2005) PATEL, BABUBHAI DAHYABHAI; Trivedi, M. S.
    Horticulture sector is a prominent sector among agriculture and allied activities as means of diversification and nature has placed India in a place of pride on horticultural development map of the world. India is second largest producer, consumer and exporter of spice and spice based byproduct. In the orient chilli popularly known as mirchi (Capsicum annum L.) is an important commercial and vegetable cum spice crop of India. The total area, production and productivity of chilli crop in India and Gujarat looks impressive but is not up to mark of its potential. The above facts would substantiate the need to find out such lacuna on the part of chilli growers. One way by which extension scientist can contribute to this task is to find out better ways and means of promoting chilli cultivation technology. There is a great scope of increasing its export by increasing its quality production through adoption of modern chilli cultivation technology. Thus, looking to the importance of factors related with adoption of chilli cultivation technology for narrowing the gap existing between actual yield to its potential yield a study entitle "A STUDY ON ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDED CHILLI TECHNOLOGY IN VADODARA DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATE" was under taken with following specific objectives. 1. To study the personal, social, economic and psychological characteristics of chilli growers. 2. To determine the extent of adoption of recommended chilli technology by chilli growers. 3. To ascertain the relationship if any between selected characteristics of chilli growers and their adoption of recommended chilli technology. 4. To know the constraints faced by chilli growers in adoption of recommended chilli technology. 5. To seek the suggestions of chilli growers to overcome the constraints faced by them. METHODOLOGY: The study was conducted in Vadodara district of Gujarat state. Out of twelve talukas, three talukas having higher land under chilli cultivation were purposively selected. 150 chilli growers from 15 village of these selected taluka were randomly selected for study purpose and considered as respondents. There response was collected through pre tested, well structured, Gujarati version, personal interview schedule. The respondents were contacted at their home or at their field. The dependent and independent variables were measured by utilizing appropriate scale and procedures adopted by other research worker with some modifications. The statistical tools used to analyze the data were: percentage, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of correlation and path coefficient.' MAJOR FINDINGS 1. More than three fifth of the chilli growers were belonged to middle age group. 2. A large majority of the chilli growers were literate and very few were illiterate. 3. Slightly more than half of the respondent had medium level of experience. 4. Overwhelming majority of the chilli growers were found untrained. 5. More than three fourth of the chilli growers had large size of family. 6. More than three fifth of the chilli growers had medium extension contact. 7. A large majority of the chilli grower had membership in an organization. 8. Slightly less than two third of the chilli growers had medium utilization of information source. 9. More than two third of the chilli growers had large size of land holding. 10. Chilli growers according to their annual income were more or less equally distributed. 11. More than two third of the respondents had farming as their main occupation. 12. Overwhelming majority of the chilli growers had cropping intensity up to 125 percent. 13. More than half of the respondents had medium level of cosmopoliteness. 14. Nearly less than two third of the chilli growers fall in group of medium economic motivation. 15. Exactly three fifth of the chilli growers had medium level of scientific orientation. 16. More than two third of the chilli growers had medium level of riskorientation. 17. More than two third of the chilli growers had medium level of knowledge regarding chilli cultivation technology. 18. More than two third of the chilli growers had medium level of adoption regarding chilli cultivation technology. 19. Out of seventeen dependent variables, eleven variables were significantly correlated with the adoption level of recommended chilli technology. Amongst the eleven variables, ten variables viz, education, training received, extension contact, social participation, source of information utilized, cosmopoliteness, economic motivation, scientific orientation, risk orientation and knowledge had positive and significant correlation with their level of adoption whereas age was negatively and significantly correlated. Rest independent variables viz, experience in chilli cultivation, size of family, size of land holding, annual income, occupation and cropping intensity failed to show any correlation with the adoption level. 20. Among the seventeen variables five variables Viz, knowledge, education, training received, extent of sources of information utilized and annual income contributed 74.90 per cent variation on extent of adoption of chilli technology by the chilli growers and training received and knowledge exerted powerful effect on it. 21. Knowledge of the chilli growers regarding chilli cultivation technology was the key variable in exerting considerable direct and substantial effect on adoption of recommended chilli cultivation technology. Risk orientation and training received were the major trait in determination of adoption level through positive indirect effect where as age of the chilli growers is only character which influenced negatively and indirectly. 22. High cost of inputs, lack of man power, irregular electric supply and lack of finance were the major constraint faced by the chilli growers in adoption of recommended chilli technology. 23. A large majority of the chilli grower's opion that efforts should be made to minimize the input cost followed by timely and sufficient electric supply should be provided to minimize the constraints they faced in adoption of recommended technology.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 2004) GHOSH, RAJIV NIRANJAN; Chauhan, N. B.
