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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of seed treatment with rhizospheric bacterial isolates on seed vigour, yield and it’s contributing characters in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-06) Amrendra Kumar; Prasad, Birendra
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on seed quality parameters in different populations of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L) Gaertn.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-07) Ankita; Prasad, Rajendra
    The present investigation was conducted during Kharif 2008, at Hill Campus, Ranichauri with three populations of finger millet with view to study the field and seed quality parameter in brown, white and amber populations. The field experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design. The observation recorded for morphological and yield contributing characters in field while seed quality assessment experiment was conducted in laboratory in completely randomized design. The analysis of variance revealed significant variation among the lines of different brown, white and amber populations. Amber population took minimum time for flowering and maturities, similarly maximum number of finger per ear were also observed in amber population. Maximum length of ear, finger length and finger width were observed in white population. Maximum score for neck and finger blast was recorded in white population while amber population observed least infestation. For most of the seed quality parameters white population found superior than brown and amber population. Maximum variability estimates were recorded for seed yield per plant and first count. Most of the field and seed quality parameters recorded high estimates for broad sense heritability. All of the seed quality parameters exhibited positive genotypic and phenotypic correlation with each other. Based on the studies it was concluded that all three populations included in the present study having wide array of variation for different yield and yield contributing traits and seed quality parameters.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of moisture stress on germination and seedling growth of vegetable pea (Pisum sativum L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-01) Prasad, Shambhoo; Shukla, Prabha Shankar
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of moisture stress on germination and seedling growth of vegetable pea (Pisum sativum L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-01) Shambhoo Prasad; Shukla, Prabha Shankar
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Seed quality parameters of rice bean (Vigna umballata) and adzuki bean (V. angularis) and associated seedborne mycoflora in mid hills of Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2007-07) Upreti, Kumud; Khulbe, Deepa
    The present investigation was carried out under field and laboratory conditions to assess different rice bean and adzuki bean entries on the basis of seed quality parameters and associated seed borne mycoflora. The results revealed highly significant variations based on seed morphological parameters in both the crops. Seed length, breadth and weight were positively and non-significantly correlated with fresh weight and seed yield. All these three parameters were positively and highly significantly correlated with dry weight of seedlings in case of adzuki bean. Rice bean and adzuki bean lines were divided into three colour categories viz. light green, light brownish green and shiny black; and maroon, yellowish cream and dark gray with black patches, respectively. Seed weight was positively correlated to seedling vigour II in all the rice bean accessions. Root length, shoot length were positively, but non-significantly correlated with seed yield, however, were positively and highly significantly correlated with seedling vigour I. Root hair density variations showed negative and significantly correlation with shoot and root length, seed length and weight and germination per cent in both the crops. Seedling vigour indices were positively correlated with seed yield. All the lines showed cent per cent seed viability as indicated by positive reaction to tetrazolium test. Shoot length variation of adzuki bean accessions ranged from 9.67 to 22.0 cm in EC 8707 and SMLAB1, respectively. Seedling length was recorded highest in EC 30253 (36.07 cm) and least in EC 8707(22.33 cm) and hierarchical cluster analysis resulted in 3 major groups with 6 clusters. The fresh weight varied significantly from 0.447 g (EC-349264) to 1.203 g (SMLAB-8). Dry weight variations were highly significant and the accessions could be grouped into 6 clusters. Seedling moisture content of adzuki bean lines ranged from 82.3 (EC-30270) to 92.5 (IC-241041). Seedling vigour index I ranged from 2032.3 to 3606.7 in EC-8707 and EC-30253, respectively. Seedling