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AAU, Anand
Today, pigeonpea is an important food in India. In Gujarat, it is grown in area of 3.18 lakh hectares with grain production of 1.07 lakh tonnes only having the low productivity of 335 kg/ha (Anon., 2003). It is mainly grown in Vadodara, Bharuch, Panchmahals, Dahod districts and in Saurashtra region. GSFC started crop improvement work in 1994, with a view to evolving high yielding varieties/hybrids in selected crops with in built genetic resistance to major diseases/pests, improved quality and other attributes. Grain type Tur variety (Sardar Tur-1) is developed. The variety has given on an average 8% higher yield over the best variety. In Gujarat, early maturing varieties like GT-100, GT. 101, Banas, IPCL-87, GT-1 and medium maturing varieties like BDN-2, IPCL-87119 are cultivated. Pigeonpea is a principal pulse crop of Vadodara district and majority of the farmers in this area have undertaken the cultivation of pigeonpea for a long time. Hence, the farmers' knowledge about pigeonpea in proper perspective can benefit them, with this consideration the study entitled, "Knowledge and Adoption of recommended Pigeonpea production technology by Pigeonpea growers" was undertaken with following objectives: 1. To study personal, social, economic, communicational and psychological characteristics of the pigeonpea growers. 2. To know the pigeonpea growers' knowledge about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 3. To know the pigeonpea growers' extent of adoption of recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 4. Relationship between personal, social, economic, communicational and psychological characteristics of pigeonpea growers and knowledge of recommended production technology. 5. Relationship between personal, social, economic, communicational and psychological characteristics of pigeonpea growers with adoption of recommended production technology. 6. Relationship between knowledge and extent of adoption of recommended production technology by pigeonpea growers. 7. To identify the constraints faced by pigeonpea growers. 8. To seek the suggestions from the pigeonpea growers to overcome the constraints The study was conducted in Vadodara district of Gujarat state. Out of twelve talukas two talukas of Vadodara district were purposively selected. Five pigeonpea growing villages were randomly selected from each talukas and from each village 15 pigeonpea growers were selected randomly making a total sample of 150 respondents, their responses were collected through structured schedule by personal contact. The knowledge level and extent of adoption of the pigeonpea growers about recommended production technology was measured through a teacher made type test and scale developed by Sen Gupta (1967), respectively. To analyse the data statistical tools like mean, percentage, standard deviation, co efficient of correlation were used. MAJOR FINDINGS 1. More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (46.66 per cent) belonged to middle age group. 2. More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (46.66 per cent) had education up to higher secondary followed by 20.00 per cent of them who had primary level of education. 3. More than half of the pigeonpea growers (56.67 per cent) had 4 to 8 years experience of pigeonpea cultivation. 4. Two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (40.00 per cent) had membership in one organization followed by 33.33 per cent and 16.67 per cent who had no membership in any organization and membership in more than one organization respectively. Only 10.00 per cent of the respondents were position holders. 5. Slightly more than three fourth of the pigeonpea growers (76.67 per cent) were found with large size of family. 6. Slightly more than three fourth of the pigeonpea growers (76.67 per cent) were found with joint type of family. 7. More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (46.66 per cent) had only farming as their main occupation. 8. More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (46.66 per cent) had land holding 2.01 to 4.00 hectares. 9. A great majority of the pigeonpea growers (90.00 per cent) had cropping intensity up to 100 per cent and only 10.00 per cent of them had cropping intensity between 100-125 per cent. 10. Slightly less than three fourth of the pigeonpea growers (73.33 per cent) possessed no animal. 11. Majority of the pigeonpea growers (60.00 per cent) were found in low income group followed by (40.00 per cent) who were in middle income group. 12.Majority of the pigeonpea growers (63.33 per cent) had up to 100 per cent and (36.67 per cent) had 125 to 150 per cent irrigation potential. 13.A great majority of the pigeonpea growers (83.33 per cent) had medium extension contact level followed by (10.00 per cent) and (6.67 per cent) had high and low extension contact level respectively. 14.More than two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (43.33 per cent) utilized high information sources followed by (40.00 per cent) and (16.67 per cent) of them had utilized medium and low information sources respectively. 15.Three-fifth of the pigeonpea growers (60.00 per cent) had medium level of mass media exposure. 16.More than three-fifth of the pigeonpea growers (63.33 per cent) had medium level of extension participation. 17.More than three-fifth of the pigeonpea growers (63.33 per cent) had medium risk orientation. 18.Two fifth of the pigeonpea growers (40.00 per cent) had medium level of economic motivation. 19.More than half of the pigeonpea growers (53.33 per cent) had medium level of scientific orientation. 20.Slightly less than three fourth of the pigeonpea growers (70.00 per cent) had medium level of knowledge about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 21.Majority of the pigeonpea growers (63.33 per cent) had medium level of extent of adoption about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 22. Selected characteristics like education, social participation, land holding, cropping intensity, occupation, extension contact, sources of information, mass media exposure, extension participation, scientific orientation were significantly correlated with knowledge of. pigeonpea growers about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 23. Selected characteristics like experience in pigeonpea cultivation, social participation, irrigation potentiality, cropping intensity, occupation, annual income, sources of information, mass media exposure, extension participation, risk orientation, scientific orientation were significantly correlated with adoption of pigeonpea growers about recommended technology of pigeonpea cultivation. 24.Major constraints faced by the pigeonpea growers were high cost of seeds, high cost of plant protection chemicals, non-availability of high yielding varieties, lack of technical guidance and nonavailability of pure seeds. 25.Suggestions given by the pigeonpea growers to overcome the constraints were price of inputs should be minimized, subsidy on input like insecticides and pesticides should be raised, high yielding varieties should be developed, timely technical guidance should be provided and disease free seeds should be made available.
Extension Education, Agriculture, A Study