    Since ages, due to the cultural reasons tribal farmwomen have remained socially and economically backward. They are considered as weaker section and have been the object of exploitation. Tribal women have been denied equal opportunities for their personal growth and social development but the prosperity and growth of the tribal depend on status and development of their women. Tribal farmwomen actually contribute more economic terms than is usually recognized. In addition to various economic activities of tribal farmwomen, they also participate in indigenous knowledge about the medicinal uses of the plants by way of self-doing, supervising or assisting. Indigenous knowledge about the medicinal uses of the plants is considered to be the best means for their family survival. By this way their participation is noticed in collection, selling and generating household income. They are able to run their family with the locally available resources and solve their family sickness problems by utilizing and applying indigenous knowledge. Moreover, the tribal farmwomen encounter many problems in their daily chores of life. Considering the above facts the present study entitied "Indigenous knowledge of the tribal farmwomen about medicinal uses of plants in Chhotaudepur taluka of Gujarat" was conducted with the following specific objectives. 1. To study profile of the tribal farmwomen located around medicinal plants. 2. To find out opinion of the tribal farmwomen regarding use of plants for medicinal purpose. .3. To measure the existing indigenous knowledge of the tribal farmwomen about medicinal uses of some of the selected plants available around them. 4. To know the indigenous medicinal uses of the plants by the tribal farmwomen. 5. To find out relationship between profile of the tribal farmwomen and their indigenous knowledge about medicinal uses of some of the selected plants available around them. 6. To analyze constraints faced by the tribal farmwomen in identification and use of plants for human health care available around them. 7. To seek the suggestions of the tribal farmwomen to improve their existing status of indigenous knowledge and uses of plants for human health care. The methodological procedure consisted of dependent and independent variables, setting and selection of the respondents, analysis of data and various statistical measures used to test the hypothesis. To measure the knowledge of tribal farmwomen about the indigenous use of medicinal plants, four types of information was collected for each plant; their knowledge was measured in terms of identification of the plant, awareness about season of availability, medicinal uses and which particular part of each pant is useful for medicinal purpose. To measure the selected independent variables the scales developed by various researchers were used with slightly modifications. In present investigation was carried out on a random sample of total 100 tribal farmwomen. The data were collected with the help of structural schedule by personal interview method. The data so collected were coded, classified, tabulated and analyzed in order to make the findings meaningful.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 2005) TULASIBHAI, PATEL SAHILKUMAR; Patel, B. B.
    Present era is known as science and technology, where knowledge and skill is being generated in every field at an amazing speed. The emerging knowledge and technology become the strategic resources for accelerating the pace of advancement. So far, it signifies immense importance of speedy and effective transfer of technology and knowledge to the users. "The only way this can be done is through education and training". Hence, a farmer training fits very well in the present context of agricultural extension strategy and has become a significant variable directly influencing the agricultural development. A training program originates with the needs of the training and conducting with its fulfillment. Hence, training needs is the foundation on which the entire training program rests. Thus, the present research study was planned with the following specific objectives: 1. To study the personal and socio-economic characteristics of the tobacco growers. 2. To study the information sources utilized by the tobacco growers. 3. To identify training needs of the tobacco growers. 4. To study relationship if any between personal and socioeconomic characteristics of the tobacco growers and training needs of tobacco growers. 5. To know relative importance of independent variables in assessment of training needs of the tobacco growers. 6. To know direct and indirect effect of independent variables on training needs of the tobacco growers. 7. To ascertain the constraints faced by the tobacco growers in adoption of tobacco cultivation. 8. To know suggestions of the tobacco growers to overcome various constraints faced by them, in tobacco cultivation. The present study was conducted in randomly selected 12 villages of Mahudha taluka of Kheda district. A random sample from 12 villages was selected for the study. The data were collected with the help of interview schedule by conducting personal interview in the month of Feb.-March 2005. For measurement of independent and dependent variables, appropriate scales developed and adopted by other research scientists were used with due modifications. The data were percent, standard deviation, correlation of coefficient, step wise regression and path analysis.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 2005) GOHIL, ASHOKKUMAR MANILAL; Chauhan, N. B.
    The animal keepers are known in carrying out experiments with plants, animals and natural resources available around them. The information thus, gained by them over a period of time during their everyday experiments with natural resources has been passing by casual way of wisdom from generation to generation by words of mouth. This information in today's parlance is called local knowledge, traditional knowledge, traditional wisdom or simply indigenous knowledge. Indigenous knowledge contains both technical and non-technical fields covering various social and religious taboos, beliefs, customs, communication pattern, music, ecology, vegetation, climate and monsoon. Indigenous knowledge is mostly transferred through the socio-cultural system and it is sustained and developed through the spoken traditions, folk talks, proverbs etc. It is summation of knowledge based on people's accumulated experience and experiments in dealing with situations and problems in a variety of aspects of existence. India has prosperous plant medical cultures in the world. It is uselessness that though numerous medicinal plants exist in all most all villages of rural India, they have remained unexploited due to difficulties regarding recognition and lack of familiarity about medicinal value of the plant materials. It is therefore necessary to have adequate and reliable information on existing situation. With a view to analyzing this, present study on application of indigenous knowledge of plant materials was undertaken in light of the following objectives. 1. To study profile of the animal keepers. 2. To measure the existing indigenous knowledge of the animal keepers about medicinal value of the selected plant materials for animal health treatment. 3. To study the adoption pattern of the animal keepers about medicinal values of the selected plant materials for animal health treatment. 4. To find out relationship between profile of the animal keepers and their indigenous knowledge about medicinal value of the selected plant materials for animal health treatment. 5. To find out relationship between profile of the animal keepers and their adoption about medicinal values of selected plant materials for animal health treatment. 