vigour index II value ranged from 7.25 (EC-30270) to 18.99 (EC-340247) and the accessions could be categorized into 3 major groups with 6 clusters, Seedling index II was positively, but, non-significantly correlated with seed yield. Out of different methods used, blotter test brought out maximum number of seed associated fungi. The mycoflora isolated from different accessions of rice bean and adzuki bean were Alternaria alternata, Helminthosporium sp., Chaetomium globosum, Phoma sp, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium sp., Trichoderma, Rhizopus sp, Penicillium, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. All rice bean entries showed positive peroxidase reaction. Eight adzuki bean lines showed positive reaction to peroxidase activity in seed coat while, 14 accessions were negative. All the accessions showing positive reaction showed disease incidence in the range of 2 and 3 grades, however no definite correlation could be derived. Field emergence ranged from 92.1% (LRB 35-1) to 97.6% (PRR 1) and diseased seedling per cent ranged from 2.35% to 7.88% in PRR 1 and LRB 35-1, respectively, in rice bean entries. Ten rice bean accessions were found to be resistant to Phoma leaf blight while, four were moderately resistant. Seed yield was highest (18.66 q/ha) in PRR 2 and lowest (5.08 q/ha) in RBL 1. In case of adzuki bean, field emergence of SMLAB 8 was highest (97.4%) while, it was lowest (91.4%) in EC 000254. Diseased seedling per cent varied from 2.6 to 8.6 in SMLAB 8 and EC 000254, respectively. No line was found to be resistant to Phoma leaf blight, however, ten lines showed moderately resistant reaction.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on seed quality parameters in different generations of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L) Gaertn.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2007-07) Kalyanrao; Rajendra Prasad
    The present investigation was conducted during Kharif 2006, at Hill Campus, Ranichauri with seven generation and two parents. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replication. Characters were studied for variability viz. shape of ear head, seed colour, plant height (at 30 days, 60 days and maturity), flag leaf length, flag leaf width, number of leaves per plant, finger length, finger width, number of grain per finger, number of tillers per plant, number of ear bearing tillers per plant, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity and seed yield per plant. seed quality parameters viz. 1000 seed weight, root length, shoot length, fresh weight of seedling, dry weight of seedling, seedling moisture content, viability percentage, germination per cent, vigour index I and vigour index II. Character association was also computed for field and seed quality parameters. Significant differences in quantitative characters were observed. The plant height at 30 days ranged from 41.77 cm (F6 generation) to 53.70 cm (Gaja local), plant height at 60 days ranged from 81.03cm (F7 generation) to 109.2cm (Gaja local), plant height at maturity 114.6cm (F7 generation) to 123.4cm (INFM 95001), days to 50% flowering 103.0 days (F7 generation) to 125.6 days (INFM 95001), finger length 5.10cm (F7 generation) to 9.16cm (Gaja local), finger width ranged from 0.866cm (F6 generation) to 1.733 (F1 generation), number of leaves 9.66 (F5 generation) to 14.00 (INFM 95001), number of tillers per plant ranged from 1.0 (F7 generation) to 4.00 (INFM 95001), number of ear bearing tillers per plant 1.00 (F7 generation) to 3.00 (INFM 95001), number of grain per finger ranged from 34.67 (INFM 95001) to 300.70 (F1 generation), days to maturity 143.7 (F7 generation) to 178.0 (INFM 95001), seed yield per ear head 1.182 g (INFM 95001) to 7.473 g (F1 generation). 1000 seed weight ranged from 2.684 (F8 generation) to 4.123(INFM 95001), germination % varies from 88.33 % (F4 generation) to 96.67 % (F8 generation), seedling fresh weight 0.112 (F4 generation) to 0.172 (INFM 95001), seedling dry weight 0.0080 (F4 generation) to 0.0163 (F3 generation), viability percent ranged from 91.00% (INFM 95001) to 98.43 (F8 generation), seedling moisture content varies from 84.33% (F3 generation) to 94.35% (F7 generation), vigour index I ranged from 1084.0 (F4 generation) to 1194.0 (F8 generation), vigour index II 0.707 (F4 generation) to 1.147 (F3 generation).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on morphological and seed quality parameters of vegetable pea (Pisum sativum L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2008-07) Pant, Megha; Prasad, Rajendra
