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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Immunopathology of calcium and aluminium nanoparticles in Wistar rats
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2020-08) Deeksha; Chauhan, R.S.
    The present experiment was conducted to study the effect of nano-calcium carbonate and nanoaluminum oxide on the immune system of Wistar rats. The experimental study was conducted for period of 90 days. 35 Wistar rats were divided randomly in 2 group viz. control and test. Control group contain 20 and tests group contain 15 experimental animals. From day 0 and till 90 day of the experiment, control group was provided with standard feed and RO water and in test group along with standard feed and RO water, nanocalcium carbonate and nao-aluminium oxide mixed in distilled water was also gavazed at the dose half of the NOAEL dose viz. 500mg/kg body weight and 3mg/kg body weight respectively. All the rats were monitored regularly for any change in behavior and other abnormal clinical sign. Various hematological, biochemical and immunopathological parameters were studied along with pathomorphological changes in rats at 0, 30, 60 and 90 DPT of the experiment. During the entire course of the experiment, rats did not show any abnormal behavior and clinical sign. However decreased body weight was observed in the rats of the test group when compared with control group. Hematological studies also showed significant decrease in TLC and ALC and nonsignificant decrease in ANC, Hb concentration, TEC, and PCV in the test rats as compared to the control rats. Biochemical profile study shows significant decrease in the level of serum total protein, serum albumin and non significant decrease in serum gamma globulin, significant increase in level of serum creatinine, ALT, AST and non significant increase in serum glucose in test group when compared with control. Effect of nano-calcium and nano-aluminium on various immunological parameters was also studied during the experiment. Reduced titre of HI and ELISA test values in NPs treated rats shows the deleterious effect of NPs on the humoral immune response. Decreased thickness of the DNFB applied skin in delayed type hypersensitivity reaction and NBT positive cell in macrophage function test in the test rats shows harmful effect of the nano-calcium carbonate and nano-aluminium oxide on the cell mediated immunity. Decreased optical density during the lymphocyte stimulation test performed in spleenocytes of the test rats using Con-A, PHA-M and LPS mitogens also shows lymphotoxic effect against both mature and immature T lymphocyte and B lymphocyte. Histopathological study was also conducted to study the toxic effect of nano-calcium carbonate and nano-aluminium oxide on various organs. Liver of the test rats when compared with the control rats shows degenerative and necrotic changes in the hepatic cells with hemorrhages, congestion and infiltration of mononuclear cells around the central vein and portal triad. Increase in the thickening of the interalveolar septa was observed in lungs with the infilteration of the inflammatory cells. Emphysema and atelectasis in the alveoli was also observed. Kidney shows lesions of glomerulonephritis. Intestine also shows hypertrophy increase in the number of the goblet cells, along with the shortening, blunting and fusion of villi. Spleen shows deposition of large amount of hemosiderin pigment with the necrosis and depletion of the white pulp area. Heart muscles also show degenerative and necrotic changes. Seminiferous tubules in the testes show degeneration along with the infiltration of the mononuclear cells around the tubules. Brain shows neuronal degeneration with change in shape and size of the neurons, gliosis and perivascular cuffing in some regions of the brain. Thus the present experimental study suggests that calcium and aluminium nanoparticles cause structural and functional toxic effects through cellular toxicity and immunotoxicity as well as altered biochemical attributes in the test animals when given at the rate of half of the NOAEL dose of these nanoparticles. Though some of the results were not statistically significant but most of the findings of the biochemical, hematological, immunological and pathomorphological parameters were indicative of the mild to moderate immunopathological alterations including immunodeficiency even in the short duration of the experiment.