6. To analyze constraints faced by the animal keepers in identification and adoption of medicinal values of plants available around them. 7. To seek the suggestions of the animal keepers to improve their existing status of knowledge and adoption of medicinal values of plants available around them. The methodological procedure consisted of dependent and independent variables, setting and selection of the respondents, analysis of data and various statistical measures used to test the hypothesis. To measure the knowledge of animal keepers about the indigenous medicinal values of the selected plant materials, four types of information was collected for each plant; their knowledge was measured in terms of identification of the plants, awareness about season of availability, which particular part of pants is useful for medicinal purpose and usefulness of plant to treat various diseases of animals. The adoption of plant/ plant material to treat particular disease was measured in three ways as "did not use any time", "used once" and "used more than one time". To measure the selected independent variables the scales developed by various researchers were used with slightly modifications. The present investigation was carried out on a random sample of total 150 animal keepers. The data were collected with the help of structural schedule by personal interview method. The data so collected were coded, classified, tabulated and analyzed in order to make the findings meaningful. MAJOR FINDINGS 1. Majority (51.33 per cent) of the animal keepers had old age, education up to the primary and secondary level (68.67 per cent), above 20 years of farming and animal husbandry experience (65.33 per cent), low level of organizational participation (78.00 per cent), 5 to 8 member in their family (60.67 per cent), nuclear type of family (54.00 per cent), eldest person in their family up to the age of 60 years (60.00 per cent), medium level of extension contact (86.67 per cent), farming and animal husbandry as major occupations (88.67 per cent), up to 4 ha of land holding (57.34 per cent), above 3 animals (52.66 per cent), low level of annual income (56.67 per cent), medium level of cosmopoliteness (82.67 per cent) and medium level of non-fatalism (75.34 per cent). 2. The great majority (58.00 per cent) of the animal keepers opined that the plants are highly useful to eradicate majority of the animal diseases (58.00 per cent), effect shown by plant materials for animal health treatment is very slow but they like to use it (95.33 per cent), indigenous use of plant materials for animal health treatment is not difficult (68.00 per cent), indigenous use of plant materials for animal health treatment is better than allopathic medicines (58.00 per cent), medicinal plants are health promoter for animal health so, they prefer it (100.00 per cent), plants are very cheap for animal health treatment (100.00 per cent). The neutral opinion was received from the majority (70.66 per cent) of them for the statement indigenous medicinal usages of plants do not require more technical knowledge. There was medium point of overall opinion towards the application of selected plants materials for animal health treatment (81.33 per cent). 3. The cent per cent (100.00 per cent) of the animal keepers had knowledge regarding the identification of the plants like Limbdo, Chanothi, Ardusa, Kunvar patho, Suva, Sitaphal, Kachka, Akado, Kuvadiyo, Dhaturo, Vad, Dodi, Tulsi, Isabgul, Gokhru and Ajmo. While majority of them had knowledge regarding identification of the plants like Anghedo (98.00 per cent), Darudi (92.66 per cent), Satavari (75.33 per cent) and Panfutti (72.00 per cent). 4. The cent per cent (100.00 per cent) of the animal keepers had knowledge regarding the season of availability of Limbdo, Chanothi, Ardusa, Kunvar patho, Suva, Sitaphal, Kachka, Akado, Kuvadiyo, Dhaturo, Vad, Dodi, Tulsi, Isabgul, Gokhru, and Ajmo. 5. The cent per cent (100.00 per cent) of the animal keepers had knowledge regarding which particular part of plant is useful for animal health treatment. These plants were Limbdo, Suva, Tulsi, Isabgul and Ajmo. While majority of them had similar knowledge for Sitaphal (99.33 per cent), Akado (99.33 per cent), Dodi (98.66 per cent) Kunvar patho (97.33 per cent), Ardusa (96.00 per cent), Anghedo (92.00 per cent), Vad (89.33 per cent), Dhaturo (97.33 per cent), Chanothi (69.33 per cent), Gokhru (66.66 per cent) and Darudi (60.00 per cent). 6. Majority of the animal keepers had indigenous knowledge of usages of Limbdo for animal health treatment like tumors, skin diseases and cough by 93.33, 82.00, 82.00 and 18.66 per cent, Chanothi for dropping of placenta by 68.00 per cent, Anghedo for the treatment of skin eruption by 76.66 per cent, Ardusa for skin diseases and diarrhoea by 74.66 and 55.33per cent, Kunvar patho for tumors, skin diseases and eye diseases by 84.00, 75.33 and 55.33 per cent, Suva for abdominal pains and urine pains by 100.00 and 88.66 per cent, Sitaphal for foot and mouth diseases and de-worming by 97.33 Mid 54.66 per cent, Darudi for itching by 53.33 per cent, Akado for removing swelling and tumors by 98.00 and 56.00 per cent, Dhaturo for the treatment of asthma by 82.66, per cent, Vad for diarrhoea by 89.33 per cent, Dodi for the treatment of eye diseases by 90.67 per cent, Isabgul for the treatment of dysentery, mild astringent and diarrhoea by 100.00, 99.33 and 92.00 per cent, Gokharu for urinary calculosis by 63.33 per cent and Ajmo for the treatment of dyspepsia in animal by 100.00 per cent, respectively. 7. The level of adoption by animal keepers regarding plant materials for animal health treatment was observed better for those plants which were available around them such as Limbdo was adopted more than once to treat their animal for tumors by (91.33 per cent), skin disease (78.67 per cent), cough (80.66 per cent) and for leprosy (14.00 per cent). Chanothi was used for dropping of placenta (56.66 per cent), Anghedo for removing worm (33.33 per cent) and skin eruption (72.00 per cent), Ardusa for diarrhoea (48.00 per cent), skin disease (68.67 per cent) and dysentery (34.67 per cent), Kunvar patho for tumors (62.66 per cent) and skin disease (57.33 per cent). Suva for abdominal pain (97.33 per cent) and urine pains (86.67 per cent). Other plant like Sitaphal was adopted more than once for deworming (44,00 per cent) and foot and mouth disease (94.00 per cent), Darudi was adopted for the treatment of their animal disease like itching (44.67 per cent), Kachka for treatment of body heating (33.34 per cent), Akado for tumors (53.33 per cent), skin disease (38.67 per cent) and remove swelling (93.34 per cent), Dhaturo for asthma (74.66 per cent), fever (34.00 per cent), skin disease (28.67 per cent), Vad in diarrhoea (80.00 per cent) and dysentery (37.33 per cent), Dodi for increasing milk (21.33 per cent), eye diseases (82.66 per cent) and inducing heat (42.00 per cent), Isabgul for dysentery (100.00 per cent), mild astringent (99.33 per cent) and diarrhoea (89.33 per cent), Gokhru for urinary calculosis (46.00 per cent) and kidney disease (24.00 per cent), where as Ajmo was used in case of dyspepsia by majority of (98.67 per cent) the animal keepers. 8. The indigenous knowledge of the animal keepers about the medicinal values of the selected plant materials was significantly correlated with their age, farming experience, animal husbandry experience and size of family. 9. The level of adoption of indigenous knowledge of the animal keepers about the medicinal values of the selected plant materials was significantly correlated with their age, farming experience, animal husbandry experience and opinion. 10. The major constraints faced by the animal keepers in adoption of plant materials for anunal health treatment in decreasing order of rank were; inadequate training exposure on indigenous uses of plants for animal health treatment, camp on animal health treatment by indigenous plant materials are not arranged at village level, poor campaigning of medicinal uses of plant materials for animal health treatment, unavailability of information from VLWs on medicinal usages of plant materials for animal health treatment and lack of exhibited live specimens of plants useful for animal health treatment. 11. Major suggestion expressed by the animal keepers to encourage indigenous medicinal uses of plants among animal keepers were; medicinal uses of plant for animal health treatment should be exhibited by maintaining live museum at public places like temple or school, available medicinal plants at village level are collect and arrangement for animal health treatments, need to organize training camp at village level, information on medicinal uses of plants should be given in school and Gram Panchayat through charts and posters, need to arrange exhibition showing importance of plants for animal health at village level and need to arrange visits of the botanical garden to create awareness among animal keepers about the medicinal uses of plants for animal health treatments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 2005) BHAGAT, PRAJAKTA R.; CHAUHAN, N. B.