    The present investigation was conducted during Rabi season, 2007-08 with seventeen genotypes of vegetable pea at experimental block of Vegetable Science and Laboratory of Seed Science & Technology, G.B.P.U.A.&T., Hill Campus, Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. During the laboratory and field investigation the morphological and seed quality parameters assessment for 17 vegetable pea genotypes was evaluated. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design, with 17 treatments and 3 replications. Field parameters were evaluated by plant morphological characteristics viz. days to 50% germination, days to 50% flowering, plant height, pod length, pod diameter, seeds per pod and seed yield per plant. Seeds of all the genotypes were evaluated for different laboratory test, namely 100 seed weight, seed diameter, germination test, viability test, germination capacity, germination energy, germination value, speed of germination, shoot length, root length, seedling length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, first count percentage, vigour index I and II. Results from the present investigation revealed that all the seed quality parameters were significantly correlated with each other. Wide significant variation was recorded among all the genotypes during field and laboratory experiments. All the laboratory vigour traits measurements were significantly correlated with other vigour, viability components and seed yield per plant. Seed yield per plant was significantly positively correlated with viability test, seedling dry weight, speed of germination and seed vigour index II. It’s become more evident from the multiple regression analysis that vigour index II was significantly affected by vigour and viability components like viability test, germination capacity, germination value, seedling dry weight and vigour index I. On the basis of salient findings of present study, it is concluded that most of the traits like viability vigour and germination for the assessment of seed quality was recorded best for Darl-404, Darl-405, Arkel, VL-7, VP-403, Rajpura No.1. Therefore, these genotypes can be proved as the best superior genotypes or most promising genotypes as serves for the cultivation option in mid hills of Uttarakhand and can be utilized in breeding programmes for further improvement in seed quality parameters.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of curd size on seed quality of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) under rainfed hill condition of Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2008-07) Hemant Kumar; Shukla, Prabha Shankar
    The present investigation was carried out during Rabi season, 2006-07 on the late maturing variety of cauliflower Pusa Snowball K-1. The data obtained during the course of investigation in the field were analyzed by using standard statistical procedure of Completely Randomized Block Design and those from the laboratory by Completely Randomized Design. All plants were differentiated on the basis of their curd diameter, in to five groups i.e. extra-large, large, medium, small and very-small. Curds of diameter 0 to 7.0 cm were taken as very-small, 7.1 to 14.0 cm as small, 14.1 to 21.0 cm as medium, 21.1 to 28.0 cm as large and above 28.1 cm as extra-large size curds. These curd sizes were analyzed visually for their plant morphological features, seed yield and yield contributing characters of the plant, chemical tests and seed vigour parameters. The seed yield and yield contributing characters of cauliflower, viz. curd diameter, days to curd initiation, days to flowering stalk initiation, height of flowering stalks at maturity, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, number of siliqua per plant, 1000-seed weight, seed yield per plant etc. were compared with each other. Chemical parameters viz. phenol colour reaction, NaOH/KOH colour reaction and peroxidase activity test were used in the present study. All the chemical tests reacted positively with the cultivar indicates their effectiveness. Among seed vigour parameters first count, standard germination, seedling length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, Tz test, electrical-conductivity of seeds, seedling vigor index I and seedling vigor index II were observed and compared with each other. Significant correlation was observed between curd diameter, number of siliqua and seed yield. An overview of the results from the present investigation demonstrated a wide spectrum of variation in respect of seed yield and its contributing characters and seed vigour parameters. It can be concluded that among the five curd size treatments, extra-large curd size showed maximum potential for seed yield while extra-large and medium curd sizes were promising for seed quality parameters. These curd sizes can be further utilized for their potential for producing quality seed of cauliflower under mid and high hills of Uttarakhand.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Identification of potential restorers and maintainers from elite lines, their molecular diversity assessment and effect of GA3 on seed yield and vigour in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2016-08) Pandey, Geeta; Nautiyal, M.K.