    The neem tree (Azadirachta indica A Juss. Formerly known as Melia azadirachtd) belonging to the family Meliaceae is known for thousands of years in the Indian sub-continent by different names such as Indian lilac or Margosa tree. Ayurveda, have mentioned the wide range of uses of neem for treating wide range of diseases and symptoms. The leaves are known to be effective against seasonal fever, dermatological diseases and worms. They are burnt to repel the mosquitoes. The twigs are used as toothbrush (Daatun). Oil has spermicidal effect and can prove as a good contraceptive. It is also used for the treatment of head louse. When the oil is applied to the chronic wounds and ulcers on the body, it quickens the cure. Neem is also used in toothpaste, cosmetics and aromatic preparations. Thus, every part of this tree is found useful. Moreover, neem is used in various ways in agriculture also. Plantation of neem trees on field bunds can prove as an effective windbreak. The leaves are used as good fertilizer. Apart from leaves, seed cake is also a very good fertilizer. In addition, it helps in controlling the nematode problem. It also enriches the soil health, increases soil fertility, changes the soil structure and makes the land live for long period to produce good amount of produce. Thus, it is used as organic manure, soil conditioner, promoter of fertilizer use efficiency, nematode control agent, natural insecticide and pesticide with least harmful residual effect and considered as a tree with versatile uses. The neem tree has a wide range of adaptability, thus it can be grown in a less fertile land. The tree flourishes best in the rainfall between 400 to 1200 mm, can withstand the temperature as high as 44 to 48 degree centigrade and can be grown up to the altitude of 1500 m. It can survive in acidic soil also but in alkaline soil (pH 8.2), it shades its leaves. Thus, the best pH for it is 6.5. In spite of such versatility, the indigenous and scientific usages of this tree have not been utilized by the Indian people. Thus, we are sitting on a gold mine but have been unable to excavate it. To dig out this god gifted, naturally available treasure what else can be the source other than the farmers- the true son of land and the treasurer of the cultural heritage. Moreover, to improve the productivity of neem and to popularize the cultivation, it is necessary to expand indigenous and scientific knowledge of this tree among the farmers and formulizations of a strategy to popularize neem by strong extension network to highlight the benefits of neem, needs to be established. Looking to the above fact, the present study of indigenous and scientific knowledge about various uses of neem and its adoption level was carried out in Anand Taluka of Gujarat with the following specific objectives. 1. To study profile of the farmers located around neem. 2. To find out opinion of the farmers regarding the uses of neem. 3. To measure the indigenous and scientific knowledge of farmers about neem. 4. To find out pattern of adoption of various parts of neem by the farmers. 5. To find out relationship between profile of the farmers and their indigenous and scientific knowledge about various uses of neem. 6. To find out relationship between profile of the farmers and their pattern of adoption of indigenous and scientific values of neem. 7. To analyze constraints faced by the farmers in use of neem and neem products. 8. To seek the suggestions of the farmers to improve their existing status of knowledge and for improving uses of neem for various purposes. The methodological procedure consisted of dependent and independent variables, setting and selection of the respondents, analysis of data and various statistical measures used to test the hypothesis. To measure the knowledge and pattern of adoption of the farmers, four types of information were collected for each use of each part of neem tree; whether they know the particular use, adopted that use in past, adopting the same use presently and their willingness to adopt it in future after knowing the use. To measure the selected independent variables, the scales developed by various researchers were used with slight modifications. The present investigation was carried out on a random sample of total 120 farmers. The data were collected with the help of structural schedule by personal interview method. The data so collected were coded, classified, tabulated and analyzed in order to make the findings meaningful. MAJOR FINDINGS 1. Majority of the respondent farmers having neem tree near by their home or farm had middle age (51.67 per cent), up to secondary or more than that level of formal education (90.00 per cent), medium or big land holdings (84.16 per cent), agriculture and animal husbandry as main occupation (83.33 per cent), up to two milch animals (69.17 per cent), between 50, 000/- to 1, 00,000/- Rupees of annual income (54.16 per cent), membership in at least one social organization (80.83 per cent), joint type of family (76.77 per cent), up to five members in their family (54.16 per cent), the eldest family member above the age of 50 year (70.00 per cent), no any exposure of farm magazine (44.17 per cent), high level of newspaper reading exposure (51.67 per cent), medium to high level of farm televiewing exposure (76.67 per cent), high level of extension contact (42.50 per cent), high level of cosmopoliteness (100.00 per cent), high level of scientific orientation (85.84 per cent) and high level of favorable opinion about the various uses of neem(99.16 per cent). Majority of the farmers opined that "neem can be used to cure many diseases of human beings" (100.00 per cent); "there is no side effect of neem on human health" (100.00 per cent); "neem is as useful as "kalpavriksha" (100.00 per cent); "neem can be used in various ways as plant protection measure" (100.00 per cent); "they had not realized any objection in using neem though it is bitter in test" (68.34 per cent). Whereas majority had a neutral opinion about "Application of neem is tedious job" (54.16 per cent). Majority of the farmers had knowledge of indigenous and scientific agricultural uses of neem like, tree to make best use of fellow land (100.00 per cent), to prevent soil erosion (100.00 per cent) and to make farm implements (99.16 per cent); leaves for storage of grains (100.00 per cent), as a fertilizer (100.00 per cent) and as an animal feed (100.00 per cent); oil to control leaf eating caterpillar (96.66 per cent), to control Helicoverpa spp. (98.33 per cent) to control hairy caterpillar (75.83 per cent), to control sucking pests in cotton (74.16 per cent), to prepare pesticides (66.66 per cent), to control fungus (64.16 per cent) and to control aphids (55.00 per cent); cake to improve fertility of soil (100.00 per cent) and to control nematodes (81.66 per cent) and roots to prevent soil erosion (98.33 per cent). At the same time, majority of them did not know the agricultural uses of neem like, branches to know the source of underground water (85.84 per cent); oil to control larvae of fruits (okra) (80.00 per cent), to control diamond back moth (cabbage) (75.84 per cent), to control white grub (70.00 per cent) and to control castor semilooper (70.94 per cent) and cake for coating of urea (61.67 per cent). Majority of the farmers had knowledge of other indigenous and scientific uses of neem like, tree for shadow (100.00 per cent), wood for furniture (100.00 per cent) and to create conducive atmosphere for good raining (98.33 per cent); leaves to prevent mosquito incidence (100.00 per cent), to cure fever (100.00 per cent), as an ingredient of soap and toothpaste (98.33 per cent), to cure dermal diseases (97.50 per cent), as a medicine for worms (80.83 per cent) and to control diabetes (78.33 per cent); twigs as a toothbrush (datun) (100.00 per cent) and oil to control dandruff (76.66 per cent), in preparation of medicines (100.00 per cent), as an ingredient of soap (99.16 per cent) and to cure gumboil of teeth (64.16 per cent). At the same time, majority of them did not know the other uses of neem like, tree for rearing of galo (Tinospora cordifolid) (68.34 per cent); leaves as a medicine for piles (98.34 per cent), to cure ill health resulted by opium consumption (98.34 per cent), for counteracting scorpion poison (97.50 per cent), for counteracting snake poison (73.34 per cent) and to relieve cough (64.17 per cent); oil as a contraceptive (95.84 per cent), as nasal drop to cure sinus (85.84 per cent) and to prevent mosquito biting (69.17 per cent); gum as a medicine against itching (99.17 per cent) and as a tonic (83.34 per cent) and root to prepare paste (Ghanvatt) (100.00 per cent). Only one variable that is farm magazine exposure had positive significant correlation with indigenous and scientific knowledge of the farmers about various uses of neem. One variable that is scientific orientation had negative significant correlation while, age of the eldest member in the family, knowledge and age had positive significant correlation with adoption of the farmers about various uses of neem in past. Cosmopoliteness and scientific orientation had negative significant correlation while; age of the eldest member in the family and age had positive significant correlation with adoption of the farmers about various uses of neem at present. Occupation and scientific orientation had negative significant correlation while; age of the eldest member in the family had positive significant correlation with adoption of the farmers about various uses of neem in future. 9. The less exposure of training, unavailability of sufficient literature on usages of neem, less coverage of such information in communication means, insufficient knowledge about various uses of neem, unavailability of neem based products in market and unavailability required quantity of neem were major constrains faced by the farmers in using neem for agriculture, health and other purposes. 10. The major suggestions given by the farmers in this regards were; training programmes on various uses of neem should be organized at village level, the posters showing various uses of neem should be displayed at gram panchayat, co-operative organizations and other public places in village, Indigenous knowledge should be tested on scientific grounds and should be extended further, guidance on the uses of neem should be provided right from school level and efforts should be made to use fellow land by neem plantation to create awareness about neem.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 2004) JOSHI, PRAFULLKUMAR J.; PATEL, K. F.
    The beginning of the 20th and 21st Century has one thing in common as far as the national cotton production is concerned. However, the 100 years have seen a sea change in qualitative and quantitative production specific in trades in hybrid marginaUzed herbaceum cotton to poor resource and management predominantly under rainfed ecosystem. In future, cotton production must expect stiff competition both in terms of price and quality. Herbaceum cotton scores better than hybrids on account of its less cost of the production, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, loose attachment of fibre to seeds, fibre maturity, etc. Gujarat has immense scope in producing organic cotton particularly in Wagad areas. Bhal is one of the major herbaceum cotton producing areas of this state. Knowledge and adoption of modem practices of cotton increased the cotton yield. Therefore they deserved better attention for adopting modem practices of cotton production by the cotton growers under rainfed area. The degree or extent of adoption might be the result of influence of the personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of the cotton growers as well as the constraints faced by them. That is why a study was planned to know the extent of knowledge and adoption of farmers about modem practices of cotton in Bhal area of Gujarat. OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the study was to know the extent of knowledge and adoption of farmers about modem practices of Cotton in Bhal area of Gujarat. The specific objectives of the study were as under: 1. To study the profile of the cotton growers. 2. To assess the knowledge level of cotton growers about modem practices of cotton cultivation. 3. To study the extent of adoption of cotton growers about modem practices of cotton cultivation. 4. To ascertain relationship between profile of the cotton growers and their level of knowledge about modem practices of cotton cultivation. 5. To study the relationship between profile of the cotton growers and their extent of adoption of modem practices of cotton cultivation. 6. To know the constraints and seek suggestions from the cotton growers to overcome the constraints in adoption of modem practices of cotton cultivation. The present study was conducted in Dholka and Dhandhuka talukas of Ahmedabad district. A random sample of total 110 cotton growers was selected from the 5 villages of Dholka talukas and 6 villages of Dhandhuka on the basis of area covered under cotton cultivation. Various scales developed by different social scientists were adopted with due modifications for the measurement of independent and dependent variables. In order to measure correlationship between independent and dependent variables correlation coefficient "r" test was used with the help of computer.
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    (AAU, Anand, 2005) Patel, Bhailal S.; Patel, K. F.
    Agriculture is a way of life, a tradition, which for centuries has shaped the thought, the outlook, the culture and economic life of the people of India. The Indian peasants in recent years have shown encouraging sign of changing from traditional to modern one, through the introduction of science and technology into the farming system. Modernization and development are the central tendencies of our times; it is nation-state that provides their driving force. Peasantry modernization is intimately related with the application of science and technology in the farming. Therefore, increase in agricultural production, economic and social benefits are directly dependent on the extent to which farmers use the improve technology. Social scientists opined that modernization of agriculture is not purely technological or economical problem. Its success is frequently dependent on an understanding of the society in which it is to take place, a knowledge of the social and cultural factors that conditioning farmers' responsiveness to technological change and the ability to obtain willing co-operation of the people involved. Social and cultural factors are characteristics of the society to which the peasant belongs and dominate human behaviour. In spite of considerable progress, the progress is not yet to the desired level of satisfaction because it differs from one region to another. There are certain regions where the progress in agriculture is more than the expectations. At the same time, there are other regions showing backwardness in agriculture. Backwardness is particularly observed in tribal areas of the country, which are a heterogeneous lot, expect in regard to their poverty and lack of material resources to work upon. Gujarat is one of the states, where tribal population constitutes 14.92 per cent of the total population in the state. Dahod is one of the tribal districts of Gujarat State, where total tribal population constitutes 70.89 per cent of the tribal population, of which 72.19 per cent tribes are agriculturist. The Integrated Tribal Development Project, Dahod has started it functioning since 1976, with the objectives to narrow the gap between the level of tribal and other areas of the state and to increase the income from agriculture and there by improve the quality of life of the tribal peasants. The peasant and tribal economy is predominantly dependent on agriculture. After independence, central and state Government through various agencies spent huge fund for uplifting their living standard and bringing them into the national main stream. Even after the lapse of nearly 55 years, the progress is not yet up to the level of satisfaction. India's real development lies in the development of peasants. The advantage of democracy must reach all sector of society. A large number of development projects are in operation but peasants of the state could not reach to the expected level of modernization. With a view to analyzing these, present study was undertaken entitled "PEASANTRY MODERNIZATION IN INTEGRATED TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA OF DAHOD DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATE" with following specific objectives : 1. To study the selected personal, socio-economic, communication and psychological characteristics of the tribal peasants 2. To measure the knowledge and adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation and animal husbandry of the tribal peasants 3. To measure the level of overall modernization and socio-technoeconomic change of the tribal peasants 4. To find out the relationship between the selected independent variables and level of overall modernization, socio-techno-economic change and adoption of the respondents 5. To know the extent of contribution of selected independent variables on the dependent variables of the tribal peasants 6. To study the direct and indirect effect of the independent variables on the level of overall modernization of the tribal peasants 7. To study the constraints faced by the tribal peasants in adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation and animal husbandry 8. To seek suggestions of the tribal peasants about improvement of their overall modernization The present study was undertaken in Integrated Tribal Development Project area of Dahod district of Gujarat State. Out of seven talukas of Dahod district, four talukas were selected randomly. The list of villages having majority of peasants adopted maize as a major crop with animal husbandry in each selected talukas was obtained from the district Gazette. In each selected taluka, five villages were selected randomly and finally a sample of total 20 villages among the 4 randomly selected talukas was selected for the study. A list of peasants, who had adopted maize as a major crop with animal husbandry was obtained from the concerned village level worker of all 20 selected villages. From each village, 10 respondents were selected randomly. Thus, a random sample of total 200 tribal peasants was selected for the present study. In order to measure the level of overall modernization the instrument was developed for the purpose was used. To measure the knowledge level regarding improved practices of maize cultivation, the test was developed by the investigator. The other dependent and independent variables were measured by using suitable scales and procedures adopted by other investigation. An interview schedule was developed in accordance with the objectives of the study and it was pretested and translated into Gujarati language. The data of this study were collected through personal interview. The statistical measures such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of correlation, stepwise multiple regression, standard partial regression coefficient and path analysis were used. MAJOR FINDINGS The important findings of the study are as under : 1. Majority (63.50 per cent) of the respondents belonged to middle age group (i.e. 31 to 50 years) and were having primary to secondary level education (50.00 per cent). 2. Most (85.50 per cent) of the respondents were dependent on farming and animal husbandry and more than half (52.00 per cent) of the respondents were possessed small size of land holding ((i.e. 1.0 to 2.0 hectares land). 3. Nearly two third (65.50 per cent) of the respondents had medium farm power with them. 4. About 53.00 per cent migration was observed in sample tribal peasants. The average migrating persons per household was 1.77 and the average period of migration per household was 2.54 months. 5. Majority (63.50 per cent) of the respondents had high level of organizational participation and most of them (89.50 per cent) were interested to go to the city for a job. 6. More than half (53.00 per cent) of the respondents had low level of achievement and nearly two-third (64.00 per cent) of the respondents were having medium level of mass media exposure. 7. Majority (63.50 per cent) of the respondents had low level of change agency contact. 8. Majority (54.00 per cent and 62.50 per cent) of the respondents had low level of aspiration and role taking empathy, respectively and more than half (51.50 per cent) of the respondents were found fatalistic. 9. Majority (66.00, 60.50, 52.50 and 51.00 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of economic motivation, cosmopoliteness, risk orientation and scientific orientation, respectively. 10. Nearly two-third (65.50 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of knowledge regarding improved practices of maize cultivation, whereas nearly three-fifth (58.50 per cent) of the tribal farmers had medium level of knowledge regarding improved animal husbandry practices. 11. More than two-third (67.50 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of overall modernization whereas more than threefifth (61.50 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of sociotechno- economic change. 12. Majority (65.50 per cent and 68.00 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation and animal husbandry, respectively. 13. All the independent variables selected for the study were significantly related with level of overall modernization. Among them education, occupation, size of land holding, farm power, organizational participation, level of achievement, socio-technoeconomic change, mass media exposure, change agency contact level of aspiration, role taking empathy, non-fatalism, economic motivation, cosmopoliteness, risk orientation, scientific orientation, knowledge regarding improved practices of maize cultivation, knowledge regarding improved animal husbandry practices, adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation, adoption of improved animal husbandry practices of the peasants had positive and significant relationship with level of overall modernization. Whereas age, urban pull arid migration habit had negative but significant relationship with it. 14. All the independent variables except level of aspiration w^ere significantly related with the socio-techno-economic change of the peasants. Among them the variables namely education, occupation, size of land holding, farm power, organizational participation, level of achievement, mass media exposure, change agency contact, role taking empathy, non-fatalism, economic motivation, cosmopoliteness, risk orientation, scientific orientation, knowledge regarding improved practices of maize cultivation, knowledge regarding improved animal husbandry practices, adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation, adoption of improved animal husbandry practices and level of overall modernization were found to be positively and significantly related with the socio-techno-economic change of the peasants. Whereas age, urban pull and migration habit were significantly but negatively correlated with it. 15. All the independent variables selected for the study were significantly related with adoption of improved practice of maize cultivation. Among them education, occupation, size of land holding, farm power, organizational participation, level of achievement, socio-techno-economic change, mass media exposure, change agency contact, level of aspiration, role taking empathy, non-fatalism, economic motivation, cosmopoliteness, risk orientation, scientific orientation, knowledge regarding improved practices of maize cultivation and level of overall modernization of the peasants had positive and significant relationship with adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation. Whereas age, urban pull and migration habit had negative but significant relationship with it. 16. Seventeen independent variables namely, education, occupation, size of land holding, organizational participation, level of achievement, socio-techno-economic change, mass media exposure, change agency contact, level of aspiration, role taking empathy, non-fatalism, economic motivation, cosmopoliteness, risk orientation, scientific orientation, knowledge regarding improved animal husbandry practices and level of overall modernization were found significantly and positively related with the adoption of improved animal husbandry practices. Whereas age, urban pull and migration habit were found significantly but negatively correlated with it. While farm power was found non-significant with adoption of improved animal husbandry practices. 17. Level of overall modernization was found to be predicted by eight independent variables namely, adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation, age, education, occupation, farm power, cosmopoliteness, economic motivation and knowledge regarding improved animal husbandry practices having with the combine effect of 77.33 per cent of the total variation. Cosmopoliteness alone contributed significantly to 62.88 per cent of total variation in the level of overall modernization. 18. Socio-techno-economic change was found to be predicted by nine independent variables namely, adoption of improved animal husbandry practices, age, education, occupation, farm power, urban pull, mass media exposure, non-fatalism and knowledge regarding improved practices of maize cultivation had together contributed to 75.20 per cent of total variation. Mass media exposure alone accounted significantly for 59.75 per cent of variation in the socio-techno-economic change. 19. Adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation was found to be predicted by five independent variables namely, migration habit, risk orientation, organizational participation, non-fatalism and knowledge regarding improved practices of maize cultivation together contributed to 80.11 per cent of total variation. Knowledge regarding improved practices of maize cultivation alone contributed significantly to the tune of 73.44 per cent change in dependent variable i.e. extent of adoption of improved practices of maize cultivation. 20. Adoption of improved animal husbandry practices was found to be predicted by nine independent variables namely, socio-technoeconomic change, size of land holding, economic motivation, organizational participation, level of aspiration, mass media exposure, role taking empathy, non-fatalism and knowledge regarding improved animal husbandry practices were accounting influence on the adoption of improved animal husbandry practices together contributed to 71.57 per cent of total variation. Knowledge regarding improved animal husbandry practices alone accounted significantly for 59.60 per cent of variation in extent of adoption of improved animal husbandry practices. 21. The variable urban pull had exerted maximum positive direct effect on level of overall modernization. Whereas cosmopoliteness exhibited the highest positive total indirect effect on level of overall modernization. So far as substantial indirect effect is concerned most of the variables exerted first order positive effect on level of overall modernization through role taking empathy followed by through change agency contact and organizational participation, whereas in case of second order substantial indirect effect, most of the variables exerted their positive effect through change agency contact followed by mass media exposure and organizational participation, respectively. Variable non-fatalism had exerted highest positive first and second order indirect effect on level of overall modernization through role taking empathy and change agency contact, respectively. 22. Some of the important constraints faced by the tribal peasants in relation to agriculture were high cost of farm inputs like seed, fertilizers, plant protection chemicals and implements, lack of irrigation facility, poor soil condition, inadequate credit facility, lack of information about new agricultural technology, lack of technical guidance, low market price of agricultural products, unavailability of inputs like seed, fertilizers and equipments at cheaper rate. Whereas important constraints related to animal husbandry were fodder was not sufficient for the animals, lack of grazing land, lack of veterinary hospital in villages, high cost of feeds and fodder, rate per litre of milk was not remunerative, nonavailability of land for fodder cultivation, lack of credit for purchasing dairy animals, lack of training of dairy management. 23. More subsidy should be given on inputs, provision of lift irrigation and wells on individual and community basis, fodder should be made available timely for livestock at cheaper rate, improvement and development of graze land, veterinary services made available at village level, community television sets, radio sets and newspaper should be made available in villages, adequate teachers should be appointed in school, availability of health centres in villages with medicines and good health services, availability of loan at low rate of interest, adequate electricity in all villages and sincere and devoted extension worker for technical guidance were the major suggestions offered by the peasants for the improvement of their overall modernization.
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    Today, pigeonpea is an important food in India. In Gujarat, it is grown in area of 3.18 lakh hectares with grain production of 1.07 lakh tonnes only having the low productivity of 335 kg/ha (Anon., 2003). It is mainly grown in Vadodara, Bharuch, Panchmahals, Dahod districts and in Saurashtra region. GSFC started crop improvement work in 1994, with a view to evolving high yielding varieties/hybrids in selected crops with in built genetic resistance to major diseases/pests, improved quality and other attributes. Grain type Tur variety (Sardar Tur-1) is developed. The variety has given on an average 8% higher yield over the best variety. In Gujarat, early maturing varieties like GT-100, GT. 101, Banas, IPCL-87, GT-1 and medium maturing varieties like BDN-2, IPCL-87119 are cultivated. Pigeonpea is a principal pulse crop of Vadodara district and majority of the farmers in this area have undertaken the cultivation of pigeonpea for a long time. Hence, the farmers' knowledge about pigeonpea in proper perspective can benefit them, with this consideration the study entitled, "Knowledge and Adoption of recommended Pigeonpea production technology by Pigeonpea growers" was undertaken with following objectives: 1. To study personal, social, economic, communicational and psychological characteristics of the pigeonpea growers. 2. To know the pigeonpea growers' knowledge about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 3. To know the pigeonpea growers' extent of adoption of recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 4. Relationship between personal, social, economic, communicational and psychological characteristics of pigeonpea growers and knowledge of recommended production technology. 5. Relationship between personal, social, economic, communicational and psychological characteristics of pigeonpea growers with adoption of recommended production technology. 6. Relationship between knowledge and extent of adoption of recommended production technology by pigeonpea growers. 7. To identify the constraints faced by pigeonpea growers. 8. To seek the suggestions from the pigeonpea growers to overcome the constraints The study was conducted in Vadodara district of Gujarat state. Out of twelve talukas two talukas of Vadodara district were purposively selected. Five pigeonpea growing villages were randomly selected from each talukas and from each village 15 pigeonpea growers were selected randomly making a total sample of 150 respondents, their responses were collected through structured schedule by personal contact. The knowledge level and extent of adoption of the pigeonpea growers about recommended production technology was measured through a teacher made type test and scale developed by Sen Gupta (1967), respectively. To analyse the data statistical tools like mean, percentage, standard deviation, co efficient of correlation were used. MAJOR FINDINGS 1. More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (46.66 per cent) belonged to middle age group. 2. More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (46.66 per cent) had education up to higher secondary followed by 20.00 per cent of them who had primary level of education. 3. More than half of the pigeonpea growers (56.67 per cent) had 4 to 8 years experience of pigeonpea cultivation. 4. Two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (40.00 per cent) had membership in one organization followed by 33.33 per cent and 16.67 per cent who had no membership in any organization and membership in more than one organization respectively. Only 10.00 per cent of the respondents were position holders. 5. Slightly more than three fourth of the pigeonpea growers (76.67 per cent) were found with large size of family. 6. Slightly more than three fourth of the pigeonpea growers (76.67 per cent) were found with joint type of family. 7. More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (46.66 per cent) had only farming as their main occupation. 8. More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (46.66 per cent) had land holding 2.01 to 4.00 hectares. 9. A great majority of the pigeonpea growers (90.00 per cent) had cropping intensity up to 100 per cent and only 10.00 per cent of them had cropping intensity between 100-125 per cent. 10. Slightly less than three fourth of the pigeonpea growers (73.33 per cent) possessed no animal. 11. Majority of the pigeonpea growers (60.00 per cent) were found in low income group followed by (40.00 per cent) who were in middle income group. 12.Majority of the pigeonpea growers (63.33 per cent) had up to 100 per cent and (36.67 per cent) had 125 to 150 per cent irrigation potential. 13.A great majority of the pigeonpea growers (83.33 per cent) had medium extension contact level followed by (10.00 per cent) and (6.67 per cent) had high and low extension contact level respectively. 14.More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (43.33 per cent) utilized high information sources followed by (40.00 per cent) and (16.67 per cent) of them had utilized medium and low information sources respectively. 15.Three-fifth of the pigeonpea growers (60.00 per cent) had medium level of mass media exposure. 16.More than three-fifth of the pigeonpea growers (63.33 per cent) had medium level of extension participation. 17.More than three-fifth of the pigeonpea growers (63.33 per cent) had medium risk orientation. 18.Two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (40.00 per cent) had medium level of economic motivation. 19.More than half of the pigeonpea growers (53.33 per cent) had medium level of scientific orientation. 20.Slightly less than three fourth of the pigeonpea growers (70.00 per cent) had medium level of knowledge about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 21.Majority of the pigeonpea growers (63.33 per cent) had medium level of extent of adoption about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 22. Selected characteristics like education, social participation, land holding, cropping intensity, occupation, extension contact, sources of information, mass media exposure, extension participation, scientific orientation were significantly correlated with knowledge of. pigeonpea growers about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 23. Selected characteristics like experience in pigeonpea cultivation, social participation, irrigation potentiality, cropping intensity, occupation, annual income, sources of information, mass media exposure, extension participation, risk orientation, scientific orientation were significantly correlated with adoption of pigeonpea growers about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 24.Major constraints faced by the pigeonpea growers were high cost of seeds, high cost of plant protection chemicals, non-availability of high yielding varieties, lack of technical guidance and nonavailability of pure seeds. 25.Suggestions given by the pigeonpea growers to overcome the constraints were price of inputs should be minimized, subsidy on input like insecticides and pesticides should be raised, high yielding varieties should be developed, timely technical guidance should be provided and disease free seeds should